Brief resume
Name | Bespalova Nadezhda Sergeevna |
Date of birth | 17.04.1996 |
Place of birth | Donetsk |
Schools | Donetsk Lyceum ¹30 1-11 classes |
Universities | Donetsk National Technical University |
Average score | 91 |
Languages | Russian, Ukrainian, English, German. |
Personal achievements | 2nd place in the Republican Olympiad in the German language for non-core specialties - 2016. |
Hobbies and interests | Books: novels, detectives. Learning foreign languages. |
Personal qualities | Politeness. Sociability Responsibility Responsibility Punctuality. Tolerance. Sense of humor. |
Professional and computer skills | 1.Operating system Windows. 2.Programs: MS office, Mathcad, AllFusion, Project Expert |
Additional courses, internships, grants | International conferences: 1) Economics and marketing in the 21st century: problems, experience, prospects. Donetsk 2017. 2) Sustainable development strategy in crisis management of economic systems. Donetsk 2018. |
Professional experience | No experience |
Future plans | After graduating from the university, I plan to triple my work in the specialty “Foreign Economic Activity”. After a while, we will create a family and raise children. |
Contact information | Skype: nadya88_888 |