DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Teslitskaya Anastasia Alexandrovna
Date of birth November 2, 1999
Place of birth Makeyevka
- MBOU "Secondary school No. 7 in Makeyevka" 01.09.2006– 05.31.2015.
- MBU "School of Arts No. 1 in Makeyevka" (violin class) 01.09.2006- 05.31.2014.
- MBU "School of Arts No. 1 in Makeyevka" (art class) 01.09.2006 – 05.31.20.
College "Industrial and Economic College" Makeyevka 01.09.2015 - 06.28.2019 specialty "Coke chemical production". A red diploma.
- Bachelor's degree - DONNTU in the field of training 03.18.2011 "Chemical technology", profile "Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbonaceous materials" (distance learning) 09.01.2019- 07.01.2022.
- Master's degree – DONNTU in the field of training 04.18.2011 "Chemical technology", master's program "Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbonaceous materials" (full-time study) 09.01.2022 – 2024.
Average score 3,87
- Russian (native);
- Ukrainian (native);
- English (B1 Intermediate level)
Personal achievements Publication of scientific articles, participation in conferences and Olympiads.
Hobbies and interests Singing, sports, visual arts, acting, tourism.
Personal qualities Sociability, responsibility, hard work, mental flexibility, determination, quick learning
Professional and computer skills
1.Operating systems: Windows 7, 8, 10, 11;Office software: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint);
2.Modeling systems: Compass–3D, LabVIEW, Design II, AutoCAD, ChemCAD, SCADA;
3. Programming languages:Pascal, MathCad.
Additional courses, internships, grants Production practice at the Makeyevsky coke plant in the central factory laboratory.
Professional experience No work experience
Future plans Defense of the master's degree program, employment, career advancement, self-development and self-improvement.
Contact information nastia181102@yandex.com