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Iwas born 4 july 1979 in town Khartsyzk of Donetsk region. This town is in all in 30-35 km from Donetsk, but it is famous for its metallurgical enterprises, such as Khartsyzk Trumpet plant and "Silur". Khartsyzk is a small town, but sufficiently comfy. This fact attracted my parents to this town 34 year ago.

In 1986 I went out into school N25 of Khartsyzk. In my native town school is one of prestige, because it is full of qualified and prettily skilled teachers. My class women was geography teacher. She works at this school in present time.

Nominally at scool in 9-10 class I understood, that more light in all to me gave mathematics and this joggled me to recept on economic faculty. That is why I chose the speciality "Enterprises Economy". After all years of teachings I do not feel sorry of this success selection.

I attend to problem of investment enterprise. I understood, that I like this ticking and my scientific leader cadidate of economic sciences Stepanova Tatyana gives support to me in this undertaking.