- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. Formulation of the problem
- 3. Main section
- 3.1 Stages of EMS creation in accordance with the requirements of the national standard GOST R ISO 14001-2015
- 3.2 Environmental aspects
- Conclusions
- List of sources
The metallurgical industry is a branch of heavy industry that includes the processes of making metals from ores or other materials, as well as metal alloys.
The structure of the metallurgical industry includes the following processes: direct production of metals, hot and cold processing of metal products, welding, metal coating.
Various raw materials are used in the metal production process. Depending on what kind of raw materials are used, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgical industries are distinguished. The first category includes metals, which include iron, manganese and chromium. The other group includes all other metals.
Products manufactured at metallurgical plants are:
– main (or final product);
– side (or the one that appears during the manufacture of main products);
– by-product (or that product that remains after the production of main and by-products and can be used as secondary raw materials).
The main products of the ferrous metallurgical industry are rolled metal, cast iron, hardware, etc. If we compare ferrous metal with non-ferrous metallurgy, a lot of energy is expended in the production of non-ferrous metal products. This is due to the low content of useful substances in non-ferrous metals and large volumes of waste, which require certain methods of disposal.
1. Relevance of the topic
The metallurgical industry is in second place among all other industries in terms of atmospheric emissions. Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, when extracting metals, are forced to use ore with a very low content useful components [3]. Thus, a huge volume of ore is supplied to beneficiation and smelting, and this, in turn, generates large quantities of waste gases from unused components.
2. Formulation of the problem
Air pollution is the main cause of environmental problems arising from the operation of metallurgical plants. All known technological processes of the production of cast iron, steel and their subsequent processing are accompanied by the formation of large amounts of waste in the form of harmful gases and dust, slag, sludge, waste water containing various chemical components, scrap, scale, refractory breakage, garbage and other emissions, which pollute the atmosphere, water and the surface of the earth.
Accordin to statistics, environmental pollution around ferrous metallurgy enterprises, depending on the prevailing winds, is felt within a radius of 20-50 km. 5-15 kg/day of dust falls per 1 square meter of this territory. Technogenic zones are formed around metallurgical enterprises, all surface formations of which (soil, snow, water, vegetation) contain a wide range of harmful substances.
Ferrous and non-ferrous metal ore processing Enterprises contribute to the following environmental problems:
– waste entering the atmosphere (the main problem of the metallurgical production complex);
– waste entering the hydrosphere, including surface and underground water;
– the need to dispose of various solid waste;
– land degradation in the formation of quarries, dumps, etc.;
appearance of technogenic geochemical anomalies;
– harmful effects on soils, flora and fauna;
adverse effects on human health.
At various stages of the metallurgical cycle, gases, slurries, slags, and dust are formed among harmful substances. Ores used in metallurgy include a certain amount of heavy metals in their composition, which subsequently accumulate and are found in the dispersion zones. Emissions and discharges from metallurgical enterprises mainly contain substances of the 2nd hazard class.
Class 1 (the most dangerous) includes: oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, carbon, mercury, etc.
Some heavy metals belong to hazard class 2: B, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Pr.
Hazard class 3 includes: VA, V, MP, etc.
3. Main section
The environmental management system is a part of the overall management system that includes organizational structure, activity planning, and responsibility distribution, practical work, as well as procedures, processes, and resources for developing, implementing, and evaluating the results achieved in implementing and improving environmental policies, goals, and objectives.
It should be noted that today, the environmental management system plays a very important role in the world, controlling and solving the following tasks for the implementation of new and safe means of production:
– scientific development, implementation and continuous operation of environmental policy at the enterprise, in accordance with the global trend of improving and rationalizing environmental management;
– control over ensuring that the company's policies comply with the environmental standards that they declare. To check the environmental management system with a certain frequency, the following tests are performed appropriate checks with mandatory preparation of an act on compliance with environmental legislation;
– visual demonstration to other organizations and end users of the positive results of the relevant policy. Verification organizations periodically organize presentation videos and information reports on the state of the environmental situation in a particular region of the country.
– issuing certificates and official registration, without which the company's environmental management system cannot be implemented in practice;
– continuous assessment of the committee's activities, as well as the development and implementation of new standards that contribute to the gradual improvement of the environmental situation.
Implementation of the environmental management system will bring positive results of the company's work, namely:
– the possibility of obtaining an international certificate of environmental compliance;
– improving the company's image in meeting environmental requirements;
– save energy and resources, including those allocated to environmental protection measures, by managing them more effectively;
– increase in the estimated value of the company's fixed assets;
– opportunity to enter the markets of green
– improving the enterprise management system;
– the possibility of attracting highly qualified labor, etc.
Tools of the environmental management system are aimed at finding weaknesses in the organization of production and ways to eliminate them, identify risks and develop programs to reduce them,
identification of reserves for development and if we consider the environment
not only as nature that falls under the influence of a particular production, but as a combination of all elements: personnel, equipment,
technology, consumers, and methods developed within the framework of the environmental management system will contribute to solving other problems.
3.1 Stages of EMS creation in accordance with the requirements of the national standard GOST R ISO 14001–2015:[2]
Stage 1. Commitment and policy:
– initial assessment;
– senior management commitment;
– environmental policy.
Stage 2. Planning:
– identification of activities;
– identification of priority environmental aspects;
– identification of regulatory requirements.
The identification of significant environmental aspects and associated impacts is necessary to identify those areas which need to be monitored or improved more closely, and to prioritize management actions:
– development of environmental goals and objectives;
– development of an environmental management program.
Stage 3. Implementation and operation:
– enabling capabilities (resources, alignment and integration of EMS and management systems, accountability and responsibility, environmental awareness and motivation, knowledge, skills and training);
– supportive actions (reporting and reporting, EMS documentation, operations management, emergency preparedness and response).
EMS documentation:
– environmental policy;
– EMS manual;
– STO/EMS Regulations;
– EMS procedures;
– provisions;
– instructions.
Stage 4. Control:
– monitoring;
– management of EMS controls;
– assessment and compliance audit of EMS;
– corrective and preventive actions.
Internal environmental audit – a comprehensive, documented assessment of compliance by a business entity and other activities with requirements, including standards and regulations, in the field of environmental protection, the requirements of international standards and the preparation of recommendations for improving performance.
Step 5. Management review:
– SEM analysis;
– Evaluation of EMS performance;
– identifying improvement opportunities.
Top management shall ensure that adequate resources are provided to implement and effectively operate the environmental management system.
The production cycle of metallurgy includes:
– extraction of source ores, coal, and other mineral resources necessary for further processing;
– mining and processing enterprises where ore is crushed, enriched and okuskovanie;
– coking production;
– power generation, supply of oxygen, compressed air for blowing and cleaning gases from other industries;
– blast furnaces where iron is smelted;
– Ferroalloy manufacturing companies;
– steelmaking (converter, open-hearth, electric steelmaking);
– rolling shops, etc.
In terms of material consumption, different branches of metallurgy differ significantly. Ferrous metallurgy is much less material-intensive. The diversity of raw materials in mineralogical terms determines the potential diversity of technologies. Different conditions of ore occurrence determine the methods of their extraction (mine and open-pit mining is used). Some types of ores have a very complex composition. This is especially true for polymetallic ores. In addition, they contain various non-metallic impurities.
Enterprises engaged in processing ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores are one of the main factors of environmental pollution in many industrial cities of Russia and the world as a whole. The greatest harm to environmental objects in this industry is caused by man-made emissions into the air and water environment from operating enterprises. A large part of the negative impact is also associated with the storage of metallurgical waste and the discharge of waste water into natural reservoirs.
The constant input of metallurgical emissions into the natural environment contributes to an increasing accumulation of various heavy metals in the soils of territories adjacent to metallurgical enterprises, as well as some acidification or alkalinization of soils, depending on the balance of constant input from the atmosphere with precipitation and dust of various acids and calcium and magnesium carbonates. The scale of environmental impact in the area of the ecological footprint of industry enterprises depends on both the composition and volume of man-made metallurgical emissions, and the company's location in a certain natural zone and subzone. Metallurgical pollution not only has a significant negative impact on the state of natural objects and the environment, but also contributes to the deterioration of public health. For people, the most dangerous waste pollution of this industry is atmospheric air.
3.2 Environmental aspects
The planning process in environmental management begins with highlighting environmental aspects.
An environmental aspect is an element of an organization's activities, products or services that can interact with the environment. An element of an organization's activities or products or services, which can interact with the environment.
Environmental aspects include the use of raw materials and natural resources, the release of pollutants into the environment, waste disposal, land acquisition.
A metallurgical enterprise is a source of emissions and discharges of pollutants into the atmosphere and water bodies, occupies large production areas, which implies the alienation of land. All metallurgical redistributions create an increased concentration of dust, carbon oxides and sulfur in the atmospheric air, in the sinter-blast furnace production additionally hydrogen sulfide and nitrogen oxides are released, in the rental shop - aerosols of pickling solutions, vapors of emulsions.
Table 3.1 Significant environmental aspects of the DMZ rolling shop

The main type of solid waste of a ferrous metallurgy enterprise is scrap, scrap, shavings, dust, which are formed during the production and casting of cast iron and steel, cutting, rolling, metal stripping.
Consistent improvement of the environmental aspects of the metal production process will provide tangible economic benefits: increased efficiency in the use of resources, reduced losses and costs, reduction of waste and costs for their disposal, use of secondary raw materials.
It is important to clearly distribute powers and responsibilities in the field of environmental protection, as in the future this allows you to determine the "exact address" of the occurrence of an environmental problem.
The metallurgical industry is a branch of heavy industry that includes the processes of making metals from ores or other materials, as well as metal alloys.
The structure of the metallurgical industry includes the following processes: direct production of metals, hot and cold processing of metal products, welding, metal coating.
The main products of the ferrous metallurgical industry are rolled metal, cast iron, hardware, etc. If we compare ferrous with non-ferrous metallurgy, a lot of energy is spent in the production of non-ferrous metal products. This is due to the low content of useful substances in non-ferrous metals and large volumes of waste, which require certain methods of disposal.
List of sources
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- OHSAS 45001:2018. Системы менеджмента охраны здоровья и безопасности труда. Требования.
- ГОСТ Р 12.0.006-2002. Система стандартов безопасности труда. Общие требования к управлению охраной труда в организации.
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