Brief resume
Name | Sergey Lukashov |
Date of birth | July 10, 1994 |
Place of birth | Donetsk |
Schools | Donetsk Gymnasia 92 |
Universities | Bachelor: Donetsk Naional Technical University, Comptuter science and technologies faculty, Artificial intelligence systems speciality — 2011–2015 Master: Donetsk Naional Technical University, Comptuter science and technologies faculty, Artificial intelligence systems speciality — 2015–2017 |
Average score | C |
Languages | Russian — perfect; Ukrainian — perfect; English — advanced |
Personal achievements | Participated in school Mathematics, Physics, English olympiads. Showed high results several times. |
Hobbies and interests | Games (fighting, action), music (Industrial Metal, NDH), movies (mostly action) |
Personal qualities | Calmness, kindness, patience, stress resistance |
Professional and computer skills | 1. Operating systems: Windows 95/98/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10 2. Applications: Microsoft Office 2003/2007/2016, Matlab, Mathcad, Adobe Photoshop 3. Programming languages: C/C++/C, Javascript 4. Environments: Borland C, Microsoft Visual Studio, Matlab |
Future plans | To advocate a master diploma and to find a job. Didn't plan any further. |
Contact information | — id/serlukas e–mail — skype — ser3234 |