Brief resume

NameVladislav Poletaev
Date of birthJune 6th, 1997
Place of birthDonetsk
2003–2010 (grades 1–7): Donetsk secondary school I-III stages #118
2010–2014 (grades 8–11): Donetsk technical lyceum
2014–2018, bachelor: Donetsk National Technical University, faculty of Computer Sciences and Technologies, speciality 09.03.04 Software Engeneering
2018–2020, master: Donetsk National Technical University, faculty of Computer Sciences and Technologies, speciality 09.04.04 Software Engeneering
Average score97.2/A/5
Russian (advanced)
Ukrainian (advanced)
English (intermediate)
Personal achievements
1st place in section Software Engeneering 8th International scientific and technical conference Information control systems and computer monitoring (ІCS and CM–2017), Donetsk, DonNTU. Topic The Usage of Java Reflection in Implementing Application Level Protocols
1st place in section Software Engeneering 8th International scientific and technical conference Information control systems and computer monitoring (ІCS and CM–2017), Donetsk, DonNTU. Topic Development of The Software Remote Control System
During secondary education participated and took first places in olympiads in programming and informatics of different levels
HobbiesFictional literature (science fiction), music, programming, tabletop roleplaying games
Personal qualitiesResponsibile, quick learner, diligence, determination, integrity
Professional and computer skills
Operating systems: Ubuntu Linux, Microsoft Windows, Android
Graphics editors: Adobe Photoshop, Blender
CAD systems: AutoCAD, SketchUp
Database management systems: MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB
Git Version control system
Programming languages: Python, Java, JavaScript и TypeScript, C и С++, Kotlin, NASM (x86_64, Unix), Delphi, C#, Haskell
Frameworks and technologies: Android SDK, JavaFX, React, Flask, Unity
Development environments: IntelliJ IDEA (Android Studio, PyCharm, CLion), Microsoft Visual Studio, VS Code
Additional courses
2009–2013: finished a cource The Fundamentals of Programming by CA Computer, Donetsk Palace of Children and Youth Creativity
Professional experience
Spring semester of 2019: was working as an instructor of the cource for children Computer Graphics and Web-programming at the Donetsk Republic Palace of Children and Youth Creativity
Future plansGraduation, programming career, professional development
Contact information
GitHub: poletaevvlad