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AbstractAluminum melt filtration plant with a capacity of 20 to 45 tons per hour with combined heating



The object of the study is an aluminum melt filtration plant with a capacity of 20 to 45 tons per hour with combined heating. As a result of mathematical modeling, the thermal fields in the filtration chamber were determined, in particular, during convective heat transfer at the time of heating of the foam-ceramic filter and radiation heating of the filtration chamber with aluminum melt. In the economic part of the dissertation, the economic assessment of the completed project of an aluminum melt filtration plant with combined heating is calculated.

1. Theme urgency

Aluminum and its alloys (for example, aluminum casting alloys) are used in many industries. First of all, aluminum and its alloys are used in the aviation and automotive industries. Aluminum is also widely used in other industries: in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and instrument making, industrial and civil construction, chemical industry, etc.

The high quality of the metal is largely determined by the low concentration of non-metallic inclusions. One of the most effective methods to reduce the amount of non-metallic inclusions is to clean the melt with porous filters.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The purpose of the master's thesis is to develop a compact filter box with a foam-ceramic filter and combined heating, which is used as part of a melting and casting unit for mechanical cleaning of aluminum melt from non-metallic inclusions to improve the quality of aluminum alloy, effective both in the preheating mode and in the casting mode.

The growing use of aluminum alloys for the manufacture of complex products, such as aircraft parts, requires an extremely low concentration of contaminants in the liquid metal. Most often, solid inclusions are oxide beads in alloys and oxide films. The size of the dispersed inclusions is several microns (microns), and the thickness of the oxide films can reach several millimeters [2]. Solid inclusions of the order of a few microns do not make it possible to achieve high-quality surface treatment, as well as to produce parts of small thickness for operation in the mode of high deformation rates. Therefore, effective methods of cleaning molten metal that meet modern quality standards are needed, especially in connection with the increasing use of secondary aluminum.

The main objectives of the study:

  1. Study of possible methods for filtering aluminum melt from non-metallic inclusions.
  2. Development of a mathematical model of the thermal field and the velocity field of convective heating of the aluminum melt filtration plant.
  3. Design of the filtration installation on the meringue of the foam-ceramic filter.

Research methods. Mathematical modeling of the thermal fields and the velocity field of convective heating of the filtration unit is carried out using the finite volume method (NME). To implement models based on the above method, a combination of CAE systems was used: ANSYS Mechanical ADPL and ANSYS CFX.

Scientific novelty: development of a mathematical model for calculating the thermal fields and the velocity field of the filter box at the stage of preheating the filtration chamber and the PCF with convective heaters. For the first time, the thermal field in the filtration chamber was obtained by combined heating of the chamber itself and the PCF installed in it.

    Practical significance of the work:
  1. A combined heating system has been developed (convective at the stage of heating the foam-ceramic filter with a concrete cartridge and radiation at the stage of the melt flow).
  2. Increased safety for maintenance personnel, more ergonomic and convenient to use.
  3. The traditional bypass filtration scheme is changed to a more compact flow-through, which significantly reduces the size of the installation.


A review of the technologies, ensuring the achievement of the liquid state of the blanks from Ti and titanium alloys for subsequent molding, which identified the main shortcomings of the existing technological solutions, and demonstrated a promising technology with the use of induction heating without the use of vacuum or protective atmosphere.


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