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Brief resume

Name Sergey Lukashov
Date of birth July 10, 1994
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools Donetsk Gymnasia 92
Universities Bachelor: Donetsk Naional Technical University, Comptuter science and technologies faculty, Artificial intelligence systems speciality — 2011–2015
Master: Donetsk Naional Technical University, Comptuter science and technologies faculty, Artificial intelligence systems speciality — 2015–2017
Average score C
Languages Russian — perfect; Ukrainian — perfect; English — advanced
Personal achievements Participated in school Mathematics, Physics, English olympiads. Showed high results several times.
Hobbies and interests Games (fighting, action), music (Industrial Metal, NDH), movies (mostly action)
Personal qualities Calmness, kindness, patience, stress resistance
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: Windows 95/98/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10
2. Applications: Microsoft Office 2003/2007/2016, Matlab, Mathcad, Adobe Photoshop
3. Programming languages: C/C++/C, Javascript
4. Environments: Borland C, Microsoft Visual Studio, Matlab
Future plans To advocate a master diploma and to find a job. Didn't plan any further.
Contact information — id/serlukas
e–mail —
skype — ser3234