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DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Stepochkina Ann Vitalievna
Date of birth May 24, 1991
Place of birth Gorlovka town
Schools 1998-2007 - School number 52, Gorlovka.
Universities 2007–2011 - Gorlovka Machine-Building College, Faculty of Mechanics, specialty Technology of processing materials on machine tools and automatic lines, junior specialist;
2016-2019 - GOU VPO "DonNTU", Institute of innovative technologies of distance learning, specialty 15.03.05 Design and technological support of machine-building industries, bachelor;
2019-2021 - GOU VPO "DonNTU", Institute of innovative technologies of distance learning, specialty 15.04.05 Design and technological support of machine-building industries, master's degree.
Average score Average mark during bachelor's studies 79.1.
Languages Fluency in Russian and Ukrainian languages, English - at a basic level.
Hobbies and interests Board games with a child.
Personal qualities Responsibility, striving for professional growth, friendliness, learning ability, active life position.
Professional and computer skills Applied directions – Microsoft Office, Компас 3D, САПР ТП ТехноПро, Gemma 3D, SolidWorks, T-Flex CAD, AUTOCAD, FeatureCAM.
Additional courses, internships, grants in 2020 - refresher courses at the state educational institution "Institute for the development of vocational education".
Professional experience From 25.09.2014 to the present time I have been working at the Gorlovsky College of Municipal Economy, the position of an electronic engineer.
Future plans Successfully complete the magistracy, get a driver's license.
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