Brief resume
Name | Valentina Vladimirovna Dolik |
Date of birth | 8/20/2000G. |
Place of birth | Donetsk |
Schools | Lyceum ¹37 (2006 - 2017) |
Universities | Bachelor by specialty - Technological machines and equipment 2017-2021 DonNTU. Bachelor by specialty - Foreign economic activity of the enterprise 2019-2023 DonNTU. Master by specialty - Technological machines and equipment 2021-2023 DonNTU. |
Average score | Uring his undergraduate studies he made 4.7 |
Languages | Ist of languages with level indicating (basic, intermediate, advancedetc) |
Personal achievements | She graduated with a bachelor's degree with a red diploma |
Hobbies and interests | Books - fiction |
Personal qualities | Industriousness, purposefulness, responsibility. |
Professional and computer skills | 1. Operating systems Windows 7, 8.1, 10 2. Kompas applied directions - 3D, Solid Works, FlowVision 3. Programming languages HTML and CSS 4. Microsoft Word text editor |
Future plans | To develop in myself those qualities and skills that will be useful to me in life |
Contact information | E–mail: |