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Human resource management is recognized as one of the most important spheres of life organization capable repeatedly to increase its effectiveness, and the concept of human resource management in the organization is considered a fairly wide range, from economic and statistical to philosophical and psychological.

Personnel management system provides continuous improvement of methods of work with the staff and the use of achievements of domestic and foreign science, the best production experience. In a market economy in the DNI are particularly important issues of practical application of modern forms of personnel management that improve the socio-economic efficiency of any production. The success of the company provide employees who work on it. That is why the modern concept of management of the organization involves the allocation of a large number of functional areas of management activity that related to the management of human resources component of production - personnel organization.

The relevance of this topic is due to the fierce competition in the market. It is known that the most important component of competitiveness depends and provides company personnel and personnel management systems.

The aim of the research is to study human resource management system and development of recommendations for its improvement in the organization.To achieve the objectives of the study it seems appropriate to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Reveal the theoretical aspects related to the formation of the personnel management system;
  2. To investigate the functioning of the personnel management system;
  3. Offer an innovative approach to improving human resource management system in the context of development of the organization.

Object of study -

Subject of research - the processes of formation of personnel management systems.

1. Formation of the personnel management system within the development organization

Human Resource Management - a set of interrelated economic, organizational and socio-psychological methods, providing employment the efficiency and competitiveness of the organization [1].

System - a set of elements that are in a relationship and relationships with each other and forming a certain integrity, unity.

Human Resource Management System, this set of techniques, methods and technologies of work with the staff [2].

One of the most complex facilities management personnel is any enterprise. Individual members of staff can independently assess the situation and to take certain decisions that ultimately affect the overall work process. To create a successful team in the organization, you need to know the basics of formation of human resource management systems.

Human resource management is carried out using a variety of methods, technologies and techniques. All of them have their own tasks and functions, can act autonomously, independently of each other, but at the same time be aimed at achieving a common goal. In general, each system is constantly evolving, adapting a phenomenon characteristic of a particular stage of social development.

Each control system is based on a particular model. The use of a particular model depends on what type of organizational structure has the system. Also depend on the choice of the structure of future labor relations between employees. Formed a hierarchy, create an organizational unit. Basic functions, subjects and objects of management personnel to consider (Figure 1).

An approach to the unification of synthesis of Moore FSM

Figure 1 – Basic functions, subjects and objects of the personnel management system

Thus, the personnel management process is comprehensive implementation functions. An objective set of (part of) the functions inherent in the management of any hierarchical level, for any organization.

Organization of personnel management system - a system that implements HR function, including line management subsystem, as well as a number of functional sub-systems, specializing in the performance of similar functions (Figure 2) [3].

The composition of the subsystems of the organization’s personnel management system

Figure 2 –The composition of the subsystems of the organization’s personnel management system
(animation: 6 frames, 7 cycles of repeating, 160 kilobytes)

Line management subsystem carries out management of the organization as a whole, separate functional control and production departments. The functions of this subsystem performs the following persons: the head of the organization, his deputies, heads of functional and production departments, their deputies, masters, foremen. Functional subsystems combine homogeneous, similar in content features on the major areas of work with the staff. Carriers of the functions of these subsystems are the individual functional units and officials: heads of these departments, their deputies, assistants and other employees. Depending on the size of the organization structure of units varies: one unit can perform the functions of several subsystems in small organizations,

2. Management operation personnel study in the context of development of the organization

Each organization in the process of its development, is committed to optimal self-realization as a whole and its constituent elements based on their activity and the dynamic equilibrium.

In a general sense, "development - it is a natural process change, the transition from one state to another, more perfect; the transition from an old state to a qualitatively new, from simple to complex, from lower to higher " [6]. The development is irreversible, directional, regular change of matter and consciousness, their universal property; as a result of the development of a new qualitative state of the object - its composition or structure.

To date, HR-specialists use at each stage of its work, a lot of very different designs and techniques for improving personnel management systems. each level - from recruitment to his dismissal - It has specific techniques to achieve maximum efficiency.

Development of the organization requires a systematic planned its improvement, which is reflected in the highlights are shown in (Fig. 3). Thus, two types of intra processes and functions can be isolated [7]:

  1. Maintain existing relationships and connections to save the organization as such and solutions facing her problems with the help of set of actions for setting goals, formulating and decision-making, the allocation of rights and responsibilities, resources;
  2. Improvement of existing and creation of new relationships and connections, ensuring the development of the organization as a whole. In the latter case we are talking about organizational development, supplementing the development of technical, technological, economic, social.

The purpose of the organization focuses on its outcome. Formulation of objectives allows to specify that you must get in the end the organization updates (for example, new technology, organizational structure, etc.). The presence of the target refinement streamlines the process of organization development challenges, as the purpose of a set of interrelated basic and special problems [5].

Organization development objectives reflect the questions that must be answered for the realization of this goal. They are the means to solve it. Insufficiently serious attitude to the process of specification of tasks leads to inappropriate operation or very large overloads and costs for the organization.

The goals and objectives of the organization of work discipline and improve its effectiveness, they should be guided at all stages of the reorganization. Evasion of program goals and objectives of the organization of the work makes the chaotic, inefficient in the sense that the achieved results, although they can be useful and "interesting", but they are not the solution to the actual problem.

The main objectives of management of development of the organization are: to study and practical application of the principles of the development of the totality of management relations and various forms of their manifestation in determining goals, developing plans, creating economic and organizational conditions for the efficient operation of labor collectives. Learning and mastering these laws are essential to improve the management of public and private production, improving economic infrastructure and raising the region's economy.

3.Organizational diagnostic and research as one of the innovative approaches to improve the personnel management system of the organization

Company policies are formed on the basis of the main objectives and strategies. And that's how they are evaluated and adjusted,? indicator of the level of the company.

Typically, the collection of information for evaluation and adjustment is carried out comprehensively. Involving all departments, involves all evaluation criteria (if any were developed and implemented). This procedure is called in the management of the diagnosis of the organizational structure and management systems. When it is complete management of the organization provided a comprehensive report, which is just visible to those problem areas, which, according to the staff, need to be adjusted first. And if diagnosis conducted reasonably (not too much evaluation criteria and questions), and the report drawn up correctly, the management gets a clear program of action.

The main participants of the organizational diagnostic studies (DAR) are office staff and heads of key departments?they initiated a study and develop the main problem areas. In this case, the office staff is not only the initiator and developer of the survey questionnaires, but also the main contractor (holding, processing, mixing, analysis, information).

The objectives of the organizational diagnostic study They are:

Definition of problem areas:

  1. The level at which accumulated the most problems (strategic, operational, personnel);
  2. That the most problematic (business processes and communication);
  3. How long ago the problems started, whether employees see prospects for solving them;
  4. What structure is most problematic: the internal (organization of work, departments, regulations, duties, produktion, storage and logistics), or external (customers, the company's position, advertising, competitors).

Determination of the motivational background and job satisfaction:

  1. Statistics obtained in report, trend or particular cases;
  2. Observed whether the law of employee satisfaction / dissatisfaction on the following criteria: the number of years of service, gender, age, education, position, department, manager, the latest personnel changes (rotation, increasing positions, bonuses, change of qualifications and salary).

Results ODI

Diagnose, management receives invaluable information about:

  1. Than most dissatisfied employees;
  2. That, in their opinion, does not allow the company to grow.

ODI The results are shown in the form of a comprehensive report. satisfaction level for the main problem areas calculated as a percentage of 100% (ideal value). It is possible to determine the average satisfaction on every aspect of life of the company.

When it is advisable to carry out issledovanie Naibolee advisable to carry out the DAR in the following situations:

  1. organization prepares for restructuring;
  2. organization is preparing to change the image and position in the market;
  3. before the introduction of new standards or other policies (documents, regulations, rules, activities);
  4. management decided to change the policy.

In this case, as soon as the organization notice any violation of the system, there is a need to interview employees for how they are satisfied with the status quo and how they see the improvement of the structure.

Main during the OAG develop the most relevant for the current situation inorganizations questionnaire (Questionnaire). Approximately incremental algorithm of DAR:

  1. to hold a meeting of key management personnel and service representatives to identify key problem areas, which need to get the most adequate information from the staff;
  2. to identify the main criteria by which you want to receive the information in a specific format of the final report;
  3. prepare documents for regulating DAR (orders, instructions, information sheets);
  4. appoint a curator of the department of personnel;
  5. develop a questionnaire;
  6. agree with the leadership of the questionnaire;
  7. prepare a data collection point from the staff (special boxes);
  8. train staff: to hold a meeting and instruction for completing the questionnaire;
  9. collect information, process and report;
  10. report management, develop an action plan to improve problem areas;
  11. to inform employees of the results of the study, inform on activities to improve problem areas.

Such a step by step procedure allows employees to be directly involved throughout the diagnosis. After agreeing on the major problem areas the office staff developsand is questionnaire (the questionnaire). Profiles can be more depending on the purposes of the study (Annex). After agreeing on the main problem areas and develops office staff of a questionnaire (questionnaire).

As a general rule, after each study (survey), which conducts the service personnel, it is necessary to publish reports, placing them on the corporate website, information boards or distributed to the mailing list. In the case of the OAG requires a comprehensive report of two kinds.

The first is directed management: it describes in detail all the parameters on which the questions were asked.

Second - for employees: only parameters that require the most attention from the management.

It is important to define the area that is most corrupts the motivational background and the changes which entail the greatest increase in the level of satisfaction.

Thus, based on the presented complex service personnel management report selects the aspects that will be sent to all further work during the year. Based on the submitted service personnel comprehensive report management selects the aspects on which all further work during the year will be sent. For each of them is preparing an action plan for improvement, which the staff report at the general meeting or by any other available corporate warning system.


To summarize we can say that the personnel management process is comprehensive implementation functions. An objective set of (part of) the functions inherent in the management of any hierarchical level, for any organization.

Organization of personnel management system - a system that implements HR function, including line management subsystem, as well as a number of functional sub-systems, specializing in the performance of similar functions.

The main objectives of management of development of the organization are: to study and practical application of the principles of the development of the totality of management relations and various forms of their manifestation in determining goals, developing plans, creating economic and organizational conditions for the efficient operation of labor collectives. Learning and mastering these laws are essential to improve the management of public and private production, improving economic infrastructure and raising the region's economy.

Based on the presented organizational diagnostic studies and comprehensive report, the organization's leadership may choose aspects that all further work of the organization during the year will be sent.


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