Brief resume
Name | Mark Timko |
Date of birth | Dec 16, 1997 |
Place of birth | Donetsk |
Schools | Comprehensive school of 1–3 steps «NORD» (1–3 forms), Comprehensive school of 1–3 steps №13 (4 form),Comprehensive school of 1–3 steps, №28 (5–11 forms) |
Universities | DNTU |
Average score | 92 |
Languages | English, german, russian, ukranian |
Personal achievements | Sports: the champion of Ukraine and the DPR in Taekwondo WTF, member of the national team of Ukraine and the DPR for Taekwondo WTF; Training: the winner of the competition «Problems of the present, prospects for the future», bronze medalist in international Economics |
Hobbies and interests | Books (adventure, historical), music (classic, rock), sports |
Personal qualities | Executive, responsible, hardworking, honest, responsive, sociable. |
Professional and computer skills | 1. Operating system Windows. 2. Programms: MS office, Mathcad, AllFusion, Project Expert. |
Professional experience | Inexperience |
Future plans | Successfully complete a magistracy, to find an interesting job. |