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Power transformers have relatively high efficiency, which depending on the power can reach 99% or more. However, a more efficient use of energy for its transformation is possible through utilization of the heat loss of transformers, are usually discharged into the environment. For this purpose, the most suitable oil transformers, in which the oil is not only an insulator, but also the cooling medium, the heat transfer from the windings and magnetic core to the cooling radiator. Released during this heat can be used for the purpose of heating substations (SS) [12].

1. Theme urgency

At present, energy conservation is receiving increasing attention is increasingly being sought various ways to reduce energy consumption are considered and implemented, including those involving significant resources, a variety of schemes designed to reduce energy consumption. At the same time, is still the exception rather than the rule heat extraction from various kinds of fluids for subsequent use.

Master's work is devoted to the actual scientific problem - the problem of reducing the consumption of electricity for their own needs substations (SS). It is one aspect of the overall problem to reduce losses and improve the efficiency of electric power systems, which currently gets more and more important. This is due to both an increase in transformer capacity of the SS, and with the advent of ultra-high voltage substations of large consumers of electricity and heat [10].

2. The purpose and tasks of the research master's work

The aim of the study is to analyze the use of heat for district heating power transformers electrical substations.

The main objectives of the study:

  1. Introduce one of the ways to use the heat generated power oil transformers for electrical heating substations.
  2. Show feasibility of recycling heat losses of transformers for electrical heating substations.

3. Analysis of the situation in the fuel and energy complex of Ukraine

The national economy is 50% dependent on external sources of energy, and for their purchases no money. A large proportion of obsolete and technically obsolete equipment, energy-intensive technologies (especially in the energy sector, iron and steel, petrochemical and other energy intensive industries), focus on cheap energy resources (FER) have led to critical levels of extravagance and waste of energy resources. Specific energy consumption for production are increasing [11].

4. Overview of research and development. Classification schemes to remove heat from the transformer

Depending on the type, quantity, and power transformer assigned their load required thermal performance, the type of coolant used in the heating system (Transformer oil, water, air) and the distance of consumers can apply various heat extraction circuit [1] - [2]: c immediate supply of heated oil in the heating system; c maslovodyanom heating water heat exchanger, water heated by the heat pump to the heating air air-oil heat exchanger, direct heated air outlet of the cooling radiators, heated in the water-air heat exchanger [3] - [9], [13].


In this study suggested that rejected from the power transformer to the environment heat could profitably be used for heating and cooling in transformer substations.

This master's work is not completed yet. It will be completed at December 2013. You can obtain the full text of the completed work and other materials concerning that investigation from authors after this date.


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