At present, any object created is not complete without preliminary computer-aided design. The use of computing power of modern computers allows you to simulate the future object in the smallest detail, the ability to subject this object to various loads to put into practice new engineering solutions.
One such tool in the design of electrical systems is the Project Studio CS Electrica program from CSoft. First of all, the program is designed for computer-aided design of power supply, as well as indoor and outdoor lighting of industrial buildings and structures.
Project Studio CS Electric – a specialized program for computer-aided design and execution of calculations in parts of power electrical equipment, indoor and outdoor electric lighting of industrial and civil construction objects.
To date, using the tools of the Project Studio CS Electrica program, a project has been completed to provide power for the first floor of the hotel complex. The existing building plan, loaded from the AutoCAD program, was used as the basis.
To implement it, the following tools were used: project manager wizard, electrical model window, process equipment window, equipment database, room creation wizard, conditional graphic notation, equipment connection wizard, test connection wizard, cable / wire wizard, installation wizard tracks with a channel.
The following technical solutions were implemented in this project:
- lighting calculations were performed according to the light requirements for various rooms;
- lighting made LED and fluorescent lamps;
- bipolar receptacles are installed in the rooms, some of which are dual and some are built;
- there are two electric motors SM-1 and SM-2, as well as an N-1 heater, which is controlled via a push-button post;
- power consumers of electricity and electric lighting are powered by various switchboards;
- all electricity consumers are divided into 14 groups, for each of which protection devices and circuit breaker settings are selected;
- cables are laid in metal hoses and in trays.
Picture: Hotel electricity plan created in CAD Project Studio CS Electrica
List of references
Руководство пользователя Project Studio EnergyCS 10.0, 2016г.
ГОСТ 21.608−84 Система проектной документации для строительства. Внутреннее электрическое освещение
ГОСТ 21.613−88 Система проектной документации для строительства. Силовое электрооборудование.
РТМ−92 Указания по расчету электрических нагрузок. Утверждены ВНИПИ Тяжпромэлектропроект им. Ф.Б. Якубовского
Справочная книга по светотехнике / Под ред. проф. Ю.Б. Айзенберга. — М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1995.
Проектирование электроснабжения объектов гражданского и промышленного строительства средствами Project StudioCS Электрика [Электронный ресурс] / О.Б. Фуникова – Режим доступа: http://www.cadmaster.ru/magazin/articles/cm_46_22.html#hcq=cbEPDmq
Project StudioCS Электрика. Строим и электрифицируем [Электронный ресурс] / С.А. Третьяков – Режим доступа: http://www.cadmaster.ru/magazin/articles/cm_18_project_studio_electrica.html#hcq=dbLPDmq