Brief resume
Name | Teslitskaya Anastasia Alexandrovna |
Date of birth | November 2, 1999 |
Place of birth | Makeyevka |
Schools | - MBOU "Secondary school No. 7 in Makeyevka" 01.09.2006– 05.31.2015. - MBU "School of Arts No. 1 in Makeyevka" (violin class) 01.09.2006- 05.31.2014. - MBU "School of Arts No. 1 in Makeyevka" (art class) 01.09.2006 – 05.31.20. |
College | "Industrial and Economic College" Makeyevka 01.09.2015 - 06.28.2019 specialty "Coke chemical production". A red diploma. |
Universities | - Bachelor's degree - DONNTU in the field of training 03.18.2011 "Chemical technology", profile "Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbonaceous materials" (distance learning) 09.01.2019- 07.01.2022. - Master's degree – DONNTU in the field of training 04.18.2011 "Chemical technology", master's program "Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbonaceous materials" (full-time study) 09.01.2022 – 2024. |
Average score | 3,87 |
Languages | - Russian (native); - Ukrainian (native); - English (B1 Intermediate level) |
Personal achievements | Publication of scientific articles, participation in conferences and Olympiads. |
Hobbies and interests | Singing, sports, visual arts, acting, tourism. |
Personal qualities | Sociability, responsibility, hard work, mental flexibility, determination, quick learning |
Professional and computer skills | 1.Operating systems: Windows 7, 8, 10, 11;Office software: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint); 2.Modeling systems: Compass–3D, LabVIEW, Design II, AutoCAD, ChemCAD, SCADA; 3. Programming languages:Pascal, MathCad. |
Additional courses, internships, grants | Production practice at the Makeyevsky coke plant in the central factory laboratory. |
Professional experience | No work experience |
Future plans | Defense of the master's degree program, employment, career advancement, self-development and self-improvement. |
Contact information | |