The information and educational environment (IOS) is a means of implementing and implementing the educational process and educational interaction, which has become informational under the influence of informatization.
IOS within the university is a software and telecommunications environment that provides information support and organization of the educational process, scientific research, and professional counseling of university students with unified technological means [1]. The following components of the university's IOS are mandatory:
- information and educational resources: library funds [5] of the university; Internet classes; cathedral funds (educational and methodological developments, textbooks, etc.); electronic textbooks and manuals, demonstrations, test and other tasks, samples of projects;
- computer learning tools, including computer equipment and its software, as well as an automated knowledge control system;
- educational process management system.
Relevant for the modern education system is the development of electronic educational products designed to provide support for intensive, purposeful and supervised classes of students, as well as a thorough but friendly verification of acquired knowledge, skills and competencies, assessment of their consistency and systematicity[2].
Research objective
The purpose of the master's thesis is to develop a demonstration and training system with remote access to support parallel computing disciplines.To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
1. perform an analysis of the current state of the problem;
2. analyze and compare existing technologies for the implementation of the system;
3. determine the most effective technology and perform system development;
4. conduct a study of the characteristics of the resulting system;
5. based on the results of the work, draw conclusions and form recommendations.Relevance of the development of a demonstration and training system with remote access
The process of distance learning is a controlled independent work of a student who chooses a convenient place of study for himself, makes an individual schedule for himself, has a package of special training tools with him, plus an agreed opportunity for contact classes with a teacher. Distance learning can be considered as a purposeful and interactive process, where subjects and objects of learning are interconnected with each other, as well as interconnected with learning tools. The process of education takes place in a certain pedagogical system, in which the elements are subsystems: learning objectives, learning content, means and methods of teaching, organizational forms of learning, control, economic, legal.
E-learning has the same component composition: goals determined by the social order for all forms of education; content, also largely determined by the current programs for a specific type of educational organization, methods, organizational forms, learning tools. The creation of methodological support and e-learning infrastructure is based on certain principles that make it possible to effectively use the possibilities of information technology in the process of continuing education. It can be noted that the "basic principles of building a distance learning model" are:
- information telecommunication technology of training;
- individual educational planning;
- knowledge certification system;
- academic mobility of students.
Effectiveness of distance learning programs
The effectiveness of distance learning technologies can be assessed from the perspective of the characteristic features of distance learning based on the following criteria (Fig. 1):
1. Flexibility. E-learning trainees do not attend regular classes in the form of lectures, seminars or laboratory work, but work in a convenient mode for themselves, while parallel training with professional activity is possible [3].
2. Modularity. The basis of e-learning curricula is based on the modular principle, which allows forming a curriculum from a set of independent modules that meets the individual or group needs of students.
3. Economic efficiency. A comparative assessment of the world's educational systems shows that e-learning costs about 2 times cheaper than traditional forms of education.
4. The new role of the teacher. The teacher[6] is entrusted with such functions as coordinating the educational process, correcting the course taught, advising on the preparation of an individual curriculum, managing educational projects, etc.
5. Specialized quality control of training. Remotely organized exams, interviews, practical, course and project work, computer intelligent testing systems are used as forms of control in e-learning.
6. The use of specialized technologies and training tools. E-learning technology is a set of methods, forms and means of interaction with a person in the process of independent, but controlled development of a certain body of knowledge.

Figure 1 - Typical features of distance learning
Automated training systems
Automated learning systems (AOS) are an integral part of the IOS and are software and hardware complexes that include methodological, educational and organizational support for the learning process conducted using information technology.
One of the most important tasks of the EPA are:
- preparation and provision of educational material with its adaptation by levels of complexity;
- preparation of dynamic illustrations, control tasks, laboratory work, independent work of students;
- tasks of system administration, delivery of educational material to workstations and tasks of feedback with the trainee.
AOS have a clear structure [4], on the basis of which their classification can be performed (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 - Classification of automated training systems
According to the structural features of the interaction of the training system with the user, they are divided into two basic classes: open or systems without feedback; closed (with feedback) systems. They differ in a principled approach to the learning process.
In open AOS, there is no dialogue between the student[5] and the teacher on the basis of the questions posed, and there is also no clear sequence of presentation of information. Its main task is to determine the level of knowledge of the student for a certain period of the educational process.
Among closed AOS with feedback, simulation learning systems capable of providing "flexible" communication with the user are quite common. At the same time, the main element of the system is modeling the real situation depending on the scope of the subject activity. When teaching disciplines related to computer architecture, it is preferable to use closed AOS. This is due to the following factors:
- a large amount of the studied material and the verification of its assimilation, i.e. at some point the student may need to return to the previously considered section and consider it in more detail;
- when studying a part of the material independently, the EPA can provide all the necessary means;
- in some disciplines, especially recently introduced, there are no lectures or textbooks, which naturally pushes the student to search for the information he needs on the global Internet.
Learning systems can be used as educational material for distance or independent learning, as well as to improve knowledge in a particular course. The goals of the automated training system are quite extensive (Fig. 3).

Figure 3 - Goals of automated training systems
The process of use in the educational field
The main activity of the student with the use of automated training systems is often carried out in an interactive mode. The maximum result with the use of an automated training system is achieved when personal training takes place.
In the use of personal information and educational environment (Fig. 4), additional requirements arise: organization, orderliness, structuring, the presence of formalized identification systems, addresses and links available to subjects of education, the presence of "guides" in the resource space.
Based on this, the following stages of training with the use of new technologies are being implemented: 1.selection is being made to study a certain [7]topic; 2. analysis is carried out, as well as research and understanding of this material;
3.the degree of study of this material is being checked;
4.application of the system for proper evaluation of the student by earned points.
The main content of the IOS consists of information and educational resources - IOR, including electronically expressed IOR: electronic educational resources - EOR. The composition of these resources determines the degree of completeness and saturation of the IOS.

Figure 4 - Layout of the information and educational environment
Demonstration as part of a training system
The main essence of this method is to create a visual image of the object of study for the trainees, as well as a certain idea of its essence and content. This is necessary for a more detailed disclosure of information about the object, its appearance, internal structure, etc. The demonstration method involves preparing students to perceive a sufficiently large amount of information, forming skills for quickly "absorbing" the basic material and understanding its essence.
The effectiveness of the method is quite high. It is achieved by presenting[9] information in dynamics and space, which makes it possible to examine the object from all sides, to identify various properties, patterns, connections between some elements of the object, the interaction between them. All this contributes to the maximum mastering of the material presented by students, especially during self-study, when a student can perform certain actions, determine patterns, dependencies between the elements of an object and between objects of the same class. At the same time, knowledge is not provided as ready-made, and the student independently comprehends all the nuances associated with the object of study and fixes the necessary practical skills.
Web application structure
In accordance with the set goals for the development of a training system, it is necessary first of all to develop the structure of this system. The structure of the learning system begins with the primary information that the student must understand in order to study further materials. An introductory block of information is usually provided by the teacher. If this system excludes the presence of a teacher, then the introductory information should be in the first block of materials that the student will see as soon as he starts using the system, similar to safety techniques that need to be studied before starting to work with the technique, that is, the introductory part.
Each information sub-block of information should begin with the study of the material for a given task, that is, the text part or the lecture part, in the case of studying the material with a teacher using this training system.
After studying the necessary material, the student needs to demonstrate the sequence of the task. This can be a demonstration option on paper, on a device, model, in electronic form, and so on. In this case, when studying with a teacher using this training system, the demonstration can begin on a blackboard / paper, as well as to speed up the process, using electronic resources.
When studying the material independently, it is necessary to include an electronic demonstration unit for greater clarity and understanding of the material. However, it is worth checking the correctness of the design with the teacher, because different teachers can demonstrate the design of the task in different ways, despite the fact that the essence will not change.
The demo block can be divided into simpler elements, one of which will be the study of the material using video. It perfectly replaces the demo part with a teacher explaining on a blackboard/ paper, but excludes the possibility of interactivity in which a student could ask questions. Therefore, given the possibility of self-study, in this case, it is necessary to provide feedback with the teacher.
It is also necessary to include a block of information demonstration, just as it happens when studying with a teacher – on a blackboard / paper, as well as a demonstration on the appropriate model, to consolidate the information.
After studying the material, it is necessary to perform testing to identify gaps in the knowledge of the student. This can happen through testing by a teacher in handwritten form, as well as independently. In any of the options, if gaps in knowledge are found, it is possible to return to the system to check the work on the demo model, as well as to identify errors, or to re-examine the material and test (Fig. 5).

Figure 5 - Typical structure of a training software system
Summarizing the above, the information and training system being developed should[10] include:
- convenient access;
- full presentation of the information in the text [10] version;
- concise and understandable information in video format;
- a demo part with the possibility of interacting with it;
- feedback.
The result of the development is the placement of the training system on the global Internet [8], the division of information into blocks using text educational material, demonstration of the principles of operation in real mode and explanation of these principles using video material. You can also enable feedback from the teacher by sending messages with questions and video communication.
Even in the absence of lecture materials, the system must be complete and ready for use. Taking into account the peculiarities of each information block in the system, the learning process becomes automated and able to help in the study and consolidation of the necessary material.
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