DonNTU Portal of Masters

References on the topic of the graduation paper

    Materials of DonNTU masters

  1. Tilinina N.Yu. Analysis of methods and development of algorithms for business processes for creating Web applications based on UX design technology

    Description: Personal website on the portal of DonNTU masters, 2019

    Head: Candidate of Technical Sciences, assoc. Gubenko N. E.

  2. Garanzha A.V. Research and development of methods and models of online store protection based on the method of constructing attack trees

    Description: Personal website on the portal of DonNTU masters, 2017

    Head: Candidate of Technical Sciences, assoc. Gubenko N. E.

  3. Kislovskaya Ya.O. Tools for computer image processing

    Description: Personal website on the portal of DonNTU masters, 2019

    Head: assoc. kaf. ASU Zemlyanskaya S. Yu.

  4. Scientific papers and articles

  5. Designing web interfaces

    Authors:Bill scott, Teresa Neil

    Description:A book dedicated to the process of creating effective and user-satisfying web interfaces. The book emphasizes the importance of meeting user needs and provides practical tips and instructions for creating intuitive and functional websites and applications.

  6. Interface. New directions in the design of computer systems

    Authors:Jeff Raskin

    Description: In this book, Raskin explores new ideas and approaches to designing interfaces for computer systems. The author examines the problems of existing interfaces and offers innovative solutions that can make human-computer interaction more efficient, intuitive and enjoyable.

  7. Web page layout

    Authors: Merzhevich V.

    Description: The book is devoted to the process of creating web pages, that is, layout, which includes the design and structuring of information for display in browsers.

  8. Rails path. A detailed guide to creating applications in the Ruby on Rails environment

    Authors:Obi Fernandez

    Description: A book that provides a detailed guide and instructions for creating web applications using Ruby on Rails, a popular framework for developing web applications in the Ruby language.

  9. Immersion in HTML5

    Authors:Pilgrim M.

    Description:A detailed guide to HTML5, one of the latest versions of the HTML markup language standard used to create web pages. The book covers many aspects of HTML5, including new elements, attributes, APIs and capabilities that HTML5 provides to web developers.

  10. Technical and reference literature

  11. Big Book CSS3

    This is a comprehensive guide to using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS3) to create stylish and interactive websites.

  12. React Fast

    This is a fascinating and practical guide for developers who want to master React, one of the most popular libraries for creating user interfaces in web development.

  13. Web Programmer's Book

    This is a complete and comprehensive guide for those who seek to master the art of web programming. This book covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of web development to the best practices and tools needed to create modern web applications.

  14. Node.js in action

    This is a book that provides a practical guide to using Node.js, a popular JavaScript-based server environment. The book covers various aspects of application development using Node.js

  15. HTML5 and CSS3. Web development according to new generation standards

    This is a book that is intended for web developers and designers who want to master modern web development standards. The book covers the basics of HTML5 and CSS3, providing information about the latest technological trends and best practices.

  16. Expressive Javascript

    This is a book that focuses on a deeper understanding of the JavaScript programming language and the development of skills that allow you to write cleaner, more efficient and expressive JavaScript code.

  17. Specialized websites and portals

  18. DevDocs

    This is an online resource that is a reference and documentation for software developers. The site combines documentation on various programming languages, frameworks, libraries, APIs and other technologies, allowing developers to quickly find and explore information without leaving the browser.

  19. Lambdatest

    Using this cloud platform, you can test any web application on almost all modern browsers, operating systems and devices both manually and automatically.

  20. Small Dev Tools

    A site with cool things for developers, where you can find various: encoders or decoders, HTML/CSS/JavaScript formaters, modifiers, data generators and other useful functionality, with the ability to exchange code with colleagues.


    A news aggregator from the IT world that collects the best publications from various media and publishes them in the feed. You can add it as an extension to your browser.

  22. Modern JavaScript Tutorial

    Here is a tutorial on JavaScript, starting with the basics, which includes many subtleties and features of JavaScript/DOM


    An online resource designed to teach and provide information about HTML markup languages (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

  24. Web Style Guide

    A website dedicated to providing information about style guides and best practices in the field of web design and development.

  25. JavaScriptIsSexy

    A website dedicated to the study of HTML5, CSS3 and adaptive web design technology;

  26. Codecademy An educational platform that provides interactive courses on programming and website development.

  27. Codeschool

    An online platform for teaching programming and website development.

  28. Treehouse An online platform for teaching programming, web development, design and other technical skills.

  29. General Assembly Dash

    A free online platform developed by General Assembly, providing interactive courses in web development and design.

  30. BEM

    A technology for creating web applications that simplifies development and unites the team.

  31. Pattern Lab

    A tool for creating and managing design patterns and user interface components.

  32. Polymer Project

    It is an initiative and a set of tools developed by Google that aims to create web components and develop web applications using web standards.

  33. Aura

    Event-driven architecture for developing scalable applications by creating widgets.

  34. Workflow organization

  35. Yeoman

    This is a set of powerful tools and libraries for quickly creating beautiful web applications.

  36. Grunt

    It is a tool for building JavaScript projects from the command line using tasks.

  37. GruntStart

    The main components with which you can quickly move on to creating an optimized website.

  38. Gulp

    This is a build system that uses threads.

  39. Gulp.js

    Article dedicated to GULP assembly management

  40. Brunch

    This is a build system for HTML5 applications.

  41. Roots A lightweight, fast and intuitive build system designed to speed up frontend development.

  42. Cartero

    This is a tool that helps with the organization of frontend code of multi-page web applications.

  43. Helium

    JavaScript tool for finding unused CSS.

  44. JSLint

    A tool for detecting errors by static analysis of JavaScript programs.

  45. Mailing Lists

  46. RubyJS

    This is a JavaScript implementation of all Ruby class methods.

  47. HTML5 Weekly

    HTML5 and Web technologies news.

  48. CSS Weekly

    Articles, manuals and tools.

  49. JavaScript Weekly

    News and articles on JavaScript.

  50. Web Design Weekly

    Weekly newsletter with the best news and articles on the Internet.

  51. Responsive Design Newsletter

    Adaptive Web Design: news, articles, tools and tips.

  52. Есhо.јѕ

    Reddit clone with JavaScript resources.

  53. Web Tools Weekly

    Tools for frontend development and web design.

  54. A Drip of JavaScript

    Советы по JavaScript раз в неделю.

  55. Github Styleguide

    Руководство по стилям оформления сайтов на JavaScript от GitHub.