- Introduction
- 1. The importance of the Kalmius River in the water supply of the city
- 2. Study of the ecological state of the Kalmius River
- 3. Methods of chemical analysis
- 3.1 Determination of the concentration of hydrogen ions (pH)
- 3.2 Determination of carbon dioxide (СО2)
- 3.3 Determination of dissolved oxygen
- 3.4 Determination of water transparency
- 3.5 Determination of nitrites
- 3.6 Determination of nitrates
- 3.7 Determination of ammonium and ammonia ions
- 4. Results of hydrochemical analysis of water
- 4.1 Hydrochemical parameters of water
- Conclusions
- References
Relevance of the topic. Bioresources - quantitative indicators of the state of the animal and plant world for the assessment of which the concepts of biomass and bioproductivity are used. The most important basic indicator for assessing animal resources is the number of animals. The estimation of the number of animals is inextricably linked with the inventory of their habitats, including for extrapolation of data to unexplored territories. For plants the most important indicator of biomass, also takes into account the overall species composition and species richness, dominant and codominant, the total projective cover of grass and its height, yield of above-ground phytomass. The most specific information on bioresources consists of the systematization of resource and environmental information. Aquatic bioresources are a collection of aquatic organisms whose life is impossible without being in the water. Aquatic bioresources include freshwater, marine, anadromous and catadromous fish at all stages of development, round-mouthed, aquatic invertebrates, including mollusks, crustaceans, worms, echinoderms, sponges, coelenterates, terrestrial invertebrates in the aquatic stage of development, algae and other aquatic plants. Water management is an integral part of the economy. Its main task is to provide consumers with water in the necessary quantity and quality. In the conditions of the low-water climate of the Donetsk steppe, water supply to the population and enterprises is of strategic importance. Of particular importance is the problem of rational use and protection of water resources in the conditions of the low-water region of the Donetsk People's Republic. All waters (water bodies) on the territory of the DPR are the property of the people and can only be transferred for use. Reservoirs are of great importance not only for the life support of the population, industry, agriculture, but also for recreation, tourism, and sports. In the conditions of anthropogenic loads on the natural environment, there is a need to develop and comply with the rules for the use of water resources, their rational use and environmentally directed protection. The purpose and objectives of the research. The purpose of this work is to study the possibility of using water bioresources of the reservoirs of Donbass. Object of study: the basin of the river Kalmius Beam Obitochna Subject of research: hydrochemical analysis of water to determine the feasibility of using, as well as the possibility of breeding bioresources in the reservoir. Research methods. The following methods were used to solve the problems of the study: taking water samples and preserving them; preparing for analysis; preparing water samples; conducting chemical analysis of water; using the method of comparative analysis and calculation method; processing the results; summing up and developing recommendations.
1 The importance of the Kalmius River in the water supply of the city
The main river flowing through the city center is the Kalmius. Most scholars associate the ancient Kalka, which is mentioned in the Russian chronicles "The Word of Igor's Regiment"(1185) and "Veles' Book " (59 centuries), with Kalmius or its tributary Kalchik. Many peoples lived in ancient times on the lands through which the river flows: Cimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns, Goths, Bulgarians, Avars, Khazars, Pechenegs, Torks. Kalmius is the second most important river in the Donbass with tributaries Wet and Dry Volnovakha and Kalchik. It originates near Yasinovataya, in the village of Mineralnoye, on the southern slope of the Donetsk ridge at an altitude of 240 meters above sea level, crosses Donetsk and flows south, and in the center of Mariupol flows into the Sea of Azov. The length of Kalmius is 236 km. The width of the valley varies from 100 meters to 2.2 kilometers, the floodplain-from 150 meters to 3 kilometers, the riverbed-from 1 to 80 meters. The length of the river within the city of Donetsk is 35 km, the average width of the riverbed is about 10 m. On the river built Verkhnetulomskoe reservoir. The Kalmius River cuts deep into the dense rocks of the Azov crystal massif, sometimes forming rapids and waterfalls. The river valley is asymmetrical, with a high, steep right slope and a low left slope. The riverbed is very tortuous. The Kalmius river is fed by precipitation, groundwater and mine water, mine effluents. The water of the river is very polluted by industrial water discharges and needs to be thoroughly cleaned. The river and beam network of Kalmius in the territory of Donetsk is regulated by reservoirs and ponds intended for various purposes (technical water supply, recreation). The main left-hand tributaries of the river within the city of Donetsk: the Bogodukhov gully-16.8 km long, originates in Makeyevka and passes through the territory of the Kalininsky, Budenovsky and Proletarsky districts; the Obetochnaya gully-11.8 km long, passes through the Proletarsky and Budenovsky districts and flows into the Kalmius at the village. Larino; Gruzskaya River – the total length of the river is 47 km, and within the city limits. Mospino and Proletarsky district of Donetsk 13.4 km. The main right-hand tributaries of the Kalmius River within the city of Donetsk: Bezymennaya Gulch – 10.5 km long, crosses the central part of the city from the Vetkovsky ponds to the First city Pond; Durnaya Gulch – 9 km long, passes through the Kuibyshev and Leninsky districts of the city and flows into the Kalmius in the Bosse district; Shiroka Gulch-12.2 km long, crosses the southern part of the city along the Leninsky and Petrovsky districts to the Donetsk reservoir.
2 Study of the ecological state of the Kalmius River
The ecological state of the city's water bodies is inextricably linked to the water quality of the Kalmius River and its tributaries. For Donetsk, the Kalmius River has an important historical, national economic and recreational significance, and therefore the problem of protecting the river basin and rational water use requires special attention. Long-term intensive water consumption and wastewater discharge have significantly worsened the condition of local watercourses and the Kalmius River basin. The river is fed by spring snowmelt, springs, discharged mine and industrial waters, and sanitary drains of water from the Seversky Donets canal. In the summer, when the water level decreases, the oxygen content in Kalmius decreases sharply and bacterial contamination increases. The water in the city's water bodies does not meet the requirements of the current regulations in many respects. The total discharge of wastewater into the surface reservoirs of the city is 160-175 million tons. m 3 per year. According to statistical reports on the use of water resources, there are currently about 200 water-user enterprises in Donetsk, of which 40 enterprises discharge return water into the rivers and reservoirs of the city. The amount of fresh water used is on average 130-140 million m 3 per year. Of the 78 ponds and reservoirs in the city, 24 are intended for recreation, 6 for fish farming, and the rest are used for technical water supply and irrigation or are used as sedimentation tanks. Analysis of water pollution in the Kalmius River shows that deviations of water quality indicators from the accepted sanitary standards for the protection of surface waters from pollution are observed for petroleum products, cobalt, magnesium, sulfates, suspended solids and dry residue. In Kalmius, over the past 10 years, a constant enrichment of water with mineral forms of nitrogen has been recorded. For heavy metals, the concentration tends to decrease. Salt pollution of surface waters is associated with the discharge of mining and industrial waters into the river network, as well as human agricultural activities. The Kalmius River plays an important role in the ecological life of the city of Donetsk. From the point of view of economic activity, the Kalmius is one of the most important rivers in our region. Water is taken from the Kalmius River for the needs of industry and agriculture. The rivers of its basin receive more than 60 % of the wastewater of the region's enterprises. For our region, the Kalmius basin plays a huge role and has important economic, social, historical, national economic and recreational significance. Recently, the public of the Donetsk region is concerned about the ecological crisis state of the Kalmius River, and the problems of protecting the Kalmius River basin and rational use are becoming more acute and important in the region. The water of the Kalmius River does not meet the requirements of the drinking water standard throughout, and most pollutants exceed the MPC by several times. The purpose of the study was to establish the ecological state of an important waterway in the region and a qualitative ecological analysis of the current state of the river and its basin, which is especially important in the conditions of constant intensification of industrial production in the Donetsk region. There are as many as 4 reservoirs on the river. Initially, some of them were created in order to provide drinking water to nearby settlements. However, the water from the reservoirs was used not only for this, but also for generating electricity. There is a GRES called Starobeshevskaya operating here. It is located on the reservoir of the same name. Thus, it becomes clear that the Kalmius River plays an important role in the national economy and contributes to the water supply of many settlements, as well as being an important source of electricity. We need to talk separately about the fauna that inhabits the reservoir. The Kalmius River does not boast a special variety of fish. In its upper course, there are only minnows. In the middle reaches, you can meet a lot more different fish, such as minnow, bleak, chub. Sometimes there is carp, walleye, perch and other types of fish. Recently, the species composition of the reservoir has significantly decreased. In the mouth of the river there is also a minnow, very rarely you can see a carp.
3 Methods of chemical analysis
3.1 Determination of the concentration of hydrogen ions (pH)
The potentiometric (electrometric) method for determining the pH of water with a glass electrode is more versatile and accurate. Most serial pH meters allow measurements with an accuracy of 0.05—0.02 pH units. It is suitable for the analysis of waters with a wide range of mineralization and containing colored and suspended substances. The method is based on measuring the potential difference that occurs at the boundaries between the outer surface of the glass membrane of the electrode and the test solution, on the one hand, and between the inner surface of the membrane and the standard acid solution, on the other. Since the internal standard solution of the glass electrode has a constant activity of hydrogen ions, the potential on the inner surface of the membrane does not change and the measured potential difference is determined by the potential arising at the boundary of the outer surface of the electrode and the test solution. The measurements are made relative to the potential of another electrode, called the reference electrode. As the last one. choose such an electrode, the potential of which is practically independent of the activity of hydrogen ions, for example, calomel, silver chloride. The electromotive force that occurs in the measuring cells made up of an indicator (glass) electrode, reference electrodes (calomel, silver chloride) - the test solution and solutions with constant activity of hydrogen ions is a function of the activity of hydrogen ions (pH) in the test solution (and temperature).
3.2 Determination of carbon dioxide (СО2)
Usually, carbonic acid (Н2СО3) is usually identified with the dissolved carbon anhydride (carbon dioxide СО2), taking their total content as СО2.
3.3 Determination of dissolved oxygen
The oxygen content in water is of great importance in assessing the quality of surface water, some wastewater, in evaluating and monitoring the operation of biological treatment plants, as well as in studying the corrosive properties of water. The oxygen content in water ranges from 6 to 10 mg / l, rarely exceeding 15 mg/l. The determination of oxygen dissolved in water is performed according to the widely used Winkler iodometric method. This method can be used to determine oxygen at a concentration of 0.05 mg/l or higher. The method is based on the ability of manganese nitrous hydrate to oxidize in an alkaline medium into compounds of higher valence, quantitatively binding oxygen dissolved in water, and then again pass in an acidic medium to divalent compounds, while oxidizing an equivalent (bound oxygen) amount of iodine. The released iodine is determined by titration with thiosulfate.
3.4 Determination of water transparency
The transparency of the water is determined in an unfiltered, freshly uncorked sample. Before measuring the water for determination, the bottle should be shaken and immediately selected with a clean and dry beaker -the required volume of water. If the water is agitated by iron hydroxide that has fallen out while standing, or even contains a large amount of suspensions, it should be taken after settling for 1 min, noting this in the note.
3.5 Determination of nitrites
For the determination of nitrite in water is used by the colorimetric method with sulphanilic acid and alpha-naphthyl-amine. This method is based on the ability of primary aromatic amines to produce intensely colored diazo compounds in the presence of nitric acid.
3.6 Determination of nitrates
The method is based on the reduction of nitrates to nitrites by metallic cadmium
and further determination of nitrite with Griess reagent Ilova. The effectiveness of cadmium as a reducing agent increases significantly if it is pretreated with a solution of copper salt. The reduced copper sits on the surface of the cadmium and forms a galvanic pair with it.
3.7 Determination of ammonium and ammonia ions
To determine ammonia in drinking and surface waters, a colorimetric method is used, based on their ability to form yellow-colored mercurammonium iodide compounds with an alkaline solution of mercury iodide.
4 Results of hydrochemical analysis of water
To determine the feasibility of using, as well as the possibility of breeding bioresources in the reservoir, a hydrochemical analysis of the water was carried out. The pH was determined by the potentiometric method, phosphates, nitrites and nitrates was determined by a colorimetric method, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and orthophosphate – photocolorimetric method dissolved oxygen – iodometric method, free carbon dioxide – titrimetric method.
4.1 Hydrochemical parameters of water
As a result of hydrochemical analysis, we found that the nitrate-ion index exceeds the permissible concentration due to the possible leaching of fertilizers from the fields. Nitrates are formed from nitrites as a result of the nitrification process, or fall into reservoirs as a result of the washing of fertilizers from fields, with atmospheric precipitation, and various runoff. The increased level of nitrates indicates that organic pollution took place in the reservoir in the recent past. Nitrates are significantly less toxic than nitrites. In fish ponds, the content of nitrates is allowed up to 3 mg/dm3, and the norm is up to 2 mg/dm3.
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