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As a result of the activity any enterprise carries out any economic operations, makes these or those decisions. Almost every such action is reflected in accounting.

In a competitive environment, the survival of an enterprise depends on its financial stability, which is achieved by improving production efficiency through the economical use of all types of resources, reducing costs, identifying existing reserves to increase production and increase profits. The costs of production and production of finished products are reflected in the cost of production, as it shows what it costs the company to produce and sell products. The more economically the organization uses material, labor and financial resources in the manufacture of products, works and services, the more efficient the production process, the greater the profit.

1. Theme urgency

The relevance of the topic presented in the work is that the cost reduction is the most important factor in the development and increase of profitability of the economic entity, the basis for the measurement of income and expenses.

To make the right decisions for maximum profitability and sustainability of the enterprise market need complete and reliable information on the costs of the enterprise, reflected in accounting and reporting. Therefore, it is the accounting of production costs that is one of the most important objects of the management process at the enterprise.

Accounting provides the administration of the organization with the information necessary to monitor production activities and make the right decisions on the results of these activities.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The aim of this work is to study the theoretical, methodological and practical issues of organization of accounting and audit costs, identify gaps and contradictions in accounting costs, as well as the development of specific recommendations for their improvement.

To achieve this goal in the work it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. to study the economic essence of production costs;
  2. to study classification approaches in relation to production costs;
  3. to define the purposes, tasks, features of legal regulation of accounting of expenses for production;
  4. to reveal the organization of accounting of expenses for production in the conditions of the enterprise.
  5. Consider the theoretical and regulatory aspects of the organization of audit of production costs.
  6. Develop a plan and program of audit of production costs at the enterprise.
  7. Develop recommendations to improve the organizational and methodological provisions of accounting and audit of production costs.

Object of research: financial and economic activity of enterprises.

Subject of research: theoretical and methodological aspects of production costs.

3. Overview of research and development

In modern domestic and foreign literature, many authors have investigated issues related to reducing the cost of production. However, economists have not yet formed a consensus on the best ways to reduce the cost of production. The technology of cost planning was considered by V. V. Parkhomenko and A. G. Brodin.

The study of the issue of accounting and cost analysis of industrial enterprises attracted the attention of many both foreign and domestic researchers, such as John black, Daren McCabe [1], Michael Meskon, Franklin Khedouri [5], John Shank, Vijay Govindarajan [8], T. B. Algina, O. I. amosh, I. V. Bugay [2], S. F. Golov, V. O. Metz, V. Mnykh, G. O. Partin [6] and others. Their research is focused on improving the methods of rationing, accounting and calculation of production costs, organization of their analysis and budgeting and search for reserves to reduce costs in industrial enterprises. The practical application of the developed accounting methods, calculation, rationing and budgeting of costs and differential analysis of accounting information in the process of management decision-making allowed to more accurately determine and evaluate the costs and financial results during the implementation of individual economic operations and processes in the enterprise-the formation of stocks, production in the main and auxiliary production, enterprise management, marketing research of the sales market and the like.

Despite the relevance of the topic, the level of its research and study, deep structural changes in the economic mechanism of the state require continuous improvement of the methodology and methodology of accounting for the harmonization of the financial situation of the enterprise.

4. Methodological basis of accounting for lease operations

Currently, the Donetsk people's Republic does not have its own Republican accounting regulations and legislative acts, so accounting is conducted on the basis of Ukrainian accounting Regulations (standards).

Expense accounting is regulated by P (C)BU 16 "Expenses". There is no special standard on expenses, similar to P(C)BU 16 "Expenses", among IFRS. However, there is no special standard that would regulate the accounting and the order of reflection of expenses-they are spelled out separately. For example, the valuation of material costs is governed by international standard IAS 2 inventories; depreciation costs – international standard IAS 16 (IAS 16) property, plant and Equipment ; labor costs – international standard IAS 19 (IAS 19) employee Benefits.

5. The essence and content of production costs as an object of accounting

Determination of the financial result of the enterprise is a comparison of income received by the enterprise, and the costs that have been incurred by them in connection with the receipt of such income. Therefore, the amount of expenses is one of the main qualitative indicators of the enterprise, which determines the effectiveness of its functioning and financial position.

According to P(C) BU 16. expenditure refers to a decrease in economic benefits in the form of Disposals of assets or increases in liabilities that cause a decrease in equity (except for a decrease in equity due to withdrawal or distribution by owners), provided that these costs can be reliably estimated. This means that expenses are recognised simultaneously with a decrease in assets or an increase in liabilities.

All cash costs of the enterprise are grouped according to three criteria:

  1. expenses related to profit-making,
  2. expenses that are not related to profit,
  3. compulsory expenses.

Expenses related to profit extraction include the cost of commodity products, works, services, material resources consumed in the production process (material costs); labor costs; expenses related to the management of the production process; the cost of non-current assets (fixed assets, intangible assets) used in the production process.

Cost element-a set of economically homogeneous costs.

Grouping costs by elements is used in any organization, regardless of the type of activity and their legal structure. The purpose of this gradation is to combine the composition of expenses that will form the cost price. Observing the sign of homogeneity, the costs are divided into the following elements:

  1. material (excluding returnable waste);
  2. wages;
  3. social payment;
  4. depreciation and amortization;
  5. other costs.
Cost elements

Figure 1 – Cost elements
(animation: 5 frames, Endless repetition, 74 kb)

Grouping costs by elements is necessary in order to study the material intensity, energy intensity, labor intensity, capital intensity of products and to establish the impact of technological progress on the cost structure. If the share of wages decreases, and the share of depreciation increases, it indicates an increase in the technical level of the enterprise, the growth of labor productivity. The share of wages also decreases when the share of purchased components and semi-finished products increases, which indicates an increase in the level of cooperation and specialization [3].

Grouping of costs by purpose, i.e. by calculation items, indicates where, for what purposes and in what amounts resources are spent. This grouping is necessary to calculate the cost of certain types of products in diversified production, the establishment of centers of concentration of costs and search for reserves to reduce them. The classification of costs by calculation items is shown in figure 2.

Classification of costs by calculation items

Figure 2 – Classification of costs by calculation items

Under the cost of production, works and services are understood expressed in cash costs of all types of resources: fixed assets, raw materials, materials, fuel and energy, labor used directly in the process of manufacturing products and work, as well as to preserve and improve the conditions of production and its improvement.

The cost of production, works performed or services rendered consists of the costs of material, labor and financial resources necessary for the production and sale of the manufactured product.

For the correct reflection of production costs in accounting and calculating the cost of each type of product in all cases, it is necessary to know exactly what is spent and where the costs are directed. For this reason costs are classified according to the following parameters:

  1. types of products (works, services);
  2. the place of occurrence of costs (on shops, sites, departments, etc.);
  3. technical and economic purpose;
  4. method of inclusion in the cost of production;
  5. volume of output;
  6. calendar periods.

    According to the technical and economic purpose of the costs are divided into basic and overhead. The main ones are the costs caused by the technological process of production. These include: the cost of basic and auxiliary materials and components included in the products; the cost of fuel and energy used in the production of these products (the cost of heating and lighting of production facilities are not included here); wages of workers engaged in the technological process, with contributions to social and compulsory health insurance; the cost of maintenance and operation of equipment.

    Overhead costs are divided into shop and General economic. Example of shop expenses – expenses for heating and lighting of production premises of shop and shop services, expenses for payment of labor of engineering and technical personnel of shop. General economic expenses – expenses for the maintenance of the management apparatus.

    According to the method of inclusion in the cost of costs are divided into direct and indirect. Direct-is the cost that can be attributed to the cost of each specific product. These include all major costs, except for the maintenance and operation of the equipment. Indirect costs are costs that are included in the cost price indirectly, that is, by distribution between different types of products.

    Depending on the volume of output, conditionally fixed and conditionally variable costs are allocated. Conditionally variable costs increase in proportion to the volume of output (consumption of raw materials).

    Conditionally fixed costs are not directly proportional to the volume of output. For example, the cost of heating production facilities do not increase with increasing productivity. However, these costs change when the volume of output changes, so they are called constant conditionally.

    For calendar periods, production costs are divided into current and one-time. Current-a fixed cost, daily, related to a given month (consumption of raw materials).

    One-time costs are one-time, they relate to a number of subsequent months (equipment repair costs) [4].

    The company's management chooses the classification of costs based on the specifics of production, inventory and cost centers, the formed system of accounting and control. Cost – based classification of costs is important for the analysis and management of the cost of production in the enterprise. It provides an opportunity for operational analysis of costs included in the cost of production, to provide management personnel with the information necessary for the analysis and management of the cost of production.


    In a competitive environment, the survival of an enterprise depends on its financial stability, which is achieved by improving production efficiency through the economical use of all types of resources, reducing costs, identifying existing reserves to increase production and increase profits. The costs of production and production of finished products are reflected in the cost of production, as it shows what it costs the company to produce and sell products. The more economically the organization uses material, labor and financial resources in the manufacture of products, works and services, the more efficient the production process, the greater the profit.

    This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: May 2020. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.

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