DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Euvgen Kushnir
Date of birth March 8, 2001
Place of birth Torez
Schools Secondary school of the city of Torez No. 18
Universities 2018-2022 — Donetsk National Technical University, Specialty Applied Mathematics (Bachelor's degree)
2022-2024 — Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Intelligent Systems and Programming , Specialty Applied Mathematics (Master's degree)
Average score Average score during Bachelor course
Languages Russian (perfect), Ukrainian (perfect), English (Basic level)
Hobbies and interests movies,graphic design,music,programming
Personal qualities Curiosity,honesty,hard work, creativity
Professional and computer skills
1. Operating systems-Windows,Linux
2. Programming languages-Godot,C++,VBA, Python, SQL, C#
3. Development environments-Visual studio,Unreal engine 4
Future plans
-Get a higher education in the field of information technology
-Become an expert in a certain field of programming
-Work in a large IT company and move up the career ladder
Create your own projects and startups-Take part in conferences and seminars on programming to constantly develop your skills.
Contact information E-mail-tsharik1@mail.ru