DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Dyachenko Yury
Date of birth March 9, 1999
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools 2005–2007 – School No. 78
2007–20014 – School No. 30
Universities 2014–2017 – Donetsk Vocational Pedagogical College, specialty Digital Information Processing Operator 2017–2021 – Donetsk National Technical University, faculty of computer science and technology, specialization Computer software, bachelor's degree;
2020–2022 – Donetsk National Technical University, Institute of Computer Science and Technology, Faculty of Intelligent Systems and Programming, specialization Computer software, magistracy
Average score 4.83 (five-point system)
Languages • Russian (advanced);
• Ukrainian (upper intermediate);
• English (upper intermediate)
• Japanese ( beginner)
Hobbies and interests History, Japanese culture, cars, motorsport, books.
Personal qualities Responsibility, punctuality, responsiveness, honesty.
Professional and computer skills • Operating systems: Windows 7/8/10, Linux Ubuntu;
• Programming languages: C#, C/C++, Java;
• Modeling and description languages: UML;
• Internet technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery;
• Graphic editors: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW;
• Mathematical and statistical programs: MATLAB;
• Video and audio editors: Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Movavi Video Editor
Future plans Successful defense of a master's degree, development of professional and practical skills. Self-education in the field of Japanese language and culture. Improving your skills in the field of electrical engineering, programming microcontrollers, PCB design. Obtaining a driver's license and attending extreme driving courses.
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