Was born in 1978 in Donetsk city. In 1995 has ended a secondary school №3. In 1999 has passed the state examination at faculty of ECOLOGY And CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY (FECT) of DSTU and has received the bachelor's degree with distinction on a speciality "an engineering mechanics". Since 1999 - master of chair of MACHINES And APPARATUSES of CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS and PLANTS of BUILDING MATERIALS (MACP) .

On 10-th Ukrainian scientific conference of the post-graduate students and students "PROTECTION of the surrounding MEDIUM And RATIONAL USEGE of NATURAL RESOURSES" was awarded with the diploma for the best report. A theme of the report: to a justification of arguments of engineering for salvaging cinder oddments of termolisis of a solid wastage.

Scientific concerns:

Development of technigues of cinder oddments of termolisis of a solid wastage.

The Hobby:

The fan of FC Shahtior Donetsk.