- Introduction a>
- 1. Relevance of the theme a>
- 2. Analysis of the energy balance of the industrial enterprise a>
- 3. Monitoring System OpenJEVis a>
- Conclusion a>
- References
The rate of use of both renewable and non-renewable resources are accelerated from year to year. However, most of the resources are finite and demand management. In this regard, in recent decades, intensively developed and applied a variety of resource-saving technologies that ensure the production of products with the lowest possible fuel consumption and other sources of energy as well as raw materials, air, water and other resources for technological purposes.
Over the history of human development energy consumption per person has increased by more than 100 times. Every 10 to 15 years, global energy consumption almost doubled. At the same time, the reserves of traditional energy sources - oil, coal history. Moreover, combustion of fossil fuels leads in pollution. Therefore, it is very important to get energy in an environmentally friendly technologies. At the cost of many products make up a significant share of the cost of energy, and therefore, the introduction of energy-efficient technologies could improve their competitiveness.
1. Relevance of the theme
There are numerous methods of saving energy. Monitoring and analysis of energy consumption is the most relevant at the moment, because humanity has passed the era of IT, monitoring systems have become available and their use is not difficult.
Master's thesis is devoted to the actual scientific task of developing a mathematical model of analysis of energy consumption of the industrial enterprise, aimed at saving fuel and energy resources, as well as its integration into the monitoring system OpenJEVis.
2. Analysis of the energy balance of the industrial enterprise
The energy balance of the industrial enterprise is the most important characteristic of the energy economy of the enterprise. It is made in order to identify all the reserves of energy savings.
Energy balance - a balance of production, processing, transmission, transformation, distribution and consumption of all types of energy resources and energy in production.
Energy balance is a reflection of the law of conservation of energy in a particular production. The energy balance (energy balance) consists of incoming and outgoing parts. The credit portion of the energy balance provides a quantitative list of energy supplied by different energy sources (fossil fuels and nuclear combustible EUC, gas, steam, water, air, electricity). The expenditure part of the energy balance determines the flow of energy of all kinds in its various manifestations, loss of energy conversion of one type to another during its transportation, and the energy stored (accumulated) in special devices (such as pumped storage plants). As in any other balance sheets, for example, accounting, credit and debit part of the energy balance should be equal.
energy balance shows a match, on the one hand, total supplied power and, on the other hand, the total useful energy used. At the balance sheet deals with all kinds of energy consumption in the enterprise: electricity, gas, oil, water, steam, etc. Energy all targets in each section is measured quantitatively Company further evaluated and energy losses. Balancing is performed on the basis of data on the actual energy consumption in specific areas of the Company (engines, electrical equipment, lighting, set and so on). To obtain such information using special instruments - electricity meters, gas, steam, water, etc. The study of energy balance makes it possible to establish the actual state of the use of energy, as in some parts of the enterprise and the enterprise as a whole. The energy balance allows to draw conclusions about the performance of the enterprise. After closing the accounts should be identified point land in the enterprise, where you can save energy. Depending on the type and quantity of energy balance can be private, made up for only one energy source or energy balance summary drawn up by the total consumption of all energy used in the enterprise resources. In drawing up the balance sheets of private power quantitative measurement of energy produced in joules (J, MJ, GJ), kilowatt (kW? H), tons of fuel equivalent. In the synthesis of the energy balance measurements of various energy resources and energy is produced in tons of standard coal. The main types of energy consumed in the industrial, urban and agricultural sectors are thermal and electrical energy. So make partial ENERGOBALANS - heat and electric. Consider the features making the electricity balance. In terms of the energy balance of existing enterprises are prepared for individual units or groups of shops and businesses in general. Power balance shall be made on the basis of an objective judgement about the quality of the use of electricity at the plant in the energy-intensive production units, or units, identifies opportunities to reduce wastage of electricity, its losses, resulting in planned activities to improve using electricity. There are three main types of POWER BALANCE:
1) the actual reflecting prevailing in the shop or enterprise working environment;
2) normalized by taking into account the possibility of rationalization and optimization of power consumption and losses in machinery and electrical networks;
3) perspective, compiled by the expected development of production and its quality changes in the near term (up to 5 years) or for a longer period.
Analysis of the energy balance is a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the state of the energy economy of the enterprise. An analysis of energy use can be made by comparing actual performance, evidence for the previous period-governmental perspectives, similar to other enterprises. A comparison of indicators should take into account the conditions of compatibility (for the same volume of production, composition and quality of products, etc.). The energy efficiency of the installation is possible to characterize the coefficient of performance (COP), which is defined by the formula:
h = Euseful / Einput, where Euseful - number of useful energy used;
Einput - the number of input energy.
In assessing the effectiveness of energy use in the enterprise are summarized as the amount used and the amount of input energy for all installed CAC for the different types of energy. A study of the energy balance is assessed this important indicator of energy use efficiency as the specific energy consumption for production products.
3. Monitoring System OpenJEVis
JEVis system is a database-based software solutions, offering the possibility of obtaining and processing of physical data for all types of monitoring. The source of the data is physically widely distributed and can be purchased by automated data loggers (meters), process control systems, as well as shared databases, and data entered manually by the user. [ [5] ] The system verifies that the key characteristics of the production process, which determine energy monitored, measured and analyzed. Key characteristics include at a minimum:
a) energy profile;
b) significant energy;
c) effectiveness of the plan to achieve its goals and objectives.
from monitoring and measurement recorded. The organization shall ensure that all equipment used for measuring and monitoring provides reliable data that can be obtained again. The calibration data is stored. The results of monitoring and measurements are stored.Picture 1 - Energy Management System
The software that is used to work with databases monitoring system, comprising:
1. JEGraph - a versatile tool for data visualization and comparison operations.
Picture 2 - Tool JEGraph.
Allows you to view and compare the power consumption curves as for the year, there is every hour from the start of data collection.
2. JEConfig helps the user to customize, edit and create new rosters. In addition, imports, exports and edit the data.
3. JEReport - a reporting system JEVis. With JEReport you can get information about the data from the database periodically JEVis. To use JEReport you must first create a template file, and reporting node JEConfig. A template file, you can use certain functions. These functions will be transferred to the database data JEVis. With this identifier in the reporting units JEConfig. [ [3] ]Conclusion
Fuel prices are increasing (mainly natural gas supplied to Ukraine from Russia) that raises the problem of economical use of energy resources, and this determined the choice of the research topic. So getting the data of the energy balance of the company is very relevant and needs attention.
Creation of integrated systems for monitoring and accounting of energy consumption includes the development of software and hardware systems designed to address the interrelated challenges of collecting, processing and storing data on the functioning of complex systems, including a variety of sources and consumers.
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- a> http://www.openjevis.org/projects/openjevis
- a> Lyadova LN Technology for creating dynamically adaptable information systems / / Proceedings of the International. scientific and engineering. Conf. "Intelligent systems» (AIS'07). T. 2. - Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2007.
- 1. Relevance of the theme a>