ДонНТУ   Портал магистров

Brief resume

Name Anastasia Tregubenko
Date of birth June 12, 2001
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools 2006–2018 MBOU "School No. 142" in Donetsk
Universities 2018–2022 – Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Systems. Bachelor's degree. 2022–2024 – Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Intellectual Energy and Robotics, Department of Electrical Systems. Master's degree.
Average score 89,5 points during Bachelor course (using 100-points scale)
Languages Russian (perfect)

Ukrainian (basic level)
Personal achievements Bachelor's degree with honors
Hobbies and interests Vocals, active recreation
Personal qualities Responsiveness, punctuality, responsibility, organization, learning ability
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: 1. Microsoft Office software package 2. Mathematical packages: MathCAD, MathLAB 3. Programs for creating drawings: Compass 3d) 4. Programs for modeling electrical systems and transient processes in them: PowerFactory 5. Graphic editors: Paint and Lightroom 6. Databases: MS Access
Future plans Get a higher education diploma and find a good job, with the opportunity to work from anywhere in the world
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