Brief resume

Name Kutashov Ruslan
Date of birth September 27.1994
Place of birth Donetsk
School 2000-2008 гг. — Lyceum #12 of Donetsk, 2008-2011 — Lyceum «Коллеж» of Donetsk
University 2011-2015 — Donetsk national technical university, Faculty of computer science and technology, specialty "Software Engineering", bachelor
2015-2017 — Donetsk national technical university, Faculty of computer science and technology, specialty "Software Engineering", master
Languages Russian — native
Ukrainian — native
English — intermediate
Hobbies and interests Games: MMORPG
Books: fantasy
Sport: basketball
Personal qualities Flexible mind, fast learning ability, dedication, responsiveness
Professional and computer skills
  • 1. Operational systems:
    • Windows
    • Ubuntu
  • 2. Programming languages:
    • C
    • C++
    • C#
    • Java
    • JavaScript
    • PHP
  • 3. Web-technologies:
    • HTML, CSS
    • JQuery, Ajax
    • Bootstrap
    • Smarty
    • JSRender
    • Angular
  • 4. Programs:
    • Microsoft Visual Studio
    • Photoshop
    • Borland Delphi
    • MobaXterm
    • NetBeans
    • Eclipse
  • 5. DBMS:
    • MySql
Experience Participation in projects:
  • The search for alternative paths (avoiding obstacles) - C++
  • Football Tactics - the programs added to build a game trainer
Place of work:
  • With 2015 - the Web-programmer PHP - company websites development LookMy.Info
Future plans Improvement of professional skills
Contact information