Авторы: К.И. Зеленин, Е.А. Гермонова, В.Н. Бойко
Источник: Young scientists’ researches and achievements in science – Научные исследования и достижения молодых ученых: материалы научно-практической конференции
для молодых ученых Донецк, 20 апреля 2023 года / под общей редакцией Е.Н. Кушниренко. – Донецк: ДонНТУ, 2023, с. 344–348.
Zelenin K.I., Germonova E.A., Boyko V.N. Modern technologies in geodetic surveying to ensure construction and operation.
The article discusses information about the latest technologies used in geodetic works to ensure construction and operation. An example of a modern geodetic instrument is given.
In the last few decades, another technological breakthrough has occurred in geodesy compared to the XX century, which has affected not only the variety of inventory of a modern surveyor, but also the speed and accuracy of the resulting cartographic material
Modern geodetic equipment is at the peak of its popularity. Today it is widely used in various spheres of human life. Instruments for objects surveying, laser construction devices and geodetic instruments have gained a strong place in the world market. These devices have already been appreciated in our homeland.
The timeliness of the study lies in the fact that today’s needs to perform geodetic survey in the shortest possible time with high accuracy are increasing more and more. Innovations in technologies allow to carry out geodetic surveying in a new way, and contribute not only to the renewal of the geodetic equipment fleet, but also are an incentive for the creation of new working methods and the development of algorithms for processing the results obtained.
Geodetic surveying in construction should be carried out to the extent and with accuracy, ensuring that the geometric parameters of the design documentation, the requirements of building codes, regulations and state standards are met when placing and erecting construction objects.
The electronic total station is a universal digital optical geodesic device that combines a light meter and a theodolite, designed for accurate measurements in the field, exceedances, horizontal alignments and increments of rectangular coordinates.
The device is capable of performing engineering calculations and storing the received information at a high professional level.
Electronic (digital) levels are modern multifunctional geodetic instruments that combine the functions of a high-precision optical level, an electronic storage device and embedded software for processing the measurements obtained, allowing you to take readings on a special rail with high accuracy.
The use of electronic levels allows you to eliminate the human factor
of the engineer-surveyor and speed up the measurement process by more than 50% compared to a conventional level.
Geodetic GPS equipment and GPS GLONASS systems in geodesy are actively used at the initial stages of construction, surveying, linking control points for the breakdown of theodolite and tacheometric moves.
With the help of GPS equipment, field geodetic works are carried out in record time, allowing not only to collect coordinate data, but also to process them in real time simultaneously with the collection.
The laser rangefinder is used for fast and accurate distance measurement, eliminating errors when taking reports.
A professional laser rangefinder fully meets the modern requirements for linear measurements, the accuracy of such devices is 1.5 – 3 millimeters, while measuring the same distance with steel bands, at the best case, the error will be 2 – 5 cm.
Laser scanner by means of high-speed scanning transfers a set of characteristics of a real surface to a digital form and presents the result in a spatial coordinate system.
The laser scanner can take pictures of objects located anywhere in the sphere – a full circle horizontally 360° and 270° vertically.
The modern scanning total station Trimble SX10 completely changes the idea of the possibilities of geodetic tools for everyday work, providing the most innovative solution for professionals in the field of geodesy, construction and scanning. This new, universal solution allows you to obtain any combination of high-density 3D scanning data of high-precision total station survey data, providing shooting only the most necessary and thereby saving time and money.
Thanks to the new Trimble Lightning 3DM technology, only one tool with unprecedented performance is used for high-precision total station measurements and high-speed 3D scanning. The tool was created with the use reliable and powerful technologies such as MagDriveТМ and SurePointТМ. Combination with the latest technologies, such as Autolock®, allows the SX10 to perform detailed shooting with maximum accuracy. And thanks to the full integration of the SX10 with Trimble Access™ and Trimble Business Center software, a modern geodetic engineer will be able to quickly perform work using well-known and efficient technological processes.
Trimble SX10 scans 3D data with high density and speed up to 26600 points per second, providing high accuracy over the entire measurement range – up to 600 m. No matter whether a circular scan is performed from a single point, or the survey data is supplemented by a scan of the area of interest, the geodesist engineer can always be sure that all the collected information fits exactly into the selected coordinate system.
The unique Trimble VISION technology built into Trimble SX10 makes it possible to control the shooting process using a video image on the controller screen, and also allows you to create various reporting materials using the images obtained. This is a new, highest level of performance under all conditions, as well as the ability to scan a circular panorama in just three minutes. When returning to the office, Trimble Business Center allows you to fully integrate Trimble SX10 data into a work project using familiar geodetic software.
The Trimble SX10 scanning total station sets new standards for accuracy, functionality and performance in the field of geodetic surveys.
The diversity of the geodetic equipment fleet on a modern construction site is one of the most important and fundamental bases that allow to fulfill surveying quickly, with high-quality and mobility, and provide material for in-house processing.
If a geodetic survey of the area, topographic or cadastral survey is required in the shortest possible time with high accuracy, then a professional modern surveyor will use only the latest modern geodetic equipment in his work. To solve some tasks, these devices do not require the constant presence of a person directly at the construction site and can work according to a predetermined program.
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