DonNTU   Portal of Masters

Master's Brief summary

Full Name Olga Andreevna Bershadska
Date of Birth July 20, 2001
Place of Birth Donetsk
School(s) 2007-2014 Municipal Educational Institution "Lyceum No. 124, Donetsk" 2014-2018 Municipal Educational Institution "Technical Lyceum, Donetsk"
University 2018–2022 - Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Intelligent Systems and Programming, major in "Software Engineering," specialization in "Software for Intelligent Systems," Bachelor's degree
2022–2024 - Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Intelligent Systems and Programming, major in "Software Engineering," specialization in "Software for Intelligent Systems," Master's degree
Average Grade 98
Languages Spoken Russian - fluent, English - basic, Ukrainian - fluent
Personal Achievements In school, I achieved outstanding academic results, and my hard work was rewarded with a gold medal. During my studies at Donetsk National Technical University, I graduated with honors.
Hobbies Music, handicrafts
Personal Qualities Responsibility, communicability, honesty, perseverance
Professional Specialization and Computer Proficiency 1. Operating Systems:
Windows XP, 7, 8, 10

2. Programming Languages:
C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript

3. Databases:
Microsoft Access, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL

4. Web Development:

5. Development Environments:
Visual Studio, Eclipse, NetBeans, Matlab, Statistica

Additional Courses, Internships, Grants C# "From 0 to 1" Course
Work Experience Working on personal projects May 2020 - Public Joint Stock Company "Mining Enterprise 'Zhdanovskaya,'" Programmer
Future Plans Working on desktop and mobile applications, cloud services, computer and mobile games, acquiring new useful knowledge
Contact Information olga.bershadskaya20@yandex.ru