Abstract on the topic of the final work
- Introduction
- 1. Literary review
- 2. Study of the problem of water supply in the dacha
- 2.1 Description of the study area
- 2.2 Problem Description
- 2.3 Description of the solar system
- Conclusions
- List of sources
In the modern world, the need to switch from traditional energy sources to renewable sources is very acute. The main problems of using traditional energy sources are: exhaustibility and environmental damage caused. An increase in the level of population and the quality of their life leads to a large increase in the use of natural resources. The consumption of energy resources is a necessary condition for the production of products and goods, ensuring human life. Therefore, more and more reserves of natural resources are used in energy consumption. The indicator of energy intensity of GDP allows you to compare the consumption of energy resources in the world countries. The second global problem is the pollution of the environment by the combustion products of organic fuels. Emissions and waste from combustion products cause huge harm to human health and vital activity. To solve these problems, alternative ways of generating energy are being developed and implemented. The natural foundation of natural resources is global natural conditions, which include the internal heat of the planet and solar radiation, the geographical location of the country and the terrain, the structure of the subsurface, climate and precipitation. Natural resources form the external conditions of human creative activity. For almost every branch of the national economy in which they are used as raw materials, fuel and energy, natural resources are the starting material. Because of this, along with labor, capital, science, and entrepreneurial ability, natural resources are one of the economically significant resources for production. Natural resources can be divided into renewable and non-renewable.
Renewable natural resources are resources that, as they are consumed, are reproduced under the influence of natural processes or conscious human efforts (for example, solar energy, the water cycle in nature, the maintenance of oxygen levels in the atmosphere by vegetation, and similar natural processes). Non-renewable natural resources are resources that cannot be restored after they are completely exhausted. This primarily includes all minerals. It is important to note that each unit of non-renewable resource used by a person reduces the residual value of its reserves. The availability and diversity of natural resources largely determines the capabilities of the economic mechanism. Man has always used natural resources to meet his needs. In the primitive communal society, the needs of man and his ability to develop natural resources were limited to hunting wild animals,fishing, and gathering. Then there was agriculture and cattle breeding, and, accordingly, the composition of natural resources included soil cover and vegetation, which served as a feed base for grazed livestock. In the forests, wood was extracted for the construction of homes and for firewood, the development of minerals (coal, ores, building materials) gradually began, some metals and their alloys (bronze, gold, iron, etc.) began to be used for the manufacture of tools, weapons, jewelry, people learned to master the energy of wind and falling water. But along with the growth of needs, the volume of elements of nature that are drawn into the process of economic circulation also increases. This is due to both population growth and qualitative changes in people's needs. What once lay untouched in the storerooms of nature is becoming increasingly involved in economic turnover. Scientific and technological progress has a huge impact on the problem of involving natural resources in the production of goods and services. This influence has a certain inconsistency, it occurs in two opposite directions. Scientific and technological progress contributes to the rationalization of the use of natural resources: cheaper and easily transported materials (for example, natural gas) are identified; methods for more complete extraction and processing of oil are introduced, associated raw materials are used more fully; waste-free technologies are used. In agriculture, methods of more intensive farming and animal husbandry are being introduced, and in industrial production, the transition to energy-saving and material-saving technologies that reduce the specific consumption of raw materials and fuel is successfully carried out. Many synthetic materials have been invented that successfully replace natural resources.
At the same time, the development of science and technology leads to the expansion of old and the creation of new types of industries that need to use natural resources. Energy has always played a special role in the life of humanity. All of its activities are associated with energy costs. The consumption of energy resources is a necessary condition for the production of products and goods, ensuring human life. Thus, at the very beginning of its evolutionary development, man had access only to the energy of the muscles of his body. Later, man learned to receive and use the energy of fire. The next round of the evolutionary development of human society has brought the opportunity to use the energy of water and wind-the first water and windmills, water wheels, sailing ships that use the force of the wind to move. In the 18th century, the steam engine was invented, in which the thermal energy obtained by burning coal or wood was converted into the energy of mechanical motion. In the nineteenth century, was opened valtava arc, electric light, invented the electric motor, and then the generator - which was the beginning of the age of electricity. The XX century was a real revolution in the development of mankind's methods of obtaining and using energy: thermal, hydraulic, nuclear power plants of huge capacity are being built, transmission lines of high, super - and ultra-high voltage electric energy are being built, new methods of production, conversion and transmission of electricity are being developed (controlled thermonuclear reaction, magnetohydrodynamic generator, superconducting turbo generators, etc.), powerful energy systems are being created. At the same time, powerful oil and gas supply systems are emerging. Thus, the world around us has a truly inexhaustible source of various types of energy. Some of them are still not fully used at the present time the Sun's energy, the interaction energy of the Earth and the moon, the energy of thermonuclear fusion, the heat energy of the Earth. Now energy plays a crucial role in the development of human civilization.
There is a close relationship between energy consumption and output. The intensity of energy use is an indirect characteristic of the level of technological development of a country, on the one hand. On the other hand, the degree of involvement of natural resources for energy production indirectly characterizes the development and progressiveness of a particular economic model used in national economies. The energy intensity indicator of GDP, defined as the ratio of a country's energy consumption to gross domestic product (GDP) and measured in tons of oil equivalent, is a tool for evaluating the effectiveness of an economic model that allows comparisons of energy consumption. Due to the rapid growth in energy consumption, numerous problems have arisen and the question of future energy sources has arisen. Progress has been made in the field of energy conservation. Recently, the search for cleaner types of energy, such as solar, geothermal, wind and fusion energy, has been underway. Energy consumption has always been directly linked to the state of the economy. The increase in gross national product (GNP) was accompanied by an increase in energy consumption. However, the energy intensity of GNP (the ratio of energy used to GNP) in industrialized countries is constantly decreasing, and in developing countries it is increasing. Now the global energy sector is at a crossroads. The economy requires more and more energy, and the reserves of fossil fuels, on which traditional energy is based, are by no means limitless. However, the problem is not only the depletion of resources, but also the growing rate of depletion of old fields and the constant increase in the cost of developing new ones, which affects the cost of hydrocarbons. The situation is also aggravated by the fact that the use of fossil fuels, which has reached colossal proportions, causes significant damage to the environment, which affects the quality of life of the population. The way out of this situation is possible thanks to the use of renewable energy sources.
Energy production, which is a necessary means for the existence and development of mankind, has an impact on nature and the human environment. On the one hand, heat and electricity have become so firmly embedded in human life and production activities that a person cannot even imagine his existence without it and consumes inexhaustible resources. On the other hand, people are increasingly focusing on the economic aspect of energy and demanding environmentally friendly energy production. This indicates the need to address a range of issues, including the redistribution of funds to cover the needs of humanity, the practical use of achievements in the national economy, the search and development of new alternative technologies for generating heat and electricity, etc. In the second half of the twentieth century, humanity faced a global problem – the pollution of the environment by the combustion products of organic fuels. Even if we consider each branch of this problem separately, the picture will be terrible. For example, here are the statistics on emissions of harmful substances into the environment by cars: with the exhaust gases of cars, 14.7 million tons of carbon monoxide, 3.4 million tons of hydrocarbons, about one million tons of nitrogen oxides, more than 5.5 thousand tons of highly toxic lead compounds entered the atmosphere.
1. Literary review
When writing this work, scientific and educational literature, articles in periodicals from all over the world were used Application of solar collectors in individual residential buildings the article discusses the design features of flat and vacuum type solar collectors, describes the method of their application in the water heating system of an individual residential building. Keywords: solar collector, solar system, alternative energy, solar energy. Solar energy is an environmentally friendly, free and inexhaustible form of energy. Solar energy can be converted into heat in special devices-solar collectors. Solar collectors are absolutely safe for the environment, as they do not produce any production waste and emissions into the atmosphere. The most widely used solar collectors are in America, Australia and Europe. It is more rational to use them in areas with the highest share of solar radiation. In our country, these are Primorye, Altai, Transbaikalia and the south of the European part of Russia. Solar collectors accumulate the natural energy of the sun with maximum efficiency. If photovoltaic panels use only 14-18% of the incoming solar energy, then the efficiency of solar collectors is 70-85% [2]. There are two main types of solar collectors used to heat water ? flat and vacuum. "Science and Education: New Time" No. 6, 2018 www.articulus-info.ru The main elements of flat collectors are: an absorber that absorbs solar radiation, a transparent coating and a thermal insulation layer. The absorber is coated with a selective coating or black paint to enhance the effect of absorbing solar radiation. The tubes through which the coolant flows are usually made of copper. The back of the panel is covered with thermal insulation material. In addition, heat-insulating materials are used in the manufacture of the walls and bottom of the collector. Flat collectors can heat water up to 190-200°C. The vacuum collector consists of parallel rows of transparent tubular profiles. Glass-to-glass pipes are used. The outer tube is transparent, the inner one is covered with a special selective layer that absorbs solar energy well and prevents heat loss. The space between them is filled with a vacuum, which is a perfect thermal insulation. The inner tube is a thermal tube. A thermal tube is a closed copper pipe with a small content of a light-boiling liquid (boiling point 25-30°C). Under the influence of heat, the liquid evaporates and takes the heat of the vacuum tube. The vapors rise to the upper part-the tip, where they condense and transfer heat to the heat carrier. The heat carrier can be water or, to avoid freezing, a solution of propylene glycol. The condensate flows down, and the process is repeated again [1]. The length of a single vacuum tube varies from 1.2 to 2.1 m. The most common diameter is 58mm. In the mode of limiting heat extraction, vacuum collectors are able to heat the coolant up to 300°C [3]. The scope of application of solar collectors is quite wide: heating of premises, hot water supply, heating of water in swimming pools, heating of greenhouses, desalination of sea water. Solar collectors can be used everywhere, but they are most in demand among the owners of individual homes. "Science and Education: New Time" No. 6, 2018 www.articulus-info.ru Figure 1 ? Solar water heating system A solar water heating system in a private house (Fig. 1) consists of a solar collector, a heat exchange circuit, and a heat accumulator (water tank). A heat carrier circulates through the solar collector, which is heated by the energy of the sun and then gives heat energy to the water through a heat exchanger mounted in the storage tank. An electric heater is also installed in the battery tank. In the event that the solar collector is not able to heat the water to the set temperature (prolonged cloudy weather or a small number of hours of sunshine in winter), the electric heater automatically turns on and warms the water to the set temperature [4] . Properly installed solar collector allows you to reduce the cost of heating up to 30%, and for hot water ? up to 60%. The payback period depends on many factors: climatic features, the type and area of the collector, the number of residents in the house, ? and can be from 2 to 8 years old
The book of engineers from Japan provides a wide range of information on such an important problem as the economic use of solar energy (solar systems) to supply residential buildings with heat and hot water. Brief information about efficient solar power systems is given. The technical solutions of some heat and cold supply schemes are shown. Many of which have been successfully implemented in the construction of individual and apartment buildings. In addition to thermal solar systems, the authors also talk about solar panels for generating electricity. The presented book will help the reader to understand the design features of solar systems, and will be useful to anyone interested in alternative energy. ISBN: 5-274-00485-7;
In a simple and accessible form, the principles of using solar energy converted into heat, electricity and other forms of energy are explained. The types of solar collectors, the device and the principle of operation of solar installations, with the possibility of using solar systems on household plots, in an individual home and in agriculture, are given. The methodology and tips on how to calculate, select the material, make and install solar installations are given. And also told about their design features. For readers interested in solar systems, green energy, and the practical application of solar energy in everyday life.
The authors in the book tell and show a convenient method of practical calculation of solar (helio) heating and hot water supply systems. The main elements of the proposed design and calculation method are systems consisting of a solar collector, where the heat carrier is directly heated, a heat accumulator (water tank or pebble with a layer nozzle), an additional heat generator operating in parallel with the solar system. The calculation principles are given according to the optimal ones from the point of view of economic indicators The book consists of five chapters. Each of them tells about one aspect of the project work. The method of calculation of certain parameters of the solar heat supply system is given. The book contains a lot of examples of the calculation of the solar system, so its benefits are expressed in practical terms. The material of the book can be used as a reference guide. It will be useful for specialists, developers of solar systems, as well as students of energy faculties of universities
" Alternative energy without secrets " - in the book, the author consistently analyzes different types of energy raw materials and methods of its production, starting from traditional — firewood and ending with such exotic ones as geothermal and small power plants on fuel cells. You will be able to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of energy sources in different directions: 1. Green energy ( solar, hydro, heat pumps, wind, geothermal energy), 2. Hydrocarbon fuel ( gas, firewood, coal, tanning oil, corn grain), 3. Nuclear power engineering. In addition, the energy systems of vehicles are considered: internal combustion engines, diesel engines, gas fuel, including hydrogen. The structure of the book's content consists of a description, calculation data, and control questions. The conclusions made by the author for each considered energy source contain an assessment of their advantages and disadvantages.
The book of Indian specialists is devoted to thin-film semiconductor materials that have found their application as active elements of solar cells. The principles of deposition and the physical and structural properties of multilayer films of various semiconductors, dielectrics, and metals are explained. Special attention is paid to solar cells based on copper and silicon sulfide. New types of thin-film solar cells and promising directions in the development of high-efficiency cells are considered.
2. Study of the problem of water supply in the dacha
2.1 Description of the study area
For the study, a part of Sadovaya Street in Mospino was selected, which includes 10 households. Each household is located on a plot of 165 m2. For the calculations, the average number of residents was taken into account — 3 people per 1 house. According to the SNIPS, the average annual rate of the amount of irrigation water per 1 m2. is equal to 3 liters. Also, according to housing standards, 95 liters per day are consumed per resident without a bath. The river "Gruzskaya" flows next to the studied area.».
2.2 Problem Description
Near the town of Mospino there are a large number of country villages. In addition, the city itself is located at a considerable distance from the water supply station, which leads to water interruptions in the summer. The lack of water resources leads to a deterioration in the living conditions of the population and a decrease in the role of agriculture in the city's economy. The second problem is the economic factor. The cost of drinking water for 1 cubic meter is 6.87 rubles. Using drinking water for irrigation, there is a significant increase in the cost of agricultural products. There are several ways to solve these problems 1. At each site, dig an individual well and use an electric pump to supply water for irrigation. 2. Build a water tower and use it as a solar pump. 3. Install a solar-powered water pump Since in order to supply water for irrigation from the well, it is necessary to spend a certain amount of electricity. Therefore, I suggest using a solar pump as a more cost-effective solution.
2.3 Description of the solar system

Figure 2 - The principle of the solar pump
In the modern world, when the reserves of traditional energy sources (gas, oil, coal) are decreasing at a high rate, and their use leads to the formation of a greenhouse effect on the planet, an increasing number of people and states, in general, are turning their attention to alternative types of energy. One type of alternative energy is solar energy. Solar systems are used to convert solar energy into other types of energy that a person uses in everyday life. The solar thermal installation works elementary. The sun's rays heat the plane of the solar collectors, which transfers heat to the heat transfer fluid. If the heat in the collector is higher than the temperature in the water heater, the circulation pump in the integrated distribution solar station pumps the heated coolant through pipelines to the water heater tank. The internal heat exchanger transfers heat to the consumable domestic water. As a result, you will be able to take a shower thanks to solar energy, even if the sun is hidden behind clouds. Approximately 4-6 m2 of collector area covers up to 60% of the energy requirement that is important for the production of hot water in a single-family residential home. If the collector area is within 10 m2 in combination with, for example, a combined tank-water heater, you can still maintain the heating system in the residential areas of your home. In this case, the highest comfort of hot water supply is guaranteed every time, for example, if the sun does not shine, then the heating boiler is mechanically connected . The decisive moment in the choice of equipment is considered, up to this point, the important cost of hot water, the image and the number of sanitary devices. In this case, the number of families and the expected degree of use of hot water is also provided: excessive water consumption – an elevated degree of comfort, or economical. For rational heating of the selected volume of the water heater tank, a specific number of solar collectors is recommended. It is also necessary to direct care to the nuance of the ability to rationally place the suction planes of solar radiation: on the roof, in the roof, on the facade, or on an unshadowed plot of land. This determines the choice on the similarity and the price of the fasteners and the inclusions of the collectors among themselves. There were scientists in the world who had already upgraded solar systems, one of which was Musho. We are used to the fact that a river can allow a hydraulic ram pump to work, or a stream can turn a mill wheel. But the fact that the sun can be the driving force in the pump is not very familiar. In the Musho pump, solar energy can " turn the water wheel” and lift the water up, pumping it. The "water wheel" is of course a complete metaphor, and the process of lifting water occurs due to the sequential heating and cooling of the metal plate. Here is a diagram of such a pump from an old textbook. Roughly speaking, a solar pump is a system for converting heat that gives the sun into another type of energy. When the sun heats the air the pressure in the inside of the tank increases which causes the water to be pushed out under pressure For more effective economic use of galinsoga include a water tower. This will greatly simplify the use of heliodoros. Water tower — a structure in the water supply system for regulating the pressure and flow of water in the water supply network, creating its reserve A water tower consists of a water tank, usually cylindrical in shape, and a support structure (trunk). The regulatory role of the water tower is that during the hours of reduced water consumption, the excess water supplied by the pumping station accumulates in the water tower and is consumed from it during the hours of increased water consumption. The height of the water tower (the distance from the ground surface to the bottom of the tank) usually does not exceed 25 m, in rare cases-30 m; the tank capacity-from several tens of cubic meters (for small water pipes) to several thousand m? (in large urban and industrial water pipes). Supporting structures are made mainly of steel, reinforced concrete, sometimes of brick, tanks-mainly of reinforced concrete and steel. Water towers are equipped with pipes for the supply and removal of water, overflow devices to prevent tank overflow, as well as a system for measuring the water level with the transmission of signals to the control room.
The conducted studies have indicated the expediency of replacing the usual water supply with a system of solar pumps Calculations were made for the water supply of the dacha village What have shown in general excellent indicators for the supply of water for irrigation and personal needs One of the features of the solar pump can be considered its environmental friendliness (no emissions) in the work, the emissions for the pumping station were calculated, which amounted to NO2-0.0296 t / year ash 0.24 t/year SO2 0.17 t / year but when using solar systems, they can be reduced to 0 Also in the work, the issues of labor protection are considered. In this qualifying work the economic effect was calculated which showed that capital investments in the amount of 620000 rubles will give savings in the amount of 376400 rubles Will pay off in 1.65 years and contribute to the annual economic effect in the amount of 289600 rubles
List of sources
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