Bakalov V.A.

Chair- "Elektric pover station"

Group ES-97


Master work - “Stationary and transitional routines in main scheme and scheme of own needs of electric station”

Scientific leader V.F.Sivokobylenko, doctor of technical sciences

I was born 9 march 1978 year in town Donetsk.I studied in school 46 from 1985 to 1993. At school rewarded by abilities to read and write, participated in school, district, regional olympiads on biology, to history, to mathematics.

In 1993 year I acted in Donetsk polytechnic technical secondaary school on speciality “Mounting and electrical equipment exploitation of industrial enterprises and civil buildings".

In 1997 year taught on preparatory courses DCTU.

I fixed on power (at present electrotechnical) faculty and speciality EPS, because wanted to add to knowledges volume about electricity and electrical engineering. In studies time in university had good progress, was accorded bachelor diploma with distinction. Participated in olympiads on industrial electronics , where occupied the prize places. Was accorded diploma of regional competition on better student work on powerñáåðåæåíèÿ problems after work “Electric power losses minimization in system of own needs of electric station ".

A Chair EPS with day of her foundation heads V.F.Sivokobylenko.

By implementation result of master work must be program on language Fortran, which models the transitional processes in scheme of electric station. She must profit by service of relaaay defense and automation of South-ukrainian APS.