- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. Analysis of existing vehicle intellectualization systems
- 3. Vehicle Intelligence System Hardware Platform
- 3.1 Arduino Platform
- 3.2 Raspberry Pi Platform
- 3.3 Intel Galileo Platform
- 4. Interaction Technologies for Vehicle Intelligence System Modules
- Findings
- List of sources
In the modern world, road safety is an urgent problem, which leads to the need to use the most advanced collection technologies and processing environmental information in order to improve traffic safety and introduce various systems of autopilot transport. For these purposes Apply various automated environmental monitoring systems.
The aim of the work is to develop a vehicle intellectualization system. The development idea is to create an autonomous system capable of collect environmental data, store them and, if necessary, transfer data to the user.
To implement the project it is necessary:
- To analyze the hardware platforms and technologies for the interaction of systems with the user interface.
- Design a system based on the selected hardware platform.
- Develop software for a system for collecting and processing environmental information.
1. Relevance of the topic
Currently, traffic should be considered as one of the most difficult components of the social and economic development of cities and regions, which leads to the need to use the most advanced technologies for collecting and processing environmental information in order to improve traffic safety and the introduction of various systems of autopilot vehicles.
Leading vehicle manufacturers are engaged in research in the field of transport management systems, in which communication, control and control are initially built into vehicles and infrastructure, and management (decision-making) capabilities are based on information received in real time, available not only to vehicles, but also to all users of transport [1].
2. Analysis of existing vehicle intellectualization systems
The world transport community found a solution in the creation of not transport management systems, but systems in which communication, control and monitoring facilities initially built into vehicles and infrastructure facilities, and management (decision-making) capabilities, based on real-time information received, accessible not only to transport operators, but also to all users of transport. The problem is solved by building an integrated system: people - transport Infrastructure - vehicles, with the maximum use of the latest information and control technologies. Such "advanced" systems began to be called intellectual [1].
Since the 80s, most countries in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region and the United States have purposefully and systematically promoted ITS as a central theme. in the implementation of transport policy [1].
One of the main directions of the development of ITS in Europe, the USA and Japan, which has been actively promoted over the past 15 years, is the implementation of the concept of intellectual a car. The international program "High Security Vehicles" is operating. Already the first experiments using onboard intelligent systems showed that they are able to reduce the number of accidents by 40%, and the number of fatal accidents by 50% [2].
The term “airborne intelligent systems” at the UN means the systems installed on the car in order to increase its safety and using information, which comes both directly from the vehicle’s on-board sensors, and from road infrastructure or other sources [1].
At present, more than ten types of on-board ITS are already on sale or are undergoing field tests - System for maintaining distance in a dense traffic stream; Lane keeping system; Driver fatigue warning system; Side Collision Avoidance System; Car retention system when moving along a curve; Motorcycle Detection System [1].
On-board ITSs implement at least four functions:
- Assist the driver in anticipating traffic conditions.
- Encourage him to take action to prevent a dangerous situation.
- Reduce driver fatigue by taking on some of the burden of driving a vehicle.
- Automatically take control if the driver himself was unable to perform the necessary actions to prevent an accident, or reducing the severity of its consequences.
Today in Japan, ITS equipment is installed as a standard on all high and middle class cars. Sales are constantly growing.
Since 2000, society has begun to feel the results of the deployment of ITS.
Drivers received cars equipped with safety features, new technologies and information about the trip and about traffic in real time [1].
Government agencies saw the new capabilities of real-time traffic control and management systems.
In Russia, despite the absence to date of systematic work on the integrated development of ITS, there are many examples of development attempts local elements and systems related in modern terminology to ITS [1].
At present, Russia is actively developing individual disparate elements of ITS, which is dictated by the current needs of the market, rather than long-term a strategy. There are four processes associated with the development of ITS:
- Development of various ITS models by various enterprises and organizations.
- Adaptation of foreign and domestic electronic equipment.
- Providing local services (mainly monitoring and remote protection of vehicles) based on the development of foreign companies.
- Wide sale of airborne navigation systems and components.
Today, the most actively developing basic technologies for transport infrastructure and vehicles:
- Traffic control on motorways.
- Commercial trucking.
- Collision avoidance of vehicles and their safety.
- Electronic payment systems for transport services.
- Emergency management.
- Traffic control on the main street network.
- Traffic accident management.
- Weather control on motorways;
3. Vehicle Intelligence System Hardware Platform
The developed vehicle intellectualization system is designed to determine environmental parameters (temperature, air humidity, lighting and atmospheric pressure) and transmission to a mobile device using wireless technology.
To connect sensors that measure environmental parameters, various hardware and software platforms based on various microcontrollers.
The system for collecting and processing environmental information includes (Fig. 1):
- Communication device.
- temperature sensor.
- Humidity sensor.
- Light sensor.
- Atmospheric pressure sensor.
- Data processing device.
- Testing device.

Figure 1 - Block diagram of the device
(animation: 7 frames, 5 cycles of repetition, 26 kilobytes)
The following platforms currently exist:
- Arduino.
- Raspberry Pi.
- Intel Galileo.
3.1 Arduino Platform
Arduino is a board with contacts for connecting additional components. Product specifications depend on the model used. microcontroller. Based on Arduino, you can create stand-alone and connected to other devices projects [3].
The program code is written to the board itself, thanks to the programmer built into the processor. However, the project can be executed from another device using wired or wireless communication channels [4].
In their absence, you can purchase additional modules that add new features. A large open base of finished projects and CAD drawings opens up great opportunities for in-depth study of the environment, generating new ideas for your own device [3].
The market for additional boards is constantly updated, new developments appear. This is facilitated by the completely open architecture of the device.
- Arduino IDE is based on AVRGCC. Knowing C ++ you will not need to learn a new programming language.
- Ability to program, exchange data and power the board with a single USB cable.
- A large number of standard libraries, thanks to which you can write a simple program without a lot of programming experience.
- There are few solutions. If you need more memory, you will need to connect a memory expansion card or look for a platform with a lot of memory.
- Missing real time clock. If it is necessary to measure time intervals, it will be necessary to connect an expansion card or implement them at the software level.
- Arduino IDE. Integrated development environment Arduino application, which includes a code editor, a compiler and a data transfer module that handles with its task, but does not support all plug-ins.
3.2 Raspberry Pi Platform
The Raspberry Pi is a fully featured computer. It has all the attributes of a real computer: a dedicated processor, memory, and graphic driver for output via HDMI. It runs a special version of the Linux operating system. Therefore, it is easy to install most Linux programs on the Raspberry Pi. After some refinement, the Raspberry Pi can be used as a full-fledged media server or video game emulator [5].
Although the Raspberry Pi does not have an internal data storage, you can use smart cards on this computer as flash memory that serves the entire system. In this way, you can quickly download various versions of the operating system or software updates for debugging. Since this device provides independent network connectivity, it can be configured for access via SSH, or send files to it via FTP [5].
- Ergonomics.
- Great performance with small device sizes.
- There is a full-fledged operating system.
- Requires the purchase of additional equipment. Only the board itself is supplied as standard, the power supply and memory card must be purchased separately.
- The common bus is USB and Internet. With a heavy load on one of the components on the second there will be a significant decrease in the data transfer rate.
- Lack of wireless interfaces on earlier versions of the device.
3.3 Intel Galileo Platform
Intel Galileo is positioned as a debug board for exploring the key features and features of the Intel platform and IoT solutions. It has full hardware and software compatibility with Arduino expansion cards. It has an identical pinout for connecting expansion cards. One of the advantages of Intel Galileo is the ability to switch digital pins from 5V mode to 3.3V mode by switching jumpers.
Intel Galileo also supports a number of standard interfaces and I / O ports, which can usually be found on PCs. This allows you to significantly expand Scopes of the device in comparison with standard solutions from Arduino.
- Ability to use the Arduino IDE development environment.
- Great performance with small device sizes.
- The ability to install a full-fledged operating system.
- The presence of a PCI Express controller, allowing you to use a significantly larger number of extensions.
- High cost.
- High microcontroller heat during operation.
4. Interaction Technologies for Vehicle Intelligence System Modules
To transfer data between sensors and devices for processing and visualizing environmental data, wireless technologies are widely used, which allow you to create flexible and cost-effective monitoring systems.
The main technologies currently used in smart systems are Bluetooth and Zigbee
The Bluetooth standard is a compromise in terms of the ratio of the parameters efficiency / range / speed. The main idea of bluetooth was to creating a universal, reliable and very cheap wireless access radio interface. Bluetooth technology allows you to pair with various professional and household equipment in voice, data and multimedia modes, while guaranteeing its electromagnetic compatibility with other home or office equipment [6].
By the nature of interaction with external devices and applications, the architecture of all existing Bluetooth modules can be divided into three types (Fig. 2):
- Modules with a dual-processor architecture (Fig. 1.2a) do not contain a high-level Bluetooth software stack with support for standard profiles. This means that the necessary Bluetooth profiles must be implemented on an external processor. External processor interaction with the module occurs through a virtual interface HCI (Host Controller Interface). In the particular case, HCI can be implemented through the hardware interface SPI or UART [ 6 ].
- Bluetooth modules with integrated dual-processor architecture (Fig. 1.2b) are the most common. This kind of architecture implies the presence of a high-level Bluetooth stack with support for standard profiles directly in the internal processor of the module. In this case an application running on an external processor communicates with the Bluetooth module through hardware interfaces [ 6 ].
- Uniprocessor architecture (Fig. 1.2c) is the least common. For its implementation, the developer must create a special application, which will work on the internal processor of the Bluetooth module. In this case, the module turns into a stand-alone device, access to which through external hardware interfaces closed. The belonging of a module to one or another architecture can be determined both by its hardware implementation and by internal software providing. For example, in a particular case, the same Bluetooth module can be assigned to any of three types of architecture, depending on the type of firmware, loaded into the internal processor module. This approach is most popular among foreign manufacturers [ 6 ].

Figure 2 - Variations of the architecture of the modules of the standard Bluetooth
- High standardization and interoperability between Bluetooth devices from different manufacturers [ 7 ].
- Protection of transmitted data.
- Low cost.
- High range (up to 1000 m).
- Versatility and a wide variety of modules for different tasks.
- Relatively high power consumption (operation from autonomous power sources is not always possible). This flaw is supposed Bluetooth 4.0 specification [ 7 ] will be stripped.
- Relatively low data exchange rate (up to 1 Mbps). Typically, the actual data rate is limited by bandwidth. external hardware module interfaces.
Based on the characteristic features of the Bluetooth modules, their fields of application in Russia and abroad have been formed:
- Car Electronics. Bluetooth modules can be used in on-board automotive monitoring and control systems.
- Remote control and telemetry systems;
- Computer equipment and telecommunication user equipment. Laptops, cell phones, smartphones, trading terminals with built-in Bluetooth feature [ 7 ].
In cases where the radio range in direct line of sight is not large enough and there is a need to increase it while maintaining low power consumption, it is advisable to pay attention to the ZigBee wireless standard.
To facilitate the development process and ensure maximum compatibility of ZigBee devices from different manufacturers among themselves, was developed ZigBee Cluster Library (ZCL). This document introduces the concept of standard device types, standard commands for these devices, sets of standard attributes, ranges of values ??of these attributes, data types for setting attribute values, etc. ZCL groups clusters according to their intended purpose: general purpose; for work with sensors; to control lighting devices, ventilation, etc. Using standard clusters to forward messages Required by all new ZigBee specifications since 2007 [7].
For standard device types, there are standard application profiles. The profile specification defines the parameters necessary for collaboration devices on the same network. There are at least two main profiles:
- Home Automation. This profile enables manufacturers of wireless home automation systems worldwide to develop compatible devices of the Smart Home class. It regulates the operation of control devices for lighting equipment, air conditioning, heating, ventilation, etc.
- Smart Energy. This profile enables wireless communication between home automation devices and measurement infrastructure devices. energy utility accounting service.
- Protection of transmitted data.
- Support for complex wireless networks.
- Very low power consumption.
- The insufficiently high level of standardization and the lack of a single software and hardware platform.
- Low data rate. Most of the ZigBee traffic is spent on sending packets containing address information, synchronization packets. etc. The useful data transfer rate is about 30 kbit / s.
Areas of use:
- Home entertainment and control, rational lighting, advanced temperature control, safety and security, films and music.
- Home alerts, water and energy sensors, energy monitoring, smoke and fire sensors, rational access and negotiation sensors.
- Mobile services and payment, monitoring and control, security and access control and health care.
- Commercial construction energy monitoring, light, access control.
- Industrial equipment - control of processes, industrial devices, energy and property management.
During the analysis of the task of constructing a vehicle intellectualization system, the following were analyzed:
- Existing intellectualization systems.
- Hardware platforms of vehicle intelligence system.
- Technologies for the interaction of vehicle intellectualization systems.
As a result, a communication method and a hardware platform were chosen to implement the task of developing a vehicle intellectualization system.
List of sources
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- Обзор современных технологий беспроводной передачи данных в частотных диапазонах ISM (Bluetooth, ZigBee, Wi-Fi) и 434/868 МГц. [Электронный ресурс] // Allbest: сайт. [2019]. – Режим доступа:https://revolution.allbest.ru....
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