Correspondence faculty
Speciality: The telecommunication systems and networks
As the Company's management necessarily raises questions: the creation of the most flexible and efficient business management system, office space, creating unified workflow, rapid collection of information and reports from the warehouses and production facilities, the centralization of information and financial flows, etc. The proper resolution of these issues can successfully manage the company as a whole, making it flexible and provides a dynamic development.
The world experience of large companies and corporations, said that such a solution is to create a corporate data network.
Such a decision may be relevant not only for large firms. Available in small organizations and remote sites automatically raises the question of constructing a single office network. Even, for example, the presence of one of the organization, not included in a single corporate network, makes the company less efficient. But the erection of a single information network of data managers from different areas makes the job faster, can evenly distribute the load between the joint offices.
Modern IT technologies allow the creation of corporate networks based on highly reliable and secure data transmission networks.[1]
Depending on the goals and objectives, methods for creating a local network (corporate network) may be different. Often it is the combination of different technological solutions can achieve the optimal solution. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, the union office of local networks into a single corporate network, can be performed:
With the use of wireless data networks. It is used in the construction of corporate networks between work areas, located at short distances;
Using the Internet as a transport medium of data transmission, using the technology to build a VPN tunnel;
With the use of leased data channels. It is possible to build a network using the technology to build a VPN tunnel or not.
Combining office networks using wireless equipment:
1.Speed and ease of deployment of local area network;
2.Not high acquisition of equipment;
3.Low operating costs and lack of subscription fees;
4.Saving of investment in the local network when moving and changing office.
Preferably the presence of "line of sight" between the office space (in case it is necessary to conduct test test connectivity. Reduced speed data transmission with increasing distance.
mIspolzovanie the Internet as a transport medium of data transmission, in constructing the corporate network:Advantages:
1.Low subscription fee;
2.Prostota implementation.
1.Not high reliability
Combining enterprise LANs into a single corporate network based on leased data:
1.High quality of data transmission channels;
2.High level of services and services provided by the ISP;
3.Garanty of speed data transmission.
In this paper we are interested in the development and improvement of the latter two methods, as well as building a local network in most offices. Such a network should not only work reliably within the same home, but also be compatible with the transport provider's network.
For this experiment we choose a corporate network, includes the above-mentioned services. To simulate, select a package OpNet. In this model, interest routers level distribution and the kernel. As is known, they are the main load. L2/L3 switches for us to have value as a generator load. The three routers in the first case realzovana MPLS technology and protocol OSPF, otherwise only distance vector routing protocol.
Model package OpNet
To optimize the performance of the network to implement a routing algorithm, which will improve the quality of services, and facilitate the management of traffic in the network. Algorithm MODR (multiobjective dynamic routing)[2], which divides the problem of optimizing the two-level hierarchical multiobjective. At the network level, the algorithm maximizes the utilization of communication channel (WT), and service levels to minimize the probability of blocking service (BM). To resolve this problem we select a cycle duration T, defines the update of roads on the router. Let us also an array of ways Rt (t = nT, n = 1,2 ,...), in which you want to find a compromise between the two most important criteria (WT, BM). Using the rule of MODS, you can change the objects (elements), change the path selected from the array during the next update cycle. This will ensure the necessary quality parameters for different classes of traffic in heterogeneous networks.[3] 1. Goldshtein “Technologi MPLS, protocols” - Ïèòåð - 2006 2. Lucia Martins, Jose Craveirinha , Joào Climaco A new multiobjective dynamic routing method for multiservice networks: modelling and performance –Springer-Verlag. – 2007 – 20 p. 3. Stolongs “Modern computer networks” - Ñâÿçü - 2005 4. Lobo, Lakshman “MPLS configuration” - Cisco press - 2005Literature