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DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Roman Ishenko
Date of birth May 10, 1999
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools 2004–2014 comprehensive school № 103 Donetsk,
2014–2015 comprehensive school №2 Mangush
Universities 2015–2019–DonNTU, Faculty of computer science and technology, specialty «Software Engineering», bachelor
2019–2021–DonNTU, Faculty of computer science and technology, specialty «Intelligent Systems Software», master
Average score 80
Languages Russian (proficiency), Ukrainian (proficiency), English (basic)
Personal achievements List of personal achievements - training (winner of the All-Ukrainian competitions, contests and so on), scientific, sports and any other
Hobbies and interests PC Games: RPG, Role-playing, RTS
Books: History, Philosophy, Detective, Historical Novel, Drama
Drawing, Music
Personal qualities Hard work, dedication, mobility, responsibility.
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: Windows, Linux(Ubuntu), Android
2. Applications: MS Office,Krita, Adobe Photoshop
3. Programming languages: Python, Java
4. Environments: Eclipse,NetBeans,IDLE,Visual Studio
Future plans Develop your software product development skills
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