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st. of group SM-96A
flat 8, h. 140, str 50-years of USSR, Donetsk, Ukraine, 340055
e-mail: lelix@UkrTOP.com
The theme of my masters thesis is "The investigation and computer modeling of the man's brain parallelism and introspection for the invention of next generation computers"


I was born on August 1st, 1979 in Donetsk. In 1986-1996 I studied at the secondary school #2 in Donetsk. At school I paid much attention to mastering English (while studying at the 10-th grade I won first place in our school’s contest in English). I participated in Olympiads on Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry in our district.
In 1996 I graduated from the school with honors and entered Donetsk State Technical University, faculty of computer facilities and computer science, specialty Software maintenance of computer facilities and automated control systems.
In 2000 I passed State examinations and acquired bachelor's degree in computer science. This year I continue studying at magistracy in DSTU.
In 2000 I won first place in the contest on the best students’ work in "Technical cybernetics, computer science and computer engineering".
I take interest in various problems concerned with computer graphics and performance optimization for Pentium III / Pentium II (with the use of SSE and MMX extensions). I have good experience in OpenGL, Direct3D and DirectDraw libraries. I investigated rendering methods (mostly through OpenGL) of special effects: simple shadows generation, lightmaps, software fog.
I have good knowledge of C and C++. Win32 is my main developing platform. I have been using Microsoft Visual C++ for most of my applications (with the use of Microsoft Foundation Classes and with Win32 API) during last 2 years.
At present time I'm occupied with the different aspects of artificial intelligence (because of the lack of natural intelligence ;). My master's thesis will deal with the problems of investigation and modeling of the brain informational processes (parallelism and introspection). I do this work under the guidance of instructor, Ph.D. Andrukhin Alexander Ivanovich (andr@r5.donntu.ru).
My present interests are: heavy music (death-doom, thrash, grunge, gothic), 3D-shooters (Unreal and Quake3), everything concerned with high-end audio components (audio amplifiers, acoustic systems, measuring and estimation of parameters, psychoacoustics criteria of hi-end sound, etc).

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