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Warning! This abstract refers to a work that has not been completed yet.
Estimated completion date: June 2023. Contant author after that date to obtain complete text.



The relevance of the work lies in the fact that at present the investment climate of the region determines the development of various sectors of the economy, but at the moment it is in the development stage. The stability of the investment climate is a confirmation of investment attractiveness. The economy of the Donetsk People's Republic is characterized by economic instability and uncertainty. Now there is a situation of lack of financial resources for the stable development of the region. Therefore, a necessary condition is the formation of investment activity, as well as the implementation of an effective investment policy aimed at developing the real sector of the republic's economy and increasing its economic activity.

The object of the study is business transactions related to the formation and accounting of financial investments in the conditions of the branch Skochinsky Mine State Unitary Enterprise Donetsk Coal Energy Company.

The subject of the study is a set of methodological and practical aspects of accounting in the conditions of the branch Skochinsky Mine State Unitary Enterprise Donetsk Coal Energy Company.

The purpose of the work is to acquire practical skills and competencies in the field of organization and identify contradictions in accounting for financial investments and develop specific recommendations for their settlement.

In accordance with the goal, the work provides for the solution of the following major tasks:

1. Classification of financial investments

Regulatory and legal regulation, methodological foundations for the formation of information in accounting, reflection of financial investments are established:

  1. Law On Accounting;
  2. Law On the tax system;
  3. NP(S)BU No. 1 General financial reporting requirements;
  4. NP(S)BU #2 Consolidated financial statements;
  5. P(S)BU No. 12 Financial investments;
  6. IFRS 28 Investments in associates and joint ventures. [6]

The classification of investment activity has been developed over decades of economic practice and analysts' generalizations. It reflects the real situation in investing in an economy with developed market distribution and exchange relations.

The classification of financial investments in general is carried out according to various classification criteria:

Enterprise financial investments include:

Organizations do not include financial investments:

2. Structure of the financial investment accounting object

Financial investments are contributions to authorized capital, the acquisition of shares, bonds, promissory notes, security certificates, and so on. As already noted, financial investments are divided into long-term and current.

Long-term financial investments involve the diversion of the organization's funds for a period of more than one year. These include contributions to the authorized capital of various organizations and the cost of acquiring shares for the purpose of subsequent receipt of income in the form of dividends. Long-term financial investments are mainly low-liquid asset items, unattractive for investors. [3]

Current financial investments (for a period of up to one year) are the purchase of government bonds, local loans, shares of various organizations, provided that these shares are listed on the stock exchange, deposits in deposit accounts and the purchase of certificates of deposit.

Next, consider the cases in which it is possible to account for the acquisition and sale of long-term and current financial investments.

The acquisition of financial investments is possible in such cases as:

Disposal of financial investments occurs as a result of:

According to P(S)BU No. 12, there are three methods of accounting for investments in an enterprise: the method of participation in capital, the method of accounting for investments at cost, taking into account the decrease in their utility, the method of accounting for amortized cost.

3.Primary accounting of financial investments

Primary accounting for the acquisition of financial investments is carried out in order to form the authorized capital, with such documents as: minutes of the founders, shares, bonds, security certificate..

The primary documents on the basis of which an employee of a brokerage firm fulfills customer orders for the purchase and sale of securities on the stock exchange are: a brokerage agreement, an act for the provision of brokerage services, a warrant.

Based on the specific purpose of making transactions with the use of funds or securities provided by loans, a loan agreement, a bill of lading, an option, an endorsement are drawn up.

4. Analytical and synthetic accounting of financial investments

Analytical accounting is carried out by investment objects, by types and issuers of securities. Accounting for obligations under bonds should be kept in the statement of accounting for obligations under bonds, which is formed by the terms of their redemption. Additionally, it is advisable to open a card for analytical accounting of long-term bonds for each investor.

All securities that are kept in the company are subject to inventory in the Securities Book, are subject to binding, must be sealed with the company's seal and certified by the signatures of the head and chief accountant. [4]

When inventorying financial investments, they check the actual costs in securities and authorized capital of other organizations, as well as loans provided to other organizations.

An inventory of securities is carried out in the inventory of securities and forms of documents of strict accountability f. No. INV-16 for individual issuers, indicating in the act the name, series, number, nominal and actual value, maturity dates and total amount.

In accounting, account balances are determined in monetary terms and summarized in a turnover sheet. A summary of information on the availability and movement of long-term financial and current financial investments is compiled by Journal 1 and Statement 1.2; Magazine 3 and Vedomosti 3.1, 3.2, 3.5; Magazine 4 and Vedomosti 4.2; Journal 6; Magazine 7 and Vedomosti 7.1.

Summary data from Journals and Statements of analytical accounting and registers make it possible to reflect the movement of financial investments in the General Ledger of the enterprise according to accounts 14 Long-term financial investments and 35 Current financial investments. [5]

5. State of the problem of regulation of financial investments

To the problems of investing in the coal industry, the decrease in the efficiency of enterprises is due to: economic, geological, technical, personnel reasons.

It is proposed to put into operation new stopes, to improve conditions for the development of mountain strata. It would be advisable to ensure that jobs are filled with qualified personnel, as well as to attract investment resources to the industry to support and increase production levels.

For the effective functioning of the coal industry and its development, it is necessary to introduce a set of restructuring measures aimed at maintaining and developing coal mining enterprises.

Thus, the restructuring of the industrial sector of the Donetsk People's Republic, despite the considerable costs, will lead, in general, to positive results. Investing allows you to maximize the economic and social opportunities of the state by attracting the necessary capital.

Today, large enterprises in the Republic are under external control, and attracting private investment should be considered as an opportunity for cooperation between the state and private business. This mechanism will overcome the limited capacity of state and municipal authorities, as well as use the management skills and experience of the private sector to improve the quality and efficiency of production and services provided.

To implement this mechanism in the Republic, the DPR People's Council Committee on Budget, Finance and Economic Policy, together with representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and other authorized specialists, are finalizing the draft Law On Public-Private and Municipal-Private Partnership, [8] the adoption of which will somehow secure both the assets of the enterprise and the investor's funds. This law was developed as a basis for other laws, which will be considered taking into account the already established principles and provisions: On Foreign Investments, On Investment Activities in the Donetsk People's Republic, and others

Consequently, we can conclude that for successful development in the field of investment activities, the Ministry of Economic Development must carry out the following activities:

The issues of life safety and civil defense are also considered.

6. Audit of financial investments

Due to the fact that financial investment is always associated with risks, inspections are necessary even under normal operating conditions. An audit is scheduled when there is no reason or need for an audit. The main purpose of the audit is to check how financial investments are regulated. The auditor does not solve the problem, but makes sure of its presence or absence. If during the audit it turns out that the financial investment is at risk, an audit will be scheduled. [10]

Before the start of the audit, the auditor needs to draw up a plan and program for the audit of financial investments. Based on the financial statements of the enterprise, the materiality level and audit risk are calculated, which are then taken into account when drawing up the Financial Investment Audit Plan and the Financial Investment Audit Program.

The sources of information on financial investments are: documents regulating accounting and taxation of financial investments; financial statements; registers of synthetic and analytical accounting of financial investments; order on the accounting policy of the organization; primary documents for the reflection of financial investments. [9]


Accounting for the organization's financial investments includes separate accounting for all investments according to all classification criteria. The correct classification of investments makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of an enterprise, which fully allows you to determine the properties of an investment for accounting and analysis purposes. analytical and synthetic accounting. The existing practice of accounting for financial investments in the conditions of the enterprise under study is analyzed. A journal of business transactions was drawn up, and on the basis of it, a turnover and a chess sheet, Balance Sheet Financial Statement Form No. 1, and Statement of Financial Results Form No. 2 were compiled. Due to the fact that financial investment is always associated with risks, checks are needed even under normal operating conditions. An audit is necessary in order to check how financial investments are regulated. Based on the audit of financial investments, an audit report was formed.

An analysis of the practice of organizing accounting in the coal mining industry revealed several problems. Renovation of the mine fund requires large amounts of investment, and coal enterprises, for the most part, are unprofitable and cannot finance investment projects on their own. The decrease in the efficiency of coal mining enterprises is due to: economic, geological, technical, personnel reasons. For the effective functioning of the coal industry, its development, it is necessary to introduce a set of restructuring measures aimed at maintaining and developing coal mining enterprises. Issues of investment activity play an important role for the economic development of the Republic. Investing allows you to maximize the economic and social opportunities of the state by attracting the necessary capital. Therefore, we can conclude that for successful development in the field of investment activities, the Ministry of Economic Development must carry out the following activities: coordinate the implementation of investment activities on the territory of the DPR; to attract investments for the introduction of modern technologies for managing business processes at manufacturing enterprises, to update the material and technological base, to create more competitive products; develop various programs and activities that will be to some extent aimed at the development of investment activities in the DPR, as well as organize their implementation. [1]


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