- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the work
- 2. Analysis of existing CAD systemsР
- 2.1. CAD START
- 2.2. CAD OOO
- Conclusions
- Source list
Microsoft Visio – is a vector graphics editor, diagram and flowchart editor for Windows. Available in three editions: Standard, Professional and Pro for Office 365.
Similar to Adobe Reader, the standard MS Office Suite includes only the Microsoft Visio Viewer for viewing and printing diagrams. The full-featured version of Microsoft Visio Professional for creating and editing monograms and diagrams is not included in MS Office packages and is distributed separately.
Visio was originally developed and produced by Visio Corporation. Microsoft acquired the company in 2000, then the product was called Visio 2000, was rebranded, and the product was incorporated into Microsoft Office. The latest version of the product was released in 2016. [1].
1. Relevance of the topic
It is necessary to study the creation of intelligent add-on technology over visual rectors.
2. Analysis of existing CAD systems
The START program is designed to calculate the strength and stiffness of pipelines for various purposes, having an arbitrary configuration in space, under static and cyclic load. By means of the program both self-compensating pipelines in which compensation of temperature expansions is provided by flexibility of the pipeline route, and pipelines with the special compensating devices executed in the form of wavy, lens or gland compensators are calculated.
For the first time the START program was put into commercial operation in 1967, and on modern personal computers it is operated since 1992. Today, start IS one of the most common programs for calculating the strength and stiffness of pipelines for various purposes in Russia and the CIS countries. It is used by more than 600 organizations, the total number of copies used exceeds 1000. Users of the program are PKO of large plants, design organizations of chemical, gas, energy profile and a number of other industries. The program is widely used in the design, reconstruction and construction of heat networks.
OOO "DONVODSERVIS" – one of the largest suppliers of energy saving equipment in the southern Federal district.
This system combines the functions of telemechanics, automatic control system, automatic monitoring and accounting of energy resources of several downhole pumping stations, remote from each other, and implements the following main functions:
- automatic monitoring and control of pumping equipment with display of data on their actual condition
- emergency and warning alarms, their registration and formation of recommendations for the preservation of equipment and exit from the emergency situation
- monitoring of energy consumption and collect information for commercial accounting of resources
- continuous diagnosis of the communication channels, the health of all systems and operational indication of detected malfunctions with the automatic logging of events.
A functional example of using Visio to create Microsoft Visio graphics add-ins was described. Microsoft Visio was considered as an example of an intelligent system. This system is not completely intelligent, but for the purposes that lie at this stage it meets the specified requirements. In the future, the functionality of Microsoft Visio will be improved.
The following components were used:
- Use the Visio document control.
- Use the Visio type library.
With the help of these components, the functionality of Microsoft Visio has been expanded.
When writing this essay, the master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: May 2020. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after the specified date.
Список источников
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