This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: May 2020. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.
- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. System architecture and principle of its functioning
- 2.1 Arduino Platform
- 2.2 Android platform
- 2.3 Software development
- 3. Advantages and disadvantages of the system
- conclusions
- List of sources
Currently, no one doubts the fact that the Internet and electronic communications have firmly and forever entered our lives. Information technologies in one form or another, are visibly or invisibly present in various aspects of the everyday life of a modern person; and here we are talking not only about smart devices that have become familiar to us, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, computers, etc., which are capable of in 2-3 clicks (or tapas) provide a more or less competent user with access to almost the entire volume of digitized knowledge of mankind, but, today “grow wiser” (that is, it acquires information processing tools and communication channels for interacting with the global network) and such, it would seem, earlier things quite far from the digital mind, like refrigerators, microwaves, vacuum cleaners, and not to mention televisions or watches that have long acquired proud smart prefix [1].
In general, smart things and electronic communications between them (the so-called “Internet of things”) are now more and more perceived by us not as ephemeral images drawn by science fiction, but as objective and everyday reality. However, there are still a lot of familiar appliances around us. and other equipment that regularly performs its functions, satisfying our daily needs, and at the same time, from the point of view of the level of development of modern communication technology is not at all smart [1].Consequently, a reasonable question arises, what should we do with all these "stupid" things? all of them should go to the “landfill of history" ...? Thus, the urgent task is to develop a system that allows distacionno control the above devices.
1. Relevance of the topic
In the modern world, the issue of remote control of household appliances that are not “smart” is becoming increasingly relevant. It should be mentioned that remote control is applicable in controlling any system with electronic control and access to the Internet.
The proposed system is versatile, which means that on the basis of one controller it is possible to build a system with functions control simultaneously several household appliances, as well as with the ability to set (using a PC) and remotely change (via the Internet) the controller settings.
2. System architecture and principle of its functioning
The main objective of the proposed subsystem is the remote control of any home appliance, where there is infrared receiver (IR). The structure of the proposed subsystem includes: Arduino UNO R3 board, Arduino Ethernet W5100, board extensions, infrared (IR) LEDs, jumpers for Arduino, RG45 cable, mobile device, router and household appliances[1].
From the phone, you can send commands to our device in the form of requests in the address bar of the browser. In turn The router receives commands sent from the phone, then our device forwards them. Using an RG-45 cable device connected to a router, which in turn will automatically assign an IP and MAC address for our device. The device receives commands sent from the phone, then sends a command to a household appliance (for example, an air conditioner) using an infrared transmitter (Fig. 1) [1]. The infrared diode acts as an IR transmitter. At the same time, the remote control commands from the air conditioner are loaded in the device’s memory in order to the device understood that it controls the air conditioner, and not any other device. Also, commands from other household appliances can be loaded into the device’s memory so that you can Easily switch to remote control from one device to another.

Picture 1 — The principle of the system
(animation, 12 frames, 10 repetitions, 84,7 КБ)
2.1 Arduino Platform
Arduino is an open platform that allows you to assemble all kinds of electronic devices. Devices can work both autonomously and in conjunction with a computer and other devices. The platform consists of hardware and software, both are extremely flexible and easy to use [5].
The system reviewed microcontroller company Arduino Model Uno Rev3 based on the ATmega328 processor with a clock frequency of 16 MHz, with 32 kB memory and 20 controlled input and output contacts [2].
The ArduinoUno board will connect the Arduino Ethernet W5100 board. The Arduino Ethernet Shield expansion board allows the Arduino board to connect to the Internet. It is built on the basis of the Wiznet W5100 ethernet chip. Wiznet W5100 provides a network (IP) stack that can work with both TCP and UDP [3, 8].
Arduino communicates with both the W5100 and the SD card using the SPI bus (via the ICSP connector). It is located on the digital pins 10, 11, 12 and 13 on the ArduinoUno boards and on pins 50, 51 and 52 on ArduinoMega boards. On both boards, pin 10 is used to select the W5100, and pin 4 is for the SD card. These findings cannot be used in as usual inputs / outputs. On ArduinoMega, hardware SS pin (pin 53) is not used to select the W5100 or SD card, but should continue to work as exit, otherwise the SPI interface will not work. Due to the fact that the W5100 and the SD card share the SPI bus, only one of them can be active at any given time. If both peripheral devices are used in the program, the corresponding libraries take responsibility for interacting with them. But if not used only one of these peripherals, you must explicitly deselect it[8].
2.2 Android platform
Android is an operating system based on the Linux kernel that Google bought in 2005. In 2008, the first version of the operating room was released. system. This OS is designed for smartphones, tablets and many other devices. At the moment, it is built into the clock, various navigators, consoles and players [6].
Now a huge number of smartphones and other devices with this system are being created. She gained terrible popularity, so she has almost no competitors, except iOS. Most modern brands they use Android. If we talk about a clean system, then we can say that it is very nimble and productive. Many manufacturers, Taking this OS as a basis, they make their shell with additional functions, capabilities and design. Someone does it better, and the system flies, but not in some devices. With the help of the operating system, you have the ability to manage such functions as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, GPS, create Wi-Fi access points, that is, make a modem from your phone and much more. Fingerprint and scan iris sensors are integrated into modern smartphones, which can significantly improve protection - all this can be controlled using Android [6].
Anroid platform is selected based on comparisons with the iOS operating system. To implement a remote control project. Android application will provide a simpler perception of the system by the user as a whole, which will greatly facilitate the management of household appliances.
2.3 Software development
The Arduino development environment consists of a built-in text editor of program code, a message area, text output windows (console), toolbars with buttons for frequently used commands and several menus. To download programs and communications development environment connects to Arduino hardware [1].
A program written in an Arduino environment is called a sketch. A sketch is written in a text editor that provides ample opportunities for writing sketches.
For the convenience of working with IR signals, you must use the library "IRremote.h, which is able to correctly recognize 95% of the protocols of IR remote controls. After all the preparations, you can start reading the signal. The library itself has an example for reading a signal. After opening the sketch, click on the download button, if all is well, then click on the port monitor button in the upper right corner of the arduino program[1, 8 ]. The port monitor will open, press the button on the remote control, The monitor will display the button values.
When loading the sketch, the Arduino Bootloader, a small program loaded into the microcontroller on the board, is used. It allows you to download program code without using additional hardware. The bootloader is active for a few seconds when you restart the platform and when loading any of the sketches into the microcontroller[7].
3. Advantages and disadvantages of the system
Like any other system, device, there are advantages and disadvantages, the following can be attributed to advantages:
- Simple and convenient programming environment. The Arduino programming environment is understandable and simple for beginners, but it is flexible enough for advanced users. It is based on the Processing programming environment, which can be convenient for teachers. Thanks to this, even inexperienced users, Learners programming in the Processing environment can easily learn Arduino;
- Universal remote control device. Using an infrared transmitter, you can control any device that has infrared receiver, just emulate the remote control for a specific model;
- Cross-platform. Arduino software runs on Windows, Macintosh OSX, and Linux, while how most of these systems are oriented to work only in Windows [8].
The negative sides are:
- The presence of direct visibility with a managed device;
- The device is connected to the router using a cable, respectively, if the router and the device are relatively far apart, this kind of connection will be very inconvenient;
- Despite the fact that the device is universal, additional control emulation is required for different models of controlled devices [8].
Based on the shortcomings, we can say that they are very minor, which will not greatly affect the operation of the system as a whole.
During the analysis of the task of building a remote control system, the following was performed:
- Studied the Arduino UNO programmable microcontroller, as well as the Arduino Ethernet W5100 plug-in;
- The programming environment has been studied;
- The operation of the device is considered.;
- An objective comparison of platforms such as Andoid and iOS was made, the choice was made in favor of Andoid.
As a result of research, a communication platform with household appliances and its components, as well as an operating system, were selected to implement the task of developing a system for remote control of household appliances.
List of sources
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