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Currently, the problem of attracting foreign investment is one of the main problems of Russia. Foreign investments are an additional source of capital investments in the production of goods and services and an important factor in the economic growth of the economy. Investments largely determine the country's economic growth and employment. With the increase in the volume of international capital movement, the role of investments as the most important factor of economic development increases, which determines the relevance of studying the problem of the influence of foreign capital on the country's economy. Foreign investments are directed to the creation, expansion, modernization and technical re-equipment of fixed capital, to the associated increase in working capital, to deepen the use of investments of national origin, to improve the skills of national personnel. Russia is struggling with serious problems on the path of its development, which, if approached rashly, can lead to major ethnic and social conflicts throughout its territory.

Until 2040, this leadership of oil is likely to remain, although it will gradually surrender its positions to other energy carriers. In the early 1970s, the share of oil was close to 45%, but after the price shock of 1973, when OPEC imposed restrictions on oil supplies, it became clear to consumers that expensive oil should be disposed of whenever possible. This is exactly what happened: where oil can be replaced (for example, in the electric power industry), other energy carriers are used. But, perhaps, this is not always the case: there has not yet been found a massive substitute for oil in the transport sector.


Formulation of the problem


The problems investigated in this work currently have a high degree of relevance. In the context of an unstable political and economic situation, the imposition of sanctions, and strained relations between the countries, there has been a sharp decline in foreign direct investment in Russian economic sectors. Despite the investment potential, the availability of natural and labor resources, Russia has many problems in attracting and regulating foreign investment, which scares away foreign investors. Many developing countries compete with Russia in the fight for foreign investment. In such circumstances, it is extremely important for Russia to pursue a proper state investment policy, attract foreign investment through benefits and guarantees, and ensure an even distribution of investments across sectors of the economy and regions.


Key research findings


To date, oil is the most important resource in the world, as of 2019 its share was 31% of total energy consumption (Fig. 1).

Figure: 1. Production of crude oil in the world in 2019[one]


The oil market is one of the most developed markets, which has everything – diversified demand and supply with numerous buyers and sellers actively competing on a global scale, and a developed system of financial derivatives, and advanced regulatory mechanisms. The downside is the volatility of oil prices.

The authorized capital of LUKOIL amounts to RUB 21,264,081. 37.5 kopecks and consists of 850 563 255 ordinary registered shares with a par value of 0.025 rubles. each one.

Ordinary shares are listed on the Moscow Exchange in the Level One quotation list and are one of the most liquid financial instruments on the Russian stock market.

The Company's shares are also listed on the London Stock Exchange, depositary receipts for the Company's shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange, as well as on the Frankfurt, Munich and Stuttgart stock exchanges and the US OTC market. About 35% of the shares are traded in the form of depositary receipts.

As of the end of the first half of 2017, about 50% of the shares are in free float.

The Company's shares and depository receipts are included in various world indices – MSCI Emerging Markets EMEA, MSCI Emerging Markets Eastern Europe, FTSE Russia IOB, Bloomberg World Oil & Gas and others [11] .6

Gazprom is the largest joint stock company in Russia. The total number of issued shares is 23,673,512,900. The state controls over 50% of the Company's shares[one].

The par value of one security is 5 rubles. The total par value of the issue is 118,367,564,500 rubles. [nine].

The number of shares of NK Rosneft is 10,598,177,817, where 5,299,088,910 (50.00000001%) shares are owned by ROSNEFTEGAZ [12].


In tab. 1 examines the value of shares of companies at the time of creation of international financial statements (IFRS) Companies have shown growth in shares for 5 years


Table 1 – The cost of the Company's share at the time of the Creation of IFRS, rubles.








Share price at the time of IFRS creation












4 889








In fig. 2. there is a positive trend in all three enterprises. Lukoil from 2013 to 2017 was able to raise the share price from 2040 rubles. up to RUB 4889 (more than twice in 5 years), which deserves special attention.


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Figure 2 – The cost of a company's share at the time of the Creation of IFRS


Thus, it can be seen that the high cost of shares and dividend payments per share of LUKOIL compared to Gazprom and Rosneft is primarily caused by the extremely small number of Lukoil shares.

If we compare companies in terms of total dividend payments, then Gazprom and Lukoil for 2017 are almost at the same level, which cannot be said about Rosneft, which has reduced dividend payments by 25.1 billion rubles over 5 years.




In this work, the state of the world oil market was analyzed. In 2020, the world is witnessing an economic shock caused both by expected circumstances, in the form of trade and political differences in the oil segment, and by force majeure in the form of a pandemic.

The political and economic spheres in the oil industry were analyzed. Major foreign oil companies Shell andSaudi aramco

Market pressure is forcing oil and gas companies to launch within themselves the most serious adaptation processes in terms of technological innovations aimed at increasing the availability (reducing production costs) of hydrocarbons and expanding the mineral resource base.

The structure of world energy consumption will become more and more diversified and balanced: by 2040 there is a gradual equalization of the shares of fossil fuels (oil – 27%, gas – 25%, coal – 25%) and non–fossil fuels (23% in total), which indicates on the development of international fuel competition and increasing the sustainability of energy supply.




  1. Information–analytical agency Enerdata [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:–oil/world–production–statitistics.html
  2. Information agency Tass [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
  3. Gazprom shares [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
  4. Lukoil share capital [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
  5. Business model of the company Lukoil [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
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  8. A. Fedorova, E.V. Gilenko The influence of interest rates on the behavior of the stock markets of the BRIC countries // Financial analytics: problems and solutions. – 2014. – No. 11. – S. 30–35.
  9. Lukoil Oil Company [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
  10. Federal Law No. 86–FZ of July 10, 2002 (as amended on March 28, 2017) “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”. – URL:,0&rnd=0.2469528088089621#0
  11. The structure of the share capital of Rosneft [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: