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Theoretical aspects of modern strategic management of the enterprise

Авторы: I.V. Borsch, D.V. Kosogor
Источник: Young scientists researches and achievements in science: сборник докладов научно-технической конференции для молодых учёных (Донецк, 16 апреля 2020 г.) / ответств. за вып. Е.Н. Кушниренко. – Донецк: ДонНТУ, 2020. – C. 62-68.


Borsch I.V., Kosogor   D.V. Theoretical aspects of modern strategic management of the enterprise The article discusses some theoretical aspects related to the strategy of the enterprise and strategic management of a modern enterprise. Definitions of the concept of strategic management of various authors, characteristic features of the strategy and the evolutionary path of development of strategic enterprise management are presented.

Today the strategic management of the enterprise is one of the main factors in ensuring its competitiveness in the modern market, therefore the issues of strategic management have become relevant for Russian enterprises. Successful business management, effective management at all organizational levels and rational allocation of resources are the result of strategic enterprise management. The importance of strategic management of the enterprise is also due to the instability of the external environment, which entails unforeseen threats and possible risks in order to respond in a timely manner to changes in the trends in the market of goods and services, to be able to anticipate, prevent or reduce the consequences of possible risks, and create conditions for organizational development.

The development of strategic management is determined by the historical framework, that is, the transition to a market economy, and, consequently, the rejection of the traditional five-year plans and the transition to the realization of the need for the functioning of the national economy in accordance with economic laws. The determining event in the establishment of strategic management was the realization of the inappropriateness of using long-term planning and the use of a constant reassessment of the initial concepts of development of economic systems, taking into account changes in the internal and external environment.

A significant contribution to the development of strategic management was made by I. Ansoff, M. Porter, H. Wissema, D. Cleland, W. King, J. B. Quinn, G. Alstrend, S. Goshal, G. Mintzberg, A. J. Strickland, V. Gerasimchuk, S. Oborskaya, S. Shershneva, S. Popov, M. Tulenkov, A. Vikhansky and others. Approaches to the definition of the theory of strategic management are presented in table 1.1 [1].

Table 1.1 – Approaches to the definition of the theory of strategic management

Author Definition
I. Ansoff Strategic management as an activity related to the determination of the goals and objectives of the organization and ensuring the relationship between the organization and the external environment, consistent with its internal capabilities and allows you to remain susceptible to external requirements.
J.M. Higgins Strategic management as a management process with the goal of fulfilling the organization’s mission by managing the interaction of the organization with its environment.
H. Wissema Strategic management as a management style and methods of communication, information transfer, decision making and planning, with the help of which the management apparatus and line managers make timely and concretize decisions regarding the goals of entrepreneurial activity; as predictions of the strategic orientation of all employees and the organization of plans for units responsible for implementing the goals of the company.
A.A. Thompson, A.J. Strickland Strategic management as a continuous process of company development, setting goals, formulating a strategy, implementing a strategic plan and evaluating activities, implementing and correcting strategies.
Z.S. Shershneva, S.V. Oborskaya Strategic management as a broad-spectrum, formal-behavioral management process that helps to formulate and implement effective strategies that help balance the relationship between the organization, including its individual parts, and the external environment, as well as achieve the goals.
A.S. Vihansky Strategic management as the management of an organization that is based on human capital, directs production activities to consumer demands, flexibly responds and makes timely changes in the organization, makes it possible to gain competitive advantages and survive in the long term.

Thus, strategic management is a process of making and implementing strategic decisions, the central link of which is strategic choice, based on a comparison of the enterprise’s own resource potential with the capabilities and threats of the external environment in which it operates. Strategic management in an enterprise is a set of actions and decisions taken by management that lead to the development of specific strategies designed to help him achieve his goals.

The strategy, in turn, is a general program of actions that identifies priority areas of the enterprise, its main problems and alternatives for solving them, as well as resources to achieve the main goal. It formulates the main goals and the main ways to achieve them in such a way that the company receives a single direction of movement and a vector of development.

In order to determine the organization’s behavior strategy and put this strategy into practice, management must have an in-depth understanding of both the organization’s internal environment, its potential and development trends, and the external environment, its development trends, and the place the organization occupies in it.

The main classification of existing strategies of organizations can be presented in the form of a table 1.2 [3].

Table 1.2 – Classification of strategies

Enterprise Strategies Types of strategies
General strategies Growth strategy, Stabilization or limited growth strategy, Survival or reduction strategy
Functional strategies Marketing Strategy, Financial strategy, Innovation Strategy, Production Strategy, HR strategy, Social strategy, Environmental strategy
Competitive strategies Leader Strategy, Leader follow-up strategy, Challenging Strategy, Nicher Strategy, Cost Optimization Strategy, Differentiation Strategy, Strategy for concentrating efforts on the segment
Commodity Market Strategies Commodity-market strategies for each product, Commodity market strategies for each market

Corporate strategy is the strategy of the entire company as a whole, it includes a business strategy for each area of the company’s activities, a functional strategy for each functional unit of the company and an operational strategy for the main structural units within the functional units of the company. As a rule, a large enterprise has three levels of strategic decisions: corporate, business, functional; therefore, the corporate strategy of the enterprise also covers these levels.

The structure of corporate strategy in general terms for the enterprise is presented in fig. 1.1.

The structure of corporate strategy in General

Figure 1.1 – The structure of corporate strategy in General

It should be noted that the strategy:

In the past, enterprise management changed significantly almost every decade. The conditions for doing business changed, and enterprises faced the task of resolving issues of achieving goals in a new way, and of approaching the search for means of survival in the competition. And each time the concept of “strategic” enterprise management acquired a special meaning, often diametrically opposed to that which was previously invested in it.

The evolutionary development of the concept of strategic management can be briefly presented in the form of a table 1.3 [3].

Table 1.3 – Evolution of the concept of strategic management

Period Concept basis Prerequisites for modifying the concept
First half of the 20th century Using long-term planning. The beginning of practical application in management
70s Practical application of strategic planning The need for a quality response to changes in the internal and external environment
80s Formation of the concept of strategic management The problem of growth and development in the face of increased competition
The end of the 90s – the beginning of the XXI century. Strategic entrepreneurship concept Globalization processes, the formation of transnational corporations, fierce competition in the market
Present time Innovation management strategy concept Requirements of the modern globalized economic space, development of scientific and technological progress

Taking into account the analysis of the table. 1.3, we can conclude that the concept of strategic management is constantly improved and developed, adapting to the requirements of the modern globalized economic space, the development of scientific and technical progress, the emergence of new technologies, the introduction of innovations, the transformation of enterprise management as a process, etc. Thus, it is advisable for Russian enterprises to recognize the importance of strategic management and conduct activities based on the concept of an innovation management strategy. All world trends indicate that business development is no longer driven by spontaneity as a success factor and only the transition to strategic enterprise management is the first step to future success.

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