Improving the reliability of fiber-optic transmission systems with spectral separation
- introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2.Analysis of fiber-optic transmission systems with spectral separation.
- 3. Классификация волоконно-оптических систем связи
- 3.1 VPS depending on the channel-forming equipment used
- 3.2 VPS depending on the optical radiation modulation method
- 3.3 V depending on the method of receiving or demodulating the optical signal
- 4. Generalized block diagram of a fiber-optic transmission system
- The list of sources
Currently, the telecommunications market is one of the most harmoniously and actively developing sectors of the economy of Russia. Construction of corporate communication networks of state and commercial structures, widespread penetration of the Internet, increase the number of users of cellular networks, the introduction and expansion of the storage area networking market liberalization of telecommunication services – all this requires reliable and high-speed backbone communication channels.
1. Relevance of the topic
at the moment, the most widely used systems of dense spectral compaction (DWDM, Dense WDM) are found on the main communication networks. To standardize the set of optical carrier systems DWDM with a spacing of 50 GHz (about 0.4 nm) and 100 GHz (about 0.8 nm), the international telecommunication Union (ITU) issued recommendation ITU-T g in October 1998.692. It provided for the separation of the entire working area
2. Analysis of fiber-optic transmission systems with spectral separation.
currently, many public fiber optic networks use transmission speeds of up to 622 Mbit / s, but more and more applications are being made for transmission speeds of 2.5 Gbit/s and higher. Such FOCL can be used to organize from 7680 to 100,000 channels of tone frequency (KTF) or basic digital channels (BCC) with a bandwidth of 64 kbit/s. Currently, we have developed applications at speeds up to 40 Gbit/s. These possibilities are not limited: spectral densification and coherent reception will allow to increase the total speed of information transmission over the fiber optic network by several orders of magnitude. If we turn to the third opacity window with a width of 140 microns at a wavelength of 1.55 microns, it can accommodate up to 630 spectral channels (SC) with a frequency difference between them of 24 GHz and a transmission rate of 2.4 Gbit / s in each. This corresponds to approximately a total speed of 1.5 Tbit / s or 23 million ktch or BCC.
4. Generalized block diagram of a fiber-optic transmission system
The structure of the fiber-optic transmission system (VSP) includes the following technical means:
1. Channel-forming equipment (COO) of the transmission path, which provides the formation of a certain number of typical channels or typical group paths with a standard bandwidth or transmission rate.
2. The interface equipment (OS) of the path required for interfacing the parameters of the multichannel signal at the output of the KOO with the parameters of the optical transmitter.
3. An optical transmitter (Oper) that converts an electrical signal into an optical signal whose wavelength coincides with one of the transparency Windows of the optical fiber; the Oper consists of: an optical radiation source (IOI) of an optical carrier, one or more parameters of which are modulated by an electric multi-channel signal coming from the OS, and a matching device
spectral compaction or wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) assumes that several spectrally spaced optical carriers are simultaneously transmitted along one OV, each of which is modulated by a multichannel signal generated by the corresponding channel-forming equipment. The possibility of constructing such systems is based on a relatively weak dependence of the attenuation coefficient of the OM within the corresponding transparency window on the frequency (or wavelength) of the optical carrier. Therefore, using the frequency separation method, several broadband optical channels can be organized on one OV, thereby increasing the resulting speed of information transmission.
A device with frequency or heterodyne compaction. In transmission systems with frequency division multiplexing multi-channel source signals from a variety of sources in the linear paths are assigned certain frequency bands. In this case, for
The list of sources
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Спектральное уплотнение каналов в волоконно-оптических линиях связи
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Многоканальная дуплексная волоконно-оптическая линия связи на длине волны 1,3 мкм
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