Library of materials on the theme of the final work
The use of Autodesk software products in the preparation of students in the direction of "Land Management and Inventories
Authors: Maksimenko L. A., Tanygina E. A., Kalyuzhin V. A.
Description: The effectiveness of the cadastral engineer is largely determined by his abilities and skills in various software environments. As a study of the characteristics of the selected software company Autodesk, as the most acceptable for many applications in the land management and inventories. Based on Autodesk products proposed integration of the disciplines «Computer graphics» and «Applied Informatics» discipline «Information modeling» that are related to training students in field of «Land management and cadastres». Software Autodesk allows to consider the dimension and representation of the information model intelligent 2D schematics, master plans, geographic information systems; engineering 3D models; digital terrain models; spherical panorama; 4D – the integration of engineering models with the schedule of manufacture of works, 5D – data integration about the procurement and supply; 6D – integration with data on the cost of resources, etc. It is shown that the understanding of the capabilities of the software environments and modern technologies will allow future professionals to effectively engage in common information environment of digital simulation and support of the life cycle of the property.
The use of this software product increases the efficiency of work in the geodetic enterprise. This is one of the factors that affects the quality and speed of the work.
Additional vocational education as a factor determining the working career of an employee
Authors:Burak I.D., Razumova T.O.
Description:This article studies the impact of the further professional education on the employee’s working life. The authors investigated the factors that have the greatest influence on the individuals choice for different programs, systematized expectations of individuals and on the example of the MBA program showed a return on investment in learning programs.
This is important and useful information, as it is important to understand how the professional education of an employee affects the quality of the work.
Social resource of business. Dryness, directions of labor potential assessment
Authors: Soboleva Yu.P., Korgina OA, Danilova N.E.
Description: The need to highlight the issue of assessing the social resource of a business is determined by the production significance of its use.
Awareness of the concept, possible forms and methods of working with a social resource will allow increasing success of the jobs, more specifically to plan forthcoming actions and their consequences.
The article assesses the social resource in such key areas as qualitative and quantitative assessment of personnel, the standard of living of employees of organizations, their provision with social infrastructure facilities.
Economics and management in topographic and geodesic production
Author: E.A. Golubeva
Description: The lecture notes are designed to provide practical assistance to students in the field of
Geodesy and Remote Sensing
in the study issues of economic and managerial activity in the enterprise of topographic and geodetic production. -
Analysis of geodetic support for individual projects
Author:Dmitrenko E. V.
Description: Information about geodesic provision of individual projects is necessary when analyzing questions about the quality of work in the workplace and the quality of working conditions.
It is important to know the length of the period of works and their estimated cost for planning geodetic projects in surveying or in capital construction.
The software for performing such calculations doesn’t exist at the present time. Enterprises use old technologies in their work, although even an elementary analysis of the company's annual activity can show that the purchase of devices such as an electronic total station or a GPS receiver, even on credit, will significantly increase labor productivity and annual profit of the enterprise.
Geodetic works in the construction of industrial buildings.
Tutorial. - M .: MIIGAiK, 2004
Description: Engineering geodetic work on various stages of the construction of industrial facilities in the training manual studied. There are features engineering geodesic surveys, various types of geodetic industrial site. There is also a technology for detailed location survey.
Employers’ and employees’ evaluation of the implementation of flexible working policies
Authors: Yiqing L., Tong W.
Description: At the moment it is necessary to determine the situation in the terms of staff management, engaged in the geodesic support of various economic tasks and provide recommendations for improving existing problems.
Recently, a traditional eight to five working schedule has been challenged by flexible working conditions worldwide. With the development of technology and modernization of society and business, employers are becoming more likely to provide employees with flexible working arrangements. Employees are allowed to choose their working time and work places by themselves. Since flexible working conditions give more freedom to both employers and employees, they are widely accepted by workers in different working fields, such as finance, insurance, IT, etc
Methods to improve well-being at work
Author: Terhi L.
Description:Well-being is built in the companies to make common developed area. A key component of well-being at work is the development of skills and motivation to work. Well-being at the workplace is investigated in many companies.
This study will also assess and analyze the current situation in the companies, engaged in the geodesic support of various economic tasks and in the management of land resources. Well-being at a workplace is determined by the employer's point of view, but it is essential to listen to the teams and workers as well. Human resources management play key role in providing well-being at work. When well-being issues are under control, employees become better motivated to work. Nowadays people have more their own responsibility areas at work, so it is necessary to unite the workers. The aim of this thesis is to find the factors of success managing well-being by both organization’s leaders and employees.
Effects of training on employee performance. Evidence from Uganda
Author: Aidah N.
There is no doubt that organizations are striving for success worldwide. In order to do so, organizations have to use the human resources effectively. Organizations need to be aware of workers more realistically to keep their human resources up-to-dated. Therefore, managers need to pay special attention to all the core functions of human resource management. It plays an important role in different organizational, social and economically related areas. They also have influence on the attainment of the organizational goals.
That is why this study goes on to discuss one of the core functions of human resource. It is the training of the workers and evaluation of the employees’ performance
Assessment of employees’ attitudes and intentions to share knowledge based on their individual characteristics
Author: Raluca, R. R.
Description:Employees interact and communicate every day. Their conversations, teamwork, e-mails and meetings are the means of knowledge exchange for completing their tasks, solving problems and learning. Improved relationships between employees, better communication ways and an increased level of trust are the factors that enhance knowledge exchange.
Each individual comes with a unique set of ideas, perspectives and work style. Effective communication means not only being able to express it as accurate as possible, but also being able to understand and accept other points of view and opinions.
Individual factors, e.g. personality traits, organizational factors, e.g. climate and culture, and demographical factors, such as, education, age, gender, all influence employees’ motives and willingness to share knowledge. Knowledge exchange is highly dependent on their willingness to share what they know. Organizations can only facilitate and promote the process of knowledge exchange through effective knowledge management practices
This study will the improve knowledge on the basis of the above mentioned aspects. I test the employees of enterprises and determine the problems and the ways of eliminating these problems in the sphere of knowledge exchange in the companies, engaged in the geodesic support of various economic tasks and in the management of land resources.
Employees’ personality traits and knowledge perception refer to individual characteristics. Kinds of behavior and practice include ways of communication, trust and teamwork.
Changing local to global: finding knowledge sharing barriers between individual motivation factors and organizational culture in virtual team environment
Author: Toivanen A.
Description:Knowledge and knowledge management as one of the key factors for a competitive advantage are considered. Knowledge sharing is one of the most essential parts of the knowledge management process. Relation to organizational culture, individual motivation factors, virtual teams and knowledge sharing barriers create an interesting equation together. Each of these concepts in recent years has been extensively studied.
This study increases understanding how organization culture and individual motivation are related to knowledge sharing and its barriers in teams and what kind of role they have in global organization transformation.
Effects of flexible working method on employee performance: an empirical study in turkey
Author: Altindag E.
Description: Flexible working methods have become more popular, because they increase employees’ quality of life. The number of Turkish firms that support flexible working models and help employees coordinate their work and personal life better are increasing, because employers consider their employees’ personal lives as more important. The service sector’s need to support long-term projects in shipping, banking, telecommunication, press, and oil led to new work processes to focus on customer satisfaction while introducing more flexible working methods. This study presents the effects of flexible working methods on employee performance. It found that flexible working models are very precious for the improvement of and the sustainability of employee performance. According to the results, many of flexible methods factors including job’s suitability for flexibility, job loyalty and attitude towards flexible working hours directly affect the employee performance
Improving the organization of labor of workers
Authors: ÒTurovets OG, Golovenko RS
Description: The article considers the actual problem of the organization of the workers and ways to improve it. The specifics of the work requires consideration and the grouping of areas through which we will be able to identify the reasons for low productivity and suggest measures to improve the organization of the workers.
The effect of training and development on employee performance in private company, Malaysia
Author: Shafiq S.
Description: The major assets in the organization is the employee, they have a role to play towards an organizational success. The success of the organizational cannot be underestimating by the organizations. Because of this we need to care about their learning to increase the employee performance. This study aimed to investigate the effect of training and development on employee performance. The questionnaire based on the empirical literature was formed. This research engaged in convenience sampling technique for selecting the respondents. The independent variable that has been use in this research is on job training, off job training, job enrichment and job rotation. The dependent variable has been use in this research is employee performance. The research employed descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis.
Bhat Impact of training on employee performance
Author: Zahid H.
Description: Training effects employee's job performance positively. Training is a motivational factor, which enhances the knowledge of the employee towards the job by which employees become proficient in their jobs and they become able to give better results. In addition, training is seen as a useful means of coping with changes fostered by technological innovation; market competition, organizational structuring and most importantly it plays a key role to enhance employee performance. This paper analyses the relationship between training and its impact on employee performance. Several measures of performance including compensation, performance appraisal, and organizational commitment are analyzed.
The impact of training on employees’ performance
Authors: Motlokoa M. E., Sekantsi L. P., Monyolo P. R.
Description: Human resources management literature regards training as the main of any organization because the success of an organization to achieve its objectives and goals heavily highly depends on its workforce. For this reason, organizations should invest in employees’ training in an effort to enhance their performance and that of an organization. Nonetheless, some organizations regard training as unnecessary expenditure and always cut training budgets in an effort to improve their financial standing to the detriment of their employees’ welfare because that action incapacitate staff to adapt to the ever-changing working environment and uncertain conditions.
The findings of the study generally revealed that training not only increases employees’ performance but also positively affects employees’ motivation and job satisfaction.
The impact of staff training on enterprise productivity growth
Author: Fomenko A.O.
Description: The growth in the productivity of an enterprise and its effectiveness depend on the labor resources available to the enterprise. It is always necessary to follow the times and have highly qualified personnel. This means continuous development and training of employees. In consequence of this, the set goals and necessary results are achieved. At the same time, attention is focused not only on knowledge based on theoretical trainings and seminars, but also on the ability to apply this knowledge in the work process, which should lead to the achievement of the assigned tasks.
Knowledge sharing in workplace: motivators and demotivators
Authors: Oye, N.D. 2Mazleena Salleh 3Noorminshah, A.
Description: This paper gives an overview of knowledge sharing in workplace. Activities of knowledge sharing in organizations may be on organization level or individual level. Knowledge sharing of both levels is critical to the success or failure of knowledge management inside and outside of organizations. Age, culture, and industry were found to affect knowledge sharing among workers. A common stereotype is that older workers hoard knowledge because they are more insecure and feel threatened by younger workers. Since older workers have more valuable knowledge, younger workers needed to entice their older colleagues to share their valuable knowledge with them. The paper focus on motivators and demotivators to sharing Knowledge in workplace. Theories and research pertaining to why workers share knowledge are reviewed. While all industry need knowledge and innovation, it is also true that the pace of change and the need to innovate differs from industry to industry. Technology was acknowledged to have a high important role in increasing productivity of knowledge sharing.
The impact of knowledge sharing culture on job satisfaction in accounting firms
Authors: Trivellasa P., Akrivoulib Z., Tsiforab E., Tsoutsa P.
Description: This paper outlines the critical role of employees’ general competencies in the link between knowledge sharing culture and job outcomes in accounting firm services. A knowledge sharing culture facilitates communication and information exchange, problem solving, team working and decision making. General competencies embrace abilities such as prioritizing, learning new things, coming-up with new ideas and solutions, working productively with others.
Encouraging knowledge sharing among employees: how reward matters
Author: Sajeva S.
Description: In practice, rewards are often used as a tool to encourage knowledge sharing among employees. However, it is still a matter of discussion among researchers whether rewards both extrinsic and intrinsic have a significant effect on knowledge sharing behavior. This paper contributes to the discussion about the role of reward system for knowledge sharing.
The barriers to knowledge sharing
Authors: Hubert Ñ., Lopezbreaking B.
Description: Research in knowledge management has proven that a knowledge sharing culture leads to increased productivity, improved cycle times for work processes. People must freely create, share, and use information and knowledge; work together toward a common purpose; and are supported and rewarded for doing so.
Improving the quality of the working life of an employee through the formation of professional and personal comfort: Southern Federal University
Author:Chernysheva Yu.E.
Description: The concept of the quality of working life is based on the creation of conditions that ensure the optimal use of the human labor potential. The quality of working life can be improved by changing for the better any parameters that affect people's lives. This includes, for example, employee participation in management, training, leadership training, promotion programs, training of employees in more effective communication and behavior in the workplace, improvement of work organization, etc. As a result, the labor potential is maximized, and the organization has a high level of productivity and maximum profit.
Specialized sites and portals
Organization and planning of geodetic works on land management in the project team
The organization and planning of geodetic work in land management in the project group is one of the basic concepts for the effective operation of the enterprise. This article presents the relevant works, among them the determination of the types and stages of design and survey works, calculation of estimates for scientific and technical documentation and the cost of land management works, compiling a work plan for the group for the year and a plan for completing and delivering the work to the customer.
- Guidelines for the planning of topographic and geodetic works. GKNINP (ONTA) -17-2000
Planning and financing engineering and geodetic
The engineering and geodetic works of the design and survey organization are carried out on the basis of the approved annual plan. It is important to understand what is included in its composition. This article is detailed it.
Organization of geodesic services
The construction safety rules are observed when performing geodetic alignment works. The danger of occupational injuries depends on the workplace of the surveyor in this production. In this work, it is necessary to take into account this risk factor, because this determines the quality of conditions in the workplace.
Planning and financing of land survey
The list of design and survey works on land management is established while this works are planned.
Determine the structure and estimate the scope of work in natural and value terms is necessary.
This information is necessary for a clear understanding of the planning processes.
Geodetic works
The objective of geodetic work is to ensure sufficiently accurate source materials for designers and the required precision for builders upon implementing a project.
We must understand the composition of the geodetic work. So this article presents consist of real geodetic project.
Geodetic works at land management
The land administration system regulation of land relations and rational organization of land use occurs under the influence of socio-productive relations. An important component of land management are surveying work. There are a lot of information about what the works in land management include, why surveying work needs in land management and what processes geodetic works include in the land management.
Composition of geodetic works
Special geodetic works are carried out in order to improve the quality, reliability and safety of the future structure. The article defines the features of geodetic works for construction. This need to be understood when studying this issue.
- Geodetic works in construction. SNiP 3.01.03-84. - M .: USSR STATE COMMITTEE FOR CONSTRUCTION CASES, 1985.
Composition of geodetic works performed at the construction site
The evaluation of topographic and geodetic works in the supervision of the construction of buildings, structures on a concrete example is presented. Topographical and geodetic study of the area of work, the technique of satellite measurements, topographic survey of a scale of 1: 500 is also presented.
Composition and content of work production projects
A detailed description of the works that are included in the project for the construction of a building, a structure or a part thereof is presented in this article.
Geodetic works in construction
There is information about geodesic support of construction. Specialized companies that deal exclusively geodetic network (maintenance) construction or construction works emerged. Unqualified surveyor on a construction site can bring great inconvenience for the customer. Specialists with electronic total station will not only efficiently perform the entire scope of geodetic works, but will also give recommendations on repairs.
Geodetic surveyors
Information about the work of the surveyor in this article is presented. There are job tasks, work activities, nature of the work and working conditions.
The skills what need for jobs in surveying
The answer to the question of what skills are needed to work in geodesy in this article is presented. There is some information about surveying, building control surveyors, non-graduate surveyors and how to become a surveyor.
The 3 most important skills that a land surveyor should
There is the most important skills that a land surveyor should posses. Among them the attention to detail, enjoy working both outdoors and behind a computer, the possess both legal and mathematical knowledge.
The personal qualities of a surveyor
Brief information on the necessary personal qualities and professional qualities in this article are presented.
Qualities required by a surveyor
Detailed information on the work of the surveyor in this article is presented. Here there is information about in which areas the surveyor is in demand, where and by what principle he works and what qualities the surveyor needs.
Professionally important qualities of the profession
Detailed information in the work of the surveyor in this article is also presented. Here there is information on what the main tasks are solved by the surveyor, about the professionally important qualities of the profession, about the diseases that are contraindicated for the profession.
The work of a surveyor
Detailed information on the work of the surveyor in this article is also presented. There is information on the specialty of the profession, on the three levels of geodetic work, about the main directions, the composition of the workplace, the workplace, the important qualities, knowledge and skills necessary for the work of the surveyor.
Flexible working arrangements
Certain employees have the right to request flexible working arrangements. Employers can only refuse these requests on reasonable business grounds. There are some answers on questions about it. Among them who can request flexible working arrangements, how employees request flexible working arrangements, about reasonable business grounds and about a mistake might have been made.
Flexible working arrangements – what you need to know about it to both parties of the labor relationship so that the work is easy and mutually beneficial
Flexible working arrangements - many eómployees dream about this construction of working time. But is it as good as it looks?
We can understand all the intricacies and features of the flexible working arrangements, consider the pros and cons, as well as the main areas in which this method of employment is used. In this article, we study information about who is suitable for such a schedule, about the features of organizing working hours with this schedule and about the problems in this area.
Workplace flexibility benefits employees
New research released shows that workers at a Fortune 500 company who participated in a pilot work flexibility program voiced higher levels of job satisfaction and reduced levels of burnout and psychological stress than employees within the same company who did not participate.
This is the first time a randomized controlled trial has been used to measure the effects of workplace flexibility in a U.S. firm.
Workplace well-being
Workplace wellbeing relates to all aspects of working life, from the quality and safety of the physical environment, to how workers feel about their work, their working environment, the climate at work and work organization. The aim of measures for workplace well-being is to complement OSH measures to make sure workers are safe, healthy, satisfied and engaged at work.
Workers well-being is a key factor in determining an organisation's long-term effectiveness. Many studies show a direct link between productivity levels and the general health and well-being of the workforce.
Wellbeing and workplace performance
There is growing recognition of the importance of individual wellbeing inside and outside the workplace. In working to get the very best out of their organization, many managers are choosing to adopt practices to increase the wellbeing of their staff.
A recent and comprehensive study suggests improvement in wellbeing will result in improved workplace performance: in profitability (financial performance), labor productivity and the quality of outputs or services. Job satisfaction - including aspects such as satisfaction with training, skills development opportunities, how much autonomy employees have in their role, and how much scope they have to use their own initiative and influence decisions, show a strong and positive link with workplace performance.
How to improve health and wellbeing in the workplace
Illness and injury can strike any one of us, so it’s important that we know our rights around health and wellbeing at work. Your employer is there to support you and make sure you’re taken care of while on the job, from healthcare staff benefits to general employee wellbeing.
Here we look at health and wellbeing in the workplace. Health covers issues such as illness and injury, while wellbeing is looking at workers’ circumstances from a wider perspective. If you’re an employer, you’ll learn how you can ensure your workers are good and what the law requires you to do in this area. But it’s not just your boss’s responsibility: as an employee, there are also certain measures you can personally take to help make your working life better.
Trainings. Informal personnel reserve training
Modern companies understand the role of initiatives and structures of formal training of business seminars and corporate business trainings. But informal learning is important, too, and it needs to be encouraged.
The article is devoted to the study of the relations, experience and needs of its employees for the development of the personnel reserve of the organization.
Labor resources of the enterprise. Labor productivity and reserves of its growth
The main task solved by providing the labor force with the enterprise is to increase the efficiency of its functioning and it should be viewed from the perspective of the labor market economy. For the enterprise, improving the quality of functioning means increasing the efficiency of work performance by its employees, both now and in the future.
Ways to increase labor productivity
There is information about productivity, types of productivity and how to increase productivity in this article.