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Relevance of the topic

Transition to long-term economic growth is inextricably linked to the key economic challenge of improving performance. At the present stage, there are many different economic approaches on the basis of which, there are two possible directions of economic growth: extensive economic development through additional investments; as well as intensive development using the internal capabilities of the enterprise and, as a result, increase efficiency.

Reducing production costs, rational use of material resources, increasing productivity and on this basis, reducing the cost – the most important and urgent tasks in improving the efficiency of the enterprise.

Necessary condition for the solution of the tasks is the analysis, generalization of practice and justification of such a system of enterprise management, which could provide an increase in the efficiency of production and saturation of the market with high-quality goods available for mass consumption. The current state of the economy needs to find new ways to improve the efficiency of enterprises, the analysis of the causes and factors that can hinder its development.

Research Goals and objectives

The purpose of this bachelor's work is the further development of the theoretical foundations and the development of guidelines for improving the efficiency of the enterprise.

The aim is to consider the following main objectives:

Object and subject of study

Object of the study are economic and production and economic processes in modern conditions.

Subject of the study are the principles and methods of performance management.

Research Methods

Theoretical and methodological basis of the bachelor's work became the provisions of economic theory, the works of domestic and foreign scientists and other scientific and practical information on the determination of economic efficiency. In carrying out this study, a complex method was used, which includes scientific generalization, system and economic analysis, situational analysis, factor analysis and comparison method.


Economic efficiency of the enterprise – important qualitative characteristics of management at all levels. In determining the efficiency of the enterprise, it is important to establish a common criterion for all parts of the economy of economic efficiency – from production to the national economy as a whole. Under the economic efficiency of production is a measure of the use of economic potential, which is determined by the ratio of the results and costs of production. The higher the result of the same cost, the faster the growth per unit cost of socially necessary labor, or the lower the cost per unit of benefit, the higher the efficiency of production. At the enterprise level, profit maximization is the form of a single performance criterion.

The main results of the research are presented in the form of a systematic classification of efficiency and its indicators. Appropriate recommendations to improve the efficiency of the enterprise were proposed, the main ones are economy, NTP, management.

List of sources

  1. Толкачева Е. В. Разработка системы управления прибылью предприятия // Финансовый менеджмент. 2013. №1. С. 30-45
  2. Курский В.А., Чачина Е.Б. Повышение эффективности системы управления предприятием: методология и подходы для формирования механизма // Известия ТулГУ. Экономические и юридические науки. 2014. – №4-1. – С.73-82.
  3. Голубева Т. С. Методологические подходы к оценке эффективности деяльности предприятия [текст] / Т. С. Голубева, И. В. Колос // Актуальные проблемы экономики. – 2013. – № 5(59). – С.66–71.
  4. Покропивний С.Ф. Предпринимательство: стратегия, организация, эффективность: Учебное пособие / С.Ф. Покропивний, В.М. Колот. – М .: Финансы, 2012. – 352 с .