- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Theoretical bases of formation of strategy of management by personnel
- Conclusion
- References
Currently, more and more attention is paid to the problems of strategic personnel management, as other approaches to human resources management are insufficient in the face of constant changes in the external environment.
Strategic personnel management — management that relies on human potential as the basis of the organization, orients production activities to the needs of the consumer, provides flexible regulation and timely changes in the organization that meet the challenge of the environment and allow to achieve competitive advantages, which together allows the organization to survive and achieve its goal in the long term.
1. Theme urgency
The relevance of the research topic is due to the importance of the strategic development of the enterprise. In turn, the staff is the most important resource that implements the development strategy of the enterprise, and contributes to the achievement of the goals of its activities.
In recent years, scientists are increasingly attracted to the study of a variety of approaches to strategic personnel management. First, the development of personnel management strategies involves the management of the enterprise staff, which is based on human potential as the basis of the organization. Secondly, it is focused on the future, based on the requirements and trends of the business, and is aimed, rather, to prevent problems than to solve them quickly. Third, the process of developing HR strategies takes into account many factors of the external and internal environment of the organization. Fourth, strategic human resources management is closely linked to the strategic management of the organization.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The purpose of the master's thesis is to study the theoretical and practical aspects of the formation of the strategy of personnel management in modern conditions.
In accordance with the goal, the main objectives of the master's thesis are:
- Deepening the concept and essence of personnel management strategy.
- Research of personnel management strategies of a modern enterprise, principles and methods of their formation.
- Improvement of the strategy of personnel management in the framework of the development strategy of the enterprise.
Research object: improvement of the strategy of personnel management in the framework of the development strategy of the enterprise.
Research subject: theoretical and methodical bases and practical questions of strategy of management of the personnel of the enterprise in modern conditions of managing.
The methodological and theoretical basis of the research was formed by the works of domestic and foreign authors devoted to strategic personnel management. When implementing the goals and objectives set by the author in the study, various methods, principles, techniques and techniques were used, in particular: methods of economic and strategic analysis, generalization, classification, grouping, comparison.
3. Theoretical bases of formation of system of personnel management
In the context of the development of social and labor relations, as well as the urgent need to overcome the economic crisis and further accelerate the innovative development of domestic enterprises, the success of their activities depends on the effective use of available human resources and is achieved only when personnel management is an integral part of the overall development strategy of each enterprise.
The strategy of personnel management should be understood as a strategic plan to meet its needs for competitive personnel, which is based on a system of theoretical principles, views, ideas and is consistent with the General strategy of the enterprise, which is aimed at making a profit. [5]
The main factors of influence on the process of formation of strategy and policy of personnel management are shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1— Factors of influence on the process of formation of personnel management strategy and policy
The development of the strategy the personnel management of enterprise provides for the gradual definition of the purpose, criteria and indicators of efficiency, financial, material, social restrictions, an optimal organizational structure of personnel management, the relationship of the elements of the entire system of the enterprise with the external environment, as well as the significant quantitative and qualitative changes in the personnel structure for the future: increasing or downsizing, changes in professional and qualification structure of personnel, changes in investment in human resources[6].
The development and implementation of a new strategy for the development of the enterprise is often accompanied by a change in the mission and the formation of a new set of goals of the organization, which leads to changes in the organizational structure, identifying the need for recruitment of new specialists, transferring them from one Department to another, training and retraining of workers. The following organizational measures play a special role in the strategic choice:
- determination of additional needs of the enterprise in personnel;
- formation of the list of the main types of administrative work and relevant specialists;
- improvement of the existing organizational structure of the enterprise.
Innovative enterprise management is the effective use of both existing and newly introduced human resources, and this can be achieved only if personnel management is part of the overall strategy of the enterprise (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 – Place of HR strategy in the overall strategy of the enterprise
(animation: 5 frames, cycles of repeating, 69,1 kilobytes)
The organizational structure of personnel management services: the internal structure of these services, the professional staff, the degree of centralization of personnel services affects the formation of the strategy of personnel management of the enterprise. This strategy also depends on the relationship of the enterprise with the external environment [1].
The effective solution of any problems of production and management of the enterprise is impossible without strategic foresight of consequences of the made decisions. This statement also fully concerns the problems of personnel management. Optimization of employment, provision of the necessary human resources for the production needs are possible only if the enterprises develop strategies for personnel management.
To ensure the competitiveness of strategic personnel management of the enterprise it is necessary that the company has established a system of personnel development. At the same time, the development of the company's personnel can be carried out in three directions: professional, social and personal.
Professional development takes place in the process of obtaining knowledge, skills (communication skills in the team and work with the help of means of labor, the implementation of different types of production tasks, customer service), as well as in the process of direct training (training at the University, training, refresher courses, seminars, conferences).
Social development occurs as a result of effective professional development and manifests itself primarily in promotion (career growth). Career development of specialists can be traditional, network: by additional skills, double: by adding career value [2].
The quality of human resources, their contribution to the achievement of the enterprise's goals and the quality of products or services depends to a large extent on how effectively the work on the selection of personnel is delivered.
When searching for and selecting personnel, it is important for the company to adhere to several principles that will not only allow selecting the best candidates for vacant positions, but will also contribute to their entry into the team and quickly reach the level of technical and economic indicators corresponding to the goals of the enterprise. Search and selection of personnel should not be considered as a simple stay of a specialist in the workplace, but should be linked to the General context of programs implemented in the field of personnel management, designed to ensure the developed strategy and achievement of the enterprise goals.
Of course, in each of the components of staffing can be both strengths and weaknesses, so the main goal of the Department of personnel management and enterprise management is to reduce its weaknesses and strengthen the strengths. To do this, we should compare the capital intensity and social impact of each of them. At the same time, the introduction of certain measures of strategic personnel management should take into account their effectiveness both at a certain point in time and in the long term.[3]
As evidenced by the results of a survey of specialists of the enterprise, the main problems of personnel management are:
- resistance to strategic changes and innovations in business;
- lack of financial resources;
- imperfection of the personnel motivation system;
- belittling the role of personnel in the enterprise;
- imperfection of the legal framework for personnel management;
- lack of flexibility in organizational management structures;
- imperfection of style and methods of personnel management;
- insufficient information support of strategic personnel management;
- undeveloped corporate culture of the enterprise.
To improve production efficiency and reduce the level of risk when using a strategic approach to personnel management in its production activities, it is necessary to systematically conduct research on the system of strategic personnel management, as well as to develop and implement appropriate corrective measures aimed at strengthening the competitive position of each enterprise in the domestic and foreign markets[4].
The study showed that the staffing strategy for the development and improvement of enterprise management involves the development of specific measures for the development of personnel. To do this, it is necessary to make changes in the organizational structure of the enterprise and to determine the need for specific personnel with certain professional qualities, which include: education and qualifications, as well as a limited Fund and sources of remuneration necessary to cover the need for personnel.
Thus, the formation and development of an effective strategy of personnel management of the enterprise will further ensure its need for competitive personnel, which should be based on a system of theoretical and practical developments, views, principles, innovative ideas and be consistent with the General development strategy of the entire enterprise.
With the transition to a market economy there are fundamental changes in the strategy of enterprise management. The result of these changes are new approaches to the organization and quality of enterprise management, as well as management personnel.
To overcome the economic crisis, it is necessary to solve a number of problems associated with a change in the strategy of personnel management of the organization. Therefore, effective personnel management is of particular importance and practical importance.
It is not enough for modern personnel services only to issue orders and instructions, to store personnel information. They should gradually become centers for the development and implementation of the strategy of labor organization, the purpose of which is to increase the production, creative impact and activity of the staff, the development and implementation of personnel development programs, ensuring fair wages, etc.
The consideration of a step–by–step process of strategic personnel management gives answers to the questions relevant to many enterprises about what exactly, how and in what sequence should be done in the development and implementation of strategic personnel management. At each stage, quite complex in content works are carried out, which can be performed by highly qualified specialists with special knowledge and skills in the field of strategic corporate management and personnel management. However, a simplified approach to the formation of elements of strategic personnel management, ignoring some tasks or their superficial execution will not allow the organization to create a highly effective system of strategic personnel management, fully taking into account the specifics of changes in the external and internal environment, which is organically combined with all activities of the company.
Therefore, the formation of an effective strategy of personnel management is one of the most important tasks of modern management.
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