


Magistr, chair Mining and metallurgical transport and logistic

Faculty of energetical mechanics and automation (FEMA)

Donetsk State Technical University (DSTU).


I was born on 31 th of December 1979 (I am Capricorn year of sheep). It was born in Shakhtersk it is Donetsk region in Ukraine.

I entered secondary school N4 in 1986. I studied for 8 years there after finishing school I entered physic –mathematical college of Shakhtersk – part of Donetsk State University (Donetsk National University now). When I studied in college I also finished correspondence course in Kharkov financial –economical institute, and so I got specialty of accountant in 1995. I finished college in 1996 with a silver medal and entered first course of mining & elertromechanical faculty (renamed as faculty of energetical mechanics and automation faculty then ) in Donetsk State Technikal University. My speciality was “mining electromechanics”. During my practice, which was held as a part of stadies, i got specialities :

  • underground electrican (4-th skil category);
  • miner (4-th skil category).

After finishing of 4-th cours I got a degree of bachalor (electromechanics) .

My family:

Father-Anikanov Ivan Ivanovich, was born in 1958, miner in SOSC mine “Shakhterskay” SHC “Shakhterskantracit”;

Mather-Anikanova Lyudmila Nikolayevna, was born in 1958, enginedriver in boiler-room SOSC Mine”Shakhterskay” of SHC “Shakhterskantracit” ;

Brother-Anikanov Alexey Ivanovich, was born in 1989, now is a pupil of secondary school 4 in Shakhtersk.

Hobbies and interest:

As hobbies I prefon: reading of fiction, fishery, tourist camping.


  • testing , using and repair of electromechanical equipment of industrial enterprises;
  • asynchronous antiexposive electro-engines: increasing of their long age and reliability;
  • speed regulation of asinchronous electro-engines.