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Autimation of trade eneteprise management systems

Автор: К.А. Ливинцов, Васяева  Т.A.
Источник:Материалы научно-практической конференции для молодых ученых Young scientists’ researches and achievements in science посвященной 100-летнему юбилею Донецкого национального технического университета. – Донецк: ДонНТУ, 2021. – C. 157-162.


К.А. Ливинцов Autimation of trade eneteprise management systems. This article is devoted to automated control systems and their significant contribution in the field of retail and retail enterprises. About their implementation, the methodological principles of their construction, the main tasks that these automated systems solve. Where automated management is the most important function, without which the modern purposeful activity of any socio-economic, organizational and production system is unthinkable.

Relevance of the development

According to the modern requirements for the quality of retail trade enterprises work it is noted that the effective work of employees of such enterprises depends entirely on equipping them with information tools and their successful use in the goods order automated system.

Computer accounting and goods orders management are completely different from the classic, handwritten one. Computer programs simplify the work, reduce the time required for processing and filling out documents for the analysis of trade activities, therefore, when using computer programs, the efficiency of the personnel work of the trade enterprise increases, the time of personnel training decreases.

Advantages of automated programs in retail and retail enterprises

The results of trade operations are recorded in the appropriate logs, which allows you to automatically keep them and use them in the future. The main advantages of automation of the purchasing system: time saving, compression of stored data with memory savings and reduced costs for data update operations.

At the same time, the information system automates and keeps records of goods, delivery and supply of goods from the enterprise warehouse. All this will be accompanied by better service, increased efficiency of the enterprise, increased accuracy of accounting and reduced loss of goods.
No doubt, at present there is the need for automation of the enterprise management system is not in doubt. The principle of building any automated management system in the enterprise is the automation of the technological or production process, which directly affects the efficiency of the employee or a number of employees’ work to simplify or improve the work process.

The article deals with a quite up-to-date economic topic of our time-automated trade enterprise management systems (APCS). Automated control is the most important function, without which modern purposeful activity of any socio-economic, organizational and production system (enterprises, organizations, territories) is impossible.

The automated control system is an intelligent system designed to increase the pace and quality of regular solutions to the main tasks of management and production and economic activities of the enterprise based on optimizing the methods of organizing the information cycle using economic and mathematical methods and computer technology, automated collection and integrated processing of organizational, production and technical and economic information, as well as complex automation control functions under the conditions of changing market demand and a limited contingent of employees having a qualitatively new level of qualification.

The necessary functionality in automated programs for retail and retail enterprises

For effective management of the retail trade network as a whole, it is necessary to have the most complete information about the activities of each of its segments. Therefore, automated retail trade systems are integrated with external software products that provide automation of individual areas of the retail network business. First of all, these are equipment control systems for the trade space , which were mentioned in connection with the concepts of "Back-office" and "Front-office". Thanks to this integration, customers get a number of additional features:
- control of a large range of equipment from different manufacturers;
- remote adjustment of equipment and preventive measures;
- real-time operation monitoring;
- conducting various marketing campaigns (conducting discount, bonus and credit programs);
- generate summary reports of any complexity and in real time reports;
- personnel monitoring and configure access levels and many other functions.

The methodological principles of building automated control systems (automated control systems) include:
1) The principle of new problems that can be solved using the capabilities of computer technology;
2) The principle of an integrated or systematic approach to the development of automated control systems, according to which it is necessary to comprehensively solve issues of a technical, economic and organizational nature;
3) The principle of the first manager assumes that the development of the automated control system should be carried out with the participation and under the guidance of the director of the enterprise or management (for the entire automated control system) or heads of functional services (for the automated control system subsystems);
4) The principle of continuous development of the system, according to which the number of tasks to be solved continuously increases, and new tasks do not replace the already implemented ones;
5) The principle of consistency of individual parts capacities to ensure maximum performance of the system or subsystem as a whole.

Automation of this direction in the trade and market industry due to the development of an automated goods order control system, it will significantly minimize costs at the enterprise and will be able to perform a number of the following functions, which will significantly simplify the commercial activities of many trading companies, namely such functions as:
1. Inputting, storing, changing, and deleting goods information;
2. Inputting, storing, changing, and deleting customer information;
3. Prompt access to data available;
4. Distribution of data access;
5. Calendar planning of goods orders;
6. Follow-up goods delivery.
To implement automated control systems, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
- Perform an analysis of typical structures of automated control systems for managing product orders;
- Develop the structure of your order management subsystem;
- Develop a mathematical model for implementing order management functions;
- Select software and hardware tools for the implementation of the automated system, based on the tasks set.

The basic principles of the construction of the ASUP

Applying the methods of mathematical modeling and system analysis for subsystems of order management, and in general similar systems, the general requirements that a properly constructed model should have include:

1. Adequacy. According to this principle the model should answer the purpose of the research in terms of complexity and organization, as well as the real system with respect to the selected set of properties until the question whether the model properly represents the system under study is solved.

2. The correspondence of the model to the problem to be solved. The model should be built to solve a specific class of problems or a specific task of studying the system. Attempts to create a universal model aimed at solving a large number of different problems lead to such a complication that it turns out to be practically unusable. The experience shows that when solving each specific task, you need to have your own model that reflects those aspects of the system that are the most important in this task. This principle is related to the principle of adequacy;

3. Simplification while maintaining the essential properties of the system. The model should be simpler in some respects than the prototype — this is the point of modeling. The more complex the system under consideration, the more simplified its description should be, deliberately exaggerating the typical and ignoring the less essential properties. This principle can be called the principle of abstraction from minor details.

5. Multiple implementations of model elements. The variety of implementations of the same element, which differ in accuracy (and, consequently, in complexity), ensures the regulation of the accuracy/complexity.

6. Block structure. When following the block structure principle , the development of complex models is facilitated and it becomes possible to use the accumulated experience and ready-made blocks with minimal connections between them. The allocation of blocks is made taking into account the division of the model by stages and modes of the system operation.

Optimal set of tools for system development and modeling

For the development and design of functional models of the information system of goods accounting at the enterprise, it is better to use the approach of system analysis using CASE-tools for modeling, analysis, business processes applying the Visio program or an analog, the AllFusion Process Modeler software. Based on these tools, the following types of diagrams will be developed: - Buisiness Process (IDEF0 methodology). This type of diagram is designed to describe business processes by breaking it down into smaller processes that interact with each other;

Each process converts incoming information into outgoing information by using some mechanism and under some control influence. Process Flow (IDEF3 methodology) involves the representation of a process as an arranged sequence of events. - Data Flow (DFD methodology), or data flow diagrams.

To develop and design the database structure of an information system, class diagrams are used applying the unified modeling language UML, in the "Star UML" development environment, or in the AllFusion Erwin Data Modeler software tool, which allowed to visualize the structure of the information database, as well as the relationships between different data blocks;

To develop and design a local network, the means, network modeling tools such as GNS3 or analogues of EVE-NG, VIRL are used. In order not to experiment on real networks to avoid a failure or the failure of the network infrastructure, the network modeling tools that were mentioned above will be used . To develop the software part of automated control systems, it is necessary to use high-level programming languages such as C#, C++ or Python.

In conclusion, it can be noted that today the management of an enterprise without a computer is simply impossible. Computers have long and essentially come into operation in such areas of management as accounting, warehouse management, assortment and purchasing. However, modern business requires a much wider application of information technologies in enterprise management. The viability and development of information technologies can be explained by the fact that modern business is extremely sensitive to errors in management.


To make any competent management decision in conditions of uncertainty and risk, it is necessary to constantly keep under control various aspects of financial and economic activities, whether it is trade, production or the provision of any services. Therefore, the modern approach to management involves investing in information technology. And the larger the enterprise, the more considerable the investments should be. They are a vital necessity - in a tough competitive struggle, only the one who is best equipped and most effectively organized can win.

List of used literature

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