Àâòîð: Aidah N.
Èñòî÷íèê: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/38098025.pdf
Employees are major assets of any organization. The active role they play towards a company’s success cannot be underestimated. As a result, equipping these unique assets through effective training becomes imperative in order to maximize the job performance. Also position them to take on the challenges of the today’s competitive business climate. Although extensive research has been conducted in the area of Human Research Management, the same cannot be said on employee training especially as it concerns developing countries.
The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate the effects of training on employee performance, using the telecommunication industry in Uganda as case study. In order to understand the study aim, four goals were developed and these focused particularly on identifying the training programs’ existing in the industry, the objective of the training offered, the methods employed and finally the effects of training and development on employee performance.
The study was based on three case studies of the biggest telecommunication companies operating in Uganda. A qualitative research approach of the data collection was adopted using a questionnaire comprising of 18 questions distributed to 120 respondents. Based on this sample the results obtained indicate that training have a clear effect on the performance of employees. The findings can prove useful to Human resource managers, Human resource policy decicision makers, as well as government and academic institutions.