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Mecchanical faculty
gr. ÒÌ96-à

Subject of magistraacy work: Development of essentially structural models rotory lines and technology for manufacturing plunger

The scientific chief: Ishenko A. L.

Creative biography

I was born 17.11.79 in Donetsk. My family consists of four men: I, brother and our parents.

With 1986 on 1996  I was trained in a comprehensive school ¹92. My favourite school subjects were mathematics, the physics, history (mathematics and physics I studied is profound).

Since 1996 I am trained in Donetsk technical university at Mechanical faculty. I have chosen to myself a speciality " Technology of mechanical engineering ". During training I participated in university in scientific conferences, my clauses were printed in the thematic collections of clauses, in a student's scientific and technical magazine "Engineer". My student's work executed under a management(manual) to. ò. í. The senior lecturer of faculty " Technology of mechanical engineering " Ishenko A. L., on a subject " the Routing of assembly products in automatic technological systems of continuous action " became the winner in high school competition of student's scientific works on engineering science in 2000. In the summer of 2000 I have passed the state examinations and has received the bachelor's degree with distinction.

Besides I the bachelor on a speciality " Technology of mechanical engineering ", I am by the younger expert in a speciality " the Finance and credit " (diploma with distinction) and turner of the second category.

At the given moment I am trained in magistratura and I work above work of magistr on a subject " Development of essentially structural models rotory line of technologies for manufacturing details ". The choice of this subject for work of magistr  was caused by my previous works in the field of technologies of high efficiency and recommendations of my scientific chief Ishenko A. L.