- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. The purpose of the master's work and research objectives
- 3. The impact of waste on the environment and the need for their timely processing
- 4. The main types of agricultural waste
- 5. Disposal of agricultural waste through biotechnology
- 6. Conclusion
- Conclusions
- References
1. Relevance of the topic
No other branch of social production is connected with the use of natural resources as much as agriculture. After all, the labor of a farmer and a livestock breeder is the ego, in essence, the use of nature, the natural environment around us to satisfy human needs. Agriculture should be viewed as a huge, constantly operating mechanism for the protection and cultivation of living natural resources, and it should be approached from another angle – environmental protection. Therefore, in conditions of agricultural production, the use of natural resources and, above all, land should be combined with measures to protect the environment. The fruits of human labor on earth are the most necessary prerequisites for the life of every society, no matter what stage of development it is.
The urgency of the problem of environmental protection in agriculture is increasing in modern conditions due to the processes of pollution of natural resources used in agricultural production, industrial, construction and other non–agricultural enterprises. These pollution leads to a decrease in soil fertility and their productivity, deterioration of the quality of water, atmosphere, damage to crops and livestock, which entails a shortage of agricultural products and deterioration of its quality. Environmental problems are among the most important and global today. Therefore, the topic of the work is important and relevant [1].
2. The purpose of the master's work and research objectives
More than € 2 billion will need to be invested in a project to generate heat and electricity from 20 million tons of available waste, the payback of which does not exceed 5 years. As a result of processing this amount of waste, energy in the amount of up to 9 million tons of fuel equivalent can be produced. tons (73 TWh) per year, which is 25% of the annual industrial energy consumption.
The energy received as a result of the implementation of efficient projects for the processing of available waste will reduce the need for natural gas imports by 8 billion m3 per year (25% of natural gas imported from Russia). Savings from reduced imports could amount to about 28 billion rubles.
Projects for the incineration of dry agricultural waste and the production of heat and electricity will require investments in the amount of € 10,000 to € 39,000 per 1 ton of waste used per day (depending on technology and equipment). The payback period for such projects is on average 1 to 5 years.
It is technologically expedient to discharge wet waste in reactors with subsequent biogas production. Projects for anaerobic digestion, biogas production and subsequent energy production require costs from € 5,000 to € 23,000 per 1 ton of waste used per day with a payback period of 6 to 14 years. The use of a green tariff (GT) for the sale of electricity obtained from biogas will reduce the payback period to 4–8 years [2].
In addition, such a project has a positive impact on the environment by replacing energy production from carbon fuels and, as a result, reducing CO2 emissions. So, if the energy generated from 8 billion m3 of natural gas is replaced with energy obtained from agricultural waste, the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions will be about 15.8 million tons of CO2 per year.
3. The impact of waste on the environment and the need for their timely processing
Perhaps not a single branch of the national economy has such a sanitary and environmental impact on the environment as agriculture. So, for example, the natural environment is polluted by the residual amount of fertilizers, pesticides, as well as unprocessed agricultural waste. Timely disposal of such waste is a prerequisite. At poultry farms and farms, this is mainly dung, which, accumulating, pollutes the surrounding area, forming the so–called dung lakes, where there is no place for plants, animal organisms, creating uncomfortable living conditions.

Figure 1 — Use of raw materials
(animation: 8 frames, 6 repetition cycles, 128 kilobytes)
It is possible to reduce the negative impact of environmental pollution if it is competent and rational, with the inclusion of modern low–waste and non–waste technologies to recycle waste that appears and accumulates in livestock, poultry, crop production, ultimately including them in economic circulation. At the same time, the integrated use of agricultural waste should become an important link in the work of processing enterprises.
4. The main types of agricultural waste
Production waste is considered to be material residues of raw materials, materials, means of production that have lost their consumer value, which cannot be used for their intended purpose (due to the specifics of the technological features of enterprises). These are organic waste from crops and livestock; residual amount of fertilizers; pesticides and other toxic chemicals; emissions of various pollutants from operating agricultural machinery.
All waste can be divided into three categories: by education, by direction of use and by the way it is attracted to disposal [4].
5. Disposal of agricultural waste through biotechnology
One of our scientific developments is equipment for the processing of organic waste, the BUG–1 and BUG–3 complex. The equipment is designed for the processing of all types of organic waste – cattle manure, pig manure, poultry manure, etc. The BUG complex consists of a bioreactor and a gas holder. Currently, bioreactors with a working volume of 6 cubic meters are produced. and gas tanks with a volume of 2 cubic meters. (complex BUG–1), bioreactors with a volume of 12 cubic meters. and gas tanks with a volume of 2 cubic meters. (complex BUG–3) [5].

Figure 2 — Bioreactor
In addition to processing organic waste, the equipment produces highly efficient environmentally friendly liquid organic fertilizer "KOUD" and associated biogas. Having installed the equipment, you will forget about the purchase of expensive fertilizers and will fully provide your farm in feeding agricultural crops, and increase their yields. You will also reduce the cost of disposal of all types of waste – manure, droppings, municipal solid waste, food waste, plant residues.
Biogas contains 55 – 60% methane and 40 – 45% carbon dioxide. The daily biogas output ranges from 6 – 8 cubic meters. and more (complex BUG–1), 12 – 25 cubic meters. (complex BUG–3) depending on the composition of the manure. The biogas can be used for domestic gas appliances, including gas water heaters, air heaters and gas generators.
6. Conclusion
The creation of an industry for biotechnological processing of agricultural waste solves a number of major, influencing each other, problems, first of all – environmental, associated with reducing the environmental damage caused by waste from livestock, 11 poultry and crop production, the environment.
Secondly, economic, allowing to obtain high–quality biogas, biofuel.
Thirdly, energy, aimed at creating less costly energy resources. And, finally, an extremely important social one, which ensures the creation of new jobs during the commissioning of new production facilities [6].
The significant economic and environmental effect from the introduction of processing waste from livestock, poultry and crop production in the agricultural sector increases not only the socio–economic level and quality of life, but also the prospects for the development of the Russian agro–industrial complex.
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