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List of abbreviations and units of measurement

0К – kelvin degree, thermodynamic temperature, 1/273.16 parts of the triple point of water;

ν – neutrinos. An uncharged elementary particle with zero (or very low) mass that moves at a speed close to the speed of light;

А – ampere, the force of a constant current, which, passing through two parallel rectilinear conductors of infinite length and an infinitesimally small circular cross-sectional area located at a distance of 1 m from each other in a vacuum, would cause a force equal to between these conductors 2 * 10-7 Н for every meter of conductor length, (V/Оhm);

11H – hydrogen. The first element of the periodic table. The designation is H. It is located in the first period, group I, and subgroup. It refers to non-metals. The charge of the core is 1. The atomic weight can vary: 1, 2, 3, which is due to the presence of deuterium and tritium isotopes;

168О – oxygen. The eighth element of the periodic table. It refers to non-metals. It is located in the second period of the VI group A of the subgroup. The sequence number is 8. The core charge is +8. The atomic weight is 15.999 au. Three oxygen isotopes are found in nature: 16O, 17O и 18O, of which the most common is 16O (99,762 %);

А/mm2 – ampere per square millimeter, a unit of measurement of current density per unit of conductor cross-section;

V – volt, a unit of measurement of electrical potential, (J/Kl);

g – gram, a unit of measurement for the mass of a solid, 10-3 kg;

Hz - the unit of measurement of the frequency of oscillation of the electric field, s-1;

GHz – gigahertz, a unit of measurement for the frequency of oscillation of an electric field, 106 Hz;

J – Joule, a unit of measurement of work (energy), (N * m);

0-1е – electron, a stable, negatively charged elementary particle, one of the main structural units of matter;

11p – proton. A particle with a positive charge equal in magnitude to the charge of an electron. Proton mass mp = 1,6726 * 10-27 kg;

10n – neutron. A particle without an electric charge, the mass of a neutron is approximately equal to the mass of a proton mn = 1,6750 * 10-27 kg;

γ – photon. An elementary particle, a quantum of electromagnetic radiation (in the narrow sense of light). It is a massless particle that can exist in a vacuum only by moving at the speed of light. The electric charge of the photon is also zero. A photon can only be in two spin states with a spin projection on the direction of motion (helicity) ± 1. Photon generation occurs when an electron transitions from a higher energy level to a lower one, giving (radiating) energy in the form of a massless particle – a photon;

Leptons are fundamental particles with half-integer spin that do not participate in the strong interaction;

There are three generations of leptons:

Δm – the mass defect, which can be used to calculate the energy of the release of the nucleon compound in the nucleus;

A nucleon is an element of the nucleus of an atom (protons, neutrons);

s2 – the speed of light according to Einstein, 299792458 m / s;

eV – electronvolt. The unit of energy of one particle;

1 au is an atomic unit of mass, numerically equal to 1,6606 * 10-27 kg или 931,5016 МeV / s2;

kW – the unit of measurement of electrical power, 103 W, (J/s);

kg – kilogram, a unit of measurement for the mass of a solid substance;

kg/m3 – a kilogram per cubic meter, the density of a homogeneous substance;

Kl – pendant, a unit of measurement of electric charge, (А * s);

l – liter, a unit of liquid volume, 10-3 m3;

m – meter, a unit of length equal to the distance traveled in vacuum by a plane electromagnetic wave in 1 / 299792458 fractions of a second;

m/s – meter per second, a unit of speed measurement;

m3 – cubic meter, unit of volume;

minute – minute, a unit of time measurement, 60 s;

ICF – microfarad, a unit of electrical capacity, 10-6 F;

mm – миллиметр, единица длины, 10-3 м;

mm2 – square millimeter, a unit of area, 10-6 m2;

ms – millisecond, a unit of time measurement, 10-3 s;

N – newton, the derived unit, (kg * m/s2);

SRC – Scientific research center;

nm – nanometer, a unit of length, 10-9 m;

Ohm – The unit of measurement of electrical resistance, (V/А);

ruble – ruble, the monetary unit of the Russian Federation;

s – a second, a unit of time, 9192631770 periods of radiation of the caesium-133 atom;

sm – centimetre, 10-2 m;

T – ton, a unit of measurement for the mass of a solid, 103 kg;

F – farad, a unit of electrical capacity, (Kl/V);

CNF – cold nuclear fusion;

h – hour, unit of time, 60 minutes or 3600 s;

EMF – electromagnetic field;

NF – nuclear fusion;

The skin effect is the effect of decreasing the amplitude of electromagnetic waves as they penetrate deep into the conductive medium. As a result of this effect, for example, high-frequency alternating current when flowing through a conductor is not evenly distributed over the cross section, but mainly in the surface layer;

The spin effect is the relativistic interaction of the spin of a particle with its motion inside a potential;

The pinch effect is the effect of compression of a current channel under the influence of a magnetic field induced by the current itself. A strong current flowing in plasma, solid or liquid metal creates a magnetic field. It acts on charged particles (electrons and/or ions), which can greatly change the current distribution. At high currents, the Ampere force leads to deformation of the conductive channel, up to destruction;

Ergodicity is the property of the indecomposability of a dynamical system with an invariant measure into two unrelated subsystems. This property is equivalent to the fact that every measurable invariant set either has zero measure itself, or differs by a set of zero measure from the entire phase space. In the case when the measure of the entire space is finite, ergodicity is equivalent to the equality of the time average of any integrable function (over an infinite time interval) to its spatial average.



The object of the study is a mockпisup of a laboratory installation.

The purpose of the work: calculation and design of the layout of a laboratory installation for the implementation of plasma beam ignition in aqueous or water-dispersion media in order to study the technology of nuclear fusion and obtain polymetallic nanopowder.
As a result of the design, the input data were analyzed, an experimental laboratory installation was calculated and designed for the implementation of nuclear power plants in order to obtain a source of polymetallic nanopowder, as well as associated thermal and electrical energies. The economic and technological cost of manufacturing a laboratory installation is determined. Occupational and environmental protection was analyzed, a shield was designed to counteract the electromagnetic fields of the installation.
Schemes are given production of a layout of a laboratory installation.

Relevance of the topic

In his speech at the Global Summit of Production and Industrialization (GMIS-2019), the President of the Kurchatov Institute M. Kovalchuk noted the strategic importance of nature-like technologies, which, by copying natural processes, not only do not damage the ecosystem, but open unlimited prospects for humanity in terms of improving health, longevity and quality of life, [1]. The widespread introduction of technologies and systems that reproduce the principles of wildlife will allow humanity to switch to more economical and safe principles of consumption of natural resources. This is exactly what President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin said in his speech at the 70th session of the UN General Assembly on September 28, 2015, [2]. "... We need qualitatively different approaches. The speech should to talk about the introduction of fundamentally new nature-like technologies, which do not cause damage to the surrounding world, but exist with it in harmony and will allow to restore the balance disturbed by a person between biosphere and technosphere... We propose to convene under the auspices of the UN a special a forum where you can comprehensively look at the problems associated with depletion of natural resources, habitat destruction, climate change climate..." The concept of widespread adoption of nature-like technologies is not it may not concern theoretical and applied materials science, in particular regarding the question of the origin of matter. The study and, especially, the reproduction in real conditions of the mechanisms of formation and the transmutation of material particles will allow humanity to switch to more economical and safe principles of natural resources consumption resources, expand the range of materials with unique properties.


"We must turn our gaze into dimensions unknown to us, into the nature of things, into life that we cannot calculate and calculate. This is life, in which the transport and binding medium, the blood of the Earth, which water surrounds us from birth to death, it is water." Victor Schauberger, 1932, Implosion magazine, №103, p. 28
"The one who interferes with the natural processes of interaction of the earth, water and air, disrupts the balance, thus turning the blood of the Earth (water) into the pathogenic environment, as a result of it it becomes the most dangerous the enemy of all living beings." Victor Schauberger, 1932, magazine «Implosion», №96, p. 4
Knowledge brings fear, hatred, contempt and inequality

Any technology is the result and function of energy. Other types of energy, which replaced the muscular, gave rise to the first beginnings of labor mechanization and became the basis for a sharp increase in labor productivity and a reduction in the cost of production. This process was greatly enhanced by the development of processes for the utilization of steam energy from the chemical anergy of organic fuels, which led to the first industrial revolution and determined the triumph of the chain process of the emergence and improvement of technologies, including energy.
As a result, at the end of the XIX century, the electric power industry arose, its development inevitably led to the appearance of nuclear energy in the middle of the XX century, where a new thermonuclear energy is already maturing in its depths. The basis of modern and promising technology is energy, which is based on specific electrical processes, devices, aggregates, apparatuses and equipment.

Topic analysis

In the modern view, matter is a complex system, including, in addition to clusters of corpuscles such as atoms and molecules, plasma. A simplified diagram of this system is shown in figure 1.

img_material Figure 1 - Diagram of the structure of matter
6 cycles, 8 frames, 118 Kb

A generally accepted cosmological model describing the initial stage the development of the universe, based on the theory of the "Big Bang" - the moment transformations of singularity - points with minimum size, infinite density and temperature, [3]. Its main theoretical the provisions allow us to predict the occurrence of corpuscular matter as a result of the synthesis of elements of an ideal plasma consisting of mainly from elementary particles - protons, neutrons and electrons. As a synthesis mechanism, we can consider the following events. As a result of chaotic movement and random collisions, protons and neutrons due to the forces of gravity form the Daytons. The latter serve as the source material for creating (jointly with similar particles) of more complex constructions with different the ratio of participants who represent potential atomic nuclei having a positive charge equal to the number of protons. The latter, interacting with electrons, form ions, which, when balancing the positive charge of the nucleus and the electron shells become neutral atoms. With a significant volume plasma and the high content of free corpuscles in it, fundamentally formation of not only atoms of known chemical elements is possible, but also the whole gamut of their isotopes with different stability. When they decay, new active objects appear.

Under certain conditions, fluctuations of the same type occur in the plasma atoms that combine into molecules or form clusters. As a result, the plasma turns into a gaseous, and then into a liquid medium and solid body. The same substance can be in the states, differing from each other in their mechanical and physical properties. Such states are called aggregate. There are three main aggregate states: solid, liquid and gaseous. Examples The aggregate states of hydrogen oxide are: ice, water and water vapor. The fourth basic aggregate state of matter is considered to be plasma. This is the name of a highly ionized, electrically neutral gas with a high relative concentration of charged particles. The plasma is the most common state of matter in the universe, since of it consists of most of the stars. In addition to plasma, there are such specific states of matter as a neutron liquid (from it neutron stars consist) and degenerate plasma (consisting of completely ionized nuclei and electrons). These states occur at ultrahigh pressures and temperatures. Currently accepted distinguish the following types of transmutation of chemical elements and substances: synthesis of new substances in living organisms (in biosphere objects) and synthesis new substances in non-living environments, such as the hydrosphere, lithosphere and technosphere in all its diversity. If in the biosphere, hydrosphere and in the lithosphere, synthesis occurs solely as a result of chemical interactions of contacting corpuscles of different activity, then in in the technosphere, this process is controlled by a person, selecting the appropriate participants-reagents and setting the conditions for their contact. Decisive a factor in the organization of synthesis is the energy management of the participants and the choice of ways to realize their energy capabilities. If in in the hydrosphere, dissociation of corpuscles with the help of polar structures (ions, molecules, radicals), and the lithosphere it is limited to thermal exposure and high pressures, resorting to occasionally to the services of catalysts, then in the technosphere a person uses, in addition to these factors, the energy of the electric field and decay isotope molecules, the energy of artificially accelerated particles, creating conditions close to the conditions of the "Big Bang". As examples it can be noted that the transmutation of elements was detected during the explosion foils, wires, incandescent filaments, in the working chambers of engines internal combustion and rocket launchers, when irradiating metal targets with high-energy beams of charged or neutral particles. In contrast to thermonuclear fusion, with cold nuclear synthesis, decomposition or synthesis of a substance can be stopped artificially, because the active particles outside the EMF immediately turn into helium atoms, and protons - in molecular hydrogen, water or peroxides, workers temperatures on average do not exceed 1000 0K. In general, nuclear synthesis (low-energy transmutation of chemical elements) consists in the nature of EMF (electromagnetic field). An EMF having one and the same nature with the electromagnetic forces of Coulomb resistance in the nuclei of atoms, changes the vector of these forces directed equally in all directions from the core, towards the movement of the EMF, - in these conditions protons accelerated in this field are given the opportunity to freely penetrate into the nuclei of target atoms and already inside these nuclei to influence with your energy the short-acting forces of attraction between the particles that make up the nucleus. This can be a half-life, in which the number of protons increases and the number of neutrons decreases in the nucleus пїЅ thereby changing the atomic number, that is, a new one is obtained a chemical element with new qualities. And this is nuclear fusion, [4]. The classification of methods for the synthesis of chemical elements is presented in figure 2.

img_synthesis Figure 2 - Classification of methods of synthesis of chemical elements

This process can be used:

Justification of the topic

This chapter will provide the theoretical foundations for this technologies, as well as approximate calculations of the possible concentration of the element (Al), energies (thermal and electrical) dissociation of the molecule H2O to the level of elementary particles.

The following conclusions were made:


In this chapter, the parameters of the projected layout will be calculated laboratory installation for plasma beam ignition in water and (-or) water-dispersion medium for the purpose of obtaining polymetallic nanopowder for metallurgy:

The diagrams of the designed layout, its 3D model and the assembly scheme of the product were also given.


This section provides calculations of the cost of laboratory components installations, depreciation and payback period of this installation:

  1. depreciation charges per year = 4983,36 rub/y;
  2. payback period = 6,6 years.

Labor protection

In this section, the calculation and design of the protective shield against electromagnetic radiation of the experimental installation is carried out. The source of ultrahigh frequency (microwave) energy radiation is a microwave generator, an experimental installation for water deuterization. To protect against electromagnetic radiation of the installation, the thickness of the protective screen made of aluminum is calculated.

The source of ultrahigh frequency (microwave) energy radiation is a microwave generator – an experimental installation for water deuterization.

To protect against electromagnetic radiation of the installation, we calculate the thickness of the projected protective shield made of aluminum, having the following data:

Let's determine the power of the electromagnetic field at a given distance R by the formula:

ρ = P n * G first P n * G first = 11780 * 70,569 4 * 3,141 * 100 2 = 6,6165 mkW sm 2

Let's determine the necessary EMF attenuation using the formula:

1 / М = ρ / D, where from М = D / ρ = 10 / 6,6165 = 1,511;

Let's determine the required minimum thickness of the protective screen using the formula:

σ = ln M 2 ( ω * r * μ ) / 2 , mm

where ω – circular frequency, Hz;

ω = 2πf = 2 * 3,141 * 6 * 1010 = 37,692 * 1010 Hz;

σ = ln 1500 2 ( 37,692 * 10 10 * 3,77 * 10 5 * 4 * 10 -9 ) / 2 = 6,9 * 10 -6 sm = 6,9 * 10 -7 mm

When calculating the thickness of the screen, the value was obtained σ = 0,000069 mm. For design reasons, the thickness of the metal of the screen will be equal to 1 mm.


In this work, an installation was calculated and designed to implement the technology of deutonization of the working environment, economically justified and technologically protected to reduce the impact of EMF on laboratory personnel.

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