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Vlasov Nikolay

Vlasov Nikolay

Faculty: Correspondence faculty

Speciality: Telecommunication Systems and Networks

Theme of master's work:

Research of technologies of user's access for conditions of the regional provider of information services

Scientific adviser:Voropayeva Viktoria Jakovlevna



My middle mark is 4,48. Freely I know Russian also an Ukrainian language languages. Base level of English language. I have skills of work with operating systems Windows9x/XP/7, software packages Matlab 6.5, System View, Microsoft Office, Packet Tracer, Algorithm Builder, Adobe Photoshop. I have the category driver's. licence In I Take a great interest in systems dispecherization and automation of the engineering equipment.

Short biography:

I was born on February, 11th, 1988 in the city of Makeyevka thanks to my parents: mum - Vlasovato Lyudmila and the daddy - Vlasov Uriy . In three years I had sister. When to sister year was executed, mum start to work and our education has laid down on shoulders of the grandmother. Will cope with us to two it was heavy also me have given to a kindergarten "Berry". There I was the silent and modest child. I have heard the first call on September, 1st, 1995 at school of ¹58 cities of Makeyevka after which I became the pupil 1-B class. Almost all schoolmates went with me to one kindergarten and it was not necessary to search for new friends. From the fifth class even more often it seemed that this school does not give necessary level of knowledge and in 2001 parents have translated me in Donetsk lyceum ¹ 12 in a class with a technical bias. I quickly get used to new school, to its requirements also have found common language with new schoolmates. In 2005 I have left school with a gold medal which has given the chance to arrive on interview in Donetsk national technical university on a speciality «Telecommunication systems and networks». Since September, 1st, 2005 I became the student of amicable and cheerful group TkS-05a. The first half a year at university have flown by quickly and carefree, but the first session has come and there were first problems. Having made efforts, session has been handed over, and everyone following all became easier. To choose a theme masters works to me has helped Voropayeva Victoria Jakovlevna.In 2009 became the student of correspondence faculty and start to work in Open Company DISS. To protect master work and to receive the diplom which, I hope, will help me to hold higher post in Open Company DISS. Also I plan to develop the family business further.

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