Brief resume

Name Danil Khubedjev
Date of birth 07.07.1997
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools General education School I III Steps №145, Donetsk
2014–2018 — Donetsk national technical University, faculty of Computer science and technology, specialty Software engineering, bachelor;
2018–2020 — Donetsk national technical University, faculty of Computer science and technology, specialty Software Development Methods and Tools, master.
Average score 87/100
Russian — native
Russian — native
English — basic
Professional and computer skills
Graphics programs: AutoCad, Adobe Photoshop
Programming languages and markup: С#, C++, SQL, HTML, CSS, AutoLISP
Hobbies and interests
Reading fiction and graphic novels in the fantasy genre
Computer and board games
Listening to music in various genres and directions.
Personal qualities Fast learner, competent written and spoken language, mathematical mindset, responsibility.
Contact information
Skype: hubedjev