DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Eugene Alutin
Date of birth May 20, 1999
Place of birth Makiivka
Schools 2005–2016 – School of I-III stages No.108, city of Makiivka
Universities 2016–2020 – Donetsk national technical University, speciality Computer engineering, specializing Computer systems and networks, baccalaureate
2020–2022 – Donetsk national technical University, speciality Informatics and Computer Engineering, specializing Computing Machines, Complexes, Systems and Networks, magistracy
Average score 91
Languages Russian – advanced
Ukrainian – advanced
English – intermediate
Deutsch – basic
Personal qualities Adaptable
Having an eye for detail
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: Windows, Linux Mint, Android
2. Applications: PostgreSQL, SQLite, MATLAB
3. Programming languages: C#, Java, Kotlin
4. Environments: Intellij Idea, Android Studio, Visual Studio
Future plans Successfully defend a master's degree, development of professional and practical skills
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