Improving the management of financial stability of an industrial enterprise in a market economy
The market system of management causes changes in the forms and methods of enterprise management, and requires new approaches to determining the place and role of the enterprise in the development of social production. The success of structural and organizational transformations of economic entities depends largely on improving the management methods of their activities. This applies to one of the most complex and priority areas of activity - the financial sector. Its state, as well as the skillful use of financial instruments, largely determines the successful operation of each enterprise and its prospects for development.
The difficult financial situation of enterprises and the need to expand investments have exacerbated the problem of sustainability of companies. Therefore, it is necessary to develop management mechanisms and methods based on the principles of logistics and marketing, which allow optimizing the company's resources (material, financial, labor) and ensuring its long-term sustainability. The state should also support national producers.
1. Relevance of the topic
In market conditions, the key to survival and the basis for a stable position of the enterprise is its financial stability. If the company is financially stable, it has a number of advantages over others. The higher the stability of the enterprise, the more it is independent of unexpected changes in market conditions. Taking this into account, it is extremely necessary to improve the process of managing the financial stability of enterprises, and especially to adapt the mechanisms for implementing this process in the conditions of the financial and economic crisis.
2. Purpose and objectives of the study
The purpose of the study is to develop recommendations for improving the financial stability of enterprises in the metallurgical industry.
Main research objectives:
1.Analyze the theoretical basis for managing the financial stability of the company.
2.Research methods for assessing financial stability
3. to Investigate the assessment of the financial stability of enterprises in the metallurgical industry.
4.Improve the mechanism for managing the financial stability of enterprises.
5.Develop recommendations for a comprehensive assessment of the financial stability of business entities.
object of research: financial stability of metallurgical enterprises.
Subject of research: JSC Azovstal Metallurgical combine
, PJSC yenakiyevsky metallurgical plant
and JSC Azovstal
Within the framework of the master's work, the theoretical and methodological foundations of assessing the financial stability of an industrial enterprise are considered. Taking into account the variety of approaches to solving these issues, a refined definition of the concept of financial stability was proposed as a complex category that reflects the level of financial resources and financial results of the enterprise, the ability to fulfill its obligations and ensure the development of its activities while maintaining its creditworthiness and solvency.
They also analyzed the features of the organization and management of financial stability of enterprises and, within the framework of the identified problems, proposed recommendations for improving the process of financial stability management based on the modification (structuring) of the information base and the application of methods and coefficients of their adjustment.
3. Research and development Overview
A model for managing the financial stability of metallurgical enterprises based on regulating the level of current liabilities has been developed. it is suitable for its use by substituting statistical values of business income, business expenses and available current assets in order to determine the maximum amount of current liabilities, by regulating which each individual business entity can manage the level of its financial stability.
Also, a model for managing the financial stability of metallurgical enterprises based on the regulation of the level of current liabilities has been developed. it is suitable for its use by substituting statistical values of business income, business expenses and available current assets in order to determine the maximum amount of current liabilities, by regulating which each individual business entity can manage the level of its financial stability.
Management of financial stability of an enterprise is a system of principles and methods for developing and implementing management decisions related to ensuring such a state of financial resources and assets, their formation and distribution, which would allow the enterprise to develop on the basis of profit and capital growth while maintaining its solvency and creditworthiness and ensuring and maintaining its financial balance. The main goal of such management is to ensure financial security and stability of the functioning and development of the business entity in the current and future periods, which will ultimately maximize its market value. To achieve this goal, the company's financial stability management must ensure that the following tasks are fulfilled: ensuring an optimal capital and asset structure, ensuring constant solvency and creditworthiness, and balancing and ensuring an optimal cash flow structure.
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